
Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Ba = ب

Ba = ب

Ba-Alif-Ra = sunk/dug, hollow/hole, hid/conceal it, stored it for time of need, well.

bir n.f. 22:45
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 182  ##

= Ba-Alif-Siin = mighty/strong, distress/misfortune/calamity, state of poverty, evil/bad, very evil, feigned lowliness/submissiveness, punishment, state of trial/affliction, courage/valour/prowess.
ba'isa vb. (1)
pcple. act. 22:28

bi'sa vb. (1) A unique type of verb which is not conjugated, belonging to a family of verbs known as the "verbs of praise and blame". Note the vocalisation is also changed from fa'ala to fi'la.
perf. act. 2:90, 2:93, 2:102, 2:126, 2:206, 3:12, 3:151, 3:162, 3:187, 3:197, 5:62, 5:63, 5:79, 5:80, 7:150, 8:16, 9:73, 11:98, 11:99, 13:18, 14:29, 16:29, 18:29, 18:50, 22:13, 22:13, 22:72, 24:57, 38:56, 38:60, 39:72, 40:76, 43:38, 49:11, 57:15, 58:8, 62:5, 64:10, 66:9, 67:6

ba's n.m. 2:177, 4:84, 4:84, 6:43, 6:65, 6:147, 6:148, 7:4, 7:5, 7:97, 7:98, 12:110, 16:81, 17:5, 18:2, 21:12, 21:80, 27:33, 33:18, 40:29, 40:84, 40:85, 48:16, 57:25, 59:14
ba'is n.m. 7:165
ba'sa n.f. 2:177, 2:214, 6:42, 7:94
ibta'asa vb. (8) impf. act. 11:36, 12:69
LL, V1, p: 183, 184  ##

= Ba-Ayn-Dal = becoming distant, remote, far off, aloof or far away, removed, retired, withdrew to a distance, alienated, estranged, wide separation, great distance. Possessing judgment and prudence, penetrating, effective judgment, depth or far reaching judgment. Go or going a great length or far in hostility.
ba'uda vb. (1)
perf. act. 9:42, ba'ida 11:95
n.vb. 11:44, 11:60, 11:68, 11:95, 23:41, 23:44, 43:38

ba'id n.m. 2:176, 3:30, 4:60, 4:116, 4:136, 4:167, 11:83, 11:89, 14:3, 14:18, 21:109, 22:12, 22:53, 25:12, 27:22, 34:8, 34:52, 34:53, 41:44, 41:52, 42:18, 50:3, 50:27, 50:31, 70:6
ba'ada vb. (3) impv. 34:19
ab'ada vb. (4) pcple. pass. 21:101
LL, V1, p: 261, 262, 263  ##

= Ba-Ayn-Dad = Gnats, mosquitoes, bitten, annoyed or molested by gnats or mosquitoes. Dividing into parts or portions, which are distinct or separate from each other. Something or someone. An impossible or difficult thing imposed on someone.
ba'udah n.f. 2:26
LL, V1, p: 264  ##

ب ع ل

Ba-Ayn-Lam = Husband, took a husband or became a wife
People intermarrying with a people
Playful toying between man and wife
Obedience to the husband
Lord, master, owner or possessor
Head, chief, ruler or person in authority
Someone whom it is a necessary duty to obey
Lacking strength, power or ability
Elevated land
Confounded or perplexed
Baal (pre-Islamic deity, 37:125)?

ba'l n.m. (pl. bu'ulah) 2:228, 4:128, 11:72, 24:31, 24:31, 24:31
baal 37:125
LL, V1, p: 265  ##

ب ع ي ر
Ba-Ayn-Ra = camel.
ba'ir 12:65, 12:72
LL, V1, p: 263, 264  ##

= Ba-Ayn-Tha = Removal of that which restrains one from free action
Anything that is sent
Rousing, exciting, putting in motion or motion
Incited, urged, instigated or awoke
Raising/rousing (e.g. of the dead to life)
Sleepless or wakeful
Hastening, quick, swift in going, impelled or propelled.

ba'atha vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:56, 2:213, 2:247, 2:259, 3:164, 5:12, 5:31, 7:103, 10:74, 10:75, 16:36, 17:5, 17:94, 18:12, 18:19, 25:41, 25:51, 36:52, 62:2
impf. act. 6:36, 6:60, 6:65, 7:167, 16:38, 16:84, 16:89, 17:15, 17:79, 22:7, 28:59, 40:34, 58:6, 58:18, 72:7
impv. 2:129, 2:246, 4:35, 18:19, 26:36
impf. pass. 7:14, 15:36, 16:21, 19:15, 19:33, 23:16, 23:100, 26:87, 27:65, 37:144, 38:79, 64:7, 64:7
n.vb. 22:5, 30:56, 30:56, 31:28
pcple. pass. 6:29, 11:7, 17:49, 17:98, 23:37, 23:82, 37:16, 56:47, 83:4

inba'atha vb. (7)
perf. act. 91:12
n.vb. 9:46

LL, V1, p: 259, 260  ##

= Ba-Ayn-Tha-Ra = scatter abroad, turn upside down, to overthrow.
ba'thara vb. (1) perf. pass. 82:4, 100:9  ##

= Ba-Ba-Lam = Babylon.
n. 2:102  ##

= Ba-Dal-Alif = Be first, have precedence
Began, made beginnings of (something/thought/opinion/idea/military expedition)
Made/produced/created for the first time/originally
Commence/started/originated/brought into existence
Going forth from a land to another/sick person (afflicted with disease)
A new thing/unknown before, invent, Strange and wonderful/unexpected/surprising
Doing it again from the beginning/returning from where you came
Chief/Lord (occupying first place in leadership/chieftainship/lordship
An intelligent youth whose opinion/judgment is good
Share/portion of an animal, or the best share thereof
Man continuing to war/plunder, experienced in affairs.

bada'a vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:29, 9:13, 12:76, 21:104, 29:20, 32:7
impf. act. 10:4, 10:34, 10:34, 27:64, 30:11, 30:27

abda'a vb. (4) impf. act. 29:19, 34:49, 85:13
LL, V1, p: 200, 201, 202  ##

= Ba-Dal-Ayn = creator, innovation, new, invent.
badi n.m. 2:117, 6:101
bid n.m. 46:9
ibtada'a vb. (8) perf. act. 57:27
LL, V1, p: 203, 204  ##

ب د ل
Ba-Dal-Lam = changing/altering -> with or without substitution, replacing/exchanging.
badal n.m. 18:50
baddala vb. (2)
perf. act. 2:59, 2:181, 4:56, 7:95, 7:162, 14:28, 16:101, 27:11, 33:23, 34:16, 76:28
impf. act. 2:181, 2:211, 10:15, 24:55, 25:70, 40:26, 48:15, 56:61, 70:41
impv. 10:15
impf. pass. 14:48, 50:29
n.vb. 10:64, 30:30, 33:23, 33:62, 35:43, 48:23, 76:28
pcple. act. 6:34, 6:115, 18:27

abdala vb. (4) impf. act. 18:81, 66:5, 68:32
tabaddala vb. (5)
perf. act. 33:52
impf. act. 2:108, 4:2

istabdala vb. (10)
impf. act. 2:61, 9:39, 47:38
n.vb. 4:20

LL, V1, p: 204, 205  ##

= Ba-Dal-Nun = become big/bulky/big-bodied, corpulent, become aged/weak/heavy, coat of mail, body without head/arms/legs, body without soul, cow/camel/bull/goat, animals of sacrifice/slaughter.
badan n.m. 10:92
budn n.m. (pl. of badanah) 22:36
LL, V1, p: 205, 206  ##

= Ba-Dal-Ra = become full/grown/round/large (e.g. full moon), attained maturity, hastened/strove to be first, thing/event came/happened to him speedily, a place in which wheat/grain is trodden out.
badr n. 3:123
bidar n.m. 4:6
LL, V1, p: 202, 203  ##

ب د و
Ba-Dal-Waw = being apparent/open/manifest/plain/evident/shown
Desert/dwelling or abode in the desert, belonging/relating to the desert
Going to encounter in battle or war/showing open enmity, hostility
Imitating people of the desert
In the first place, first of a thing
Truffles or dust on earth
Either side of a valley
Various opinions arising in the mind.

bada vb. (1)
perf. act. 3:118, 6:28, 7:22, 12:35, 20:121, 39:47, 39:48, 45:33, 60:4
pcple. act. 11:27, 22:25, 33:20

badw n.m. 12:100
abda vb. (4)
impf. act. 2:33, 2:271, 2:284, 3:29, 3:154, 4:149, 5:99, 6:91, 7:20, 12:77, 24:29, 24:31, 24:31, 28:10, 33:54
impf. pass. 5:101, 5:101
pcple. act. 33:37

LL, V1, p: 207, 208, 209  ##

ب ض ع
Ba-Dad-Ayn = Flesh/meat: cutting of ->slitting, lengthwise, several pieces, cut off in a lump
Article of merchandise, giving or receiving merchandise occurring in trade, person carrying merchandise
Number from 1-10 or from 11-20 mutually exclusive, from 3 - 9 (Kur) or an undefined number
Sound of cutting swords/whips, sword cutting off a piece of what it strikes

bid n.m. 12:42, 30:4
bida'ah n.f. 12:19, 12:62, 12:65, 12:65, 12:88
LL, V1, p: 250, 251, 252  ##

ب غ ض
Ba-Gh-Dad = Becoming hateful, odious or an object of hatred
Fortune or good fortune, also befalling someone

baghda n.f. 3:118, 5:14, 5:64, 5:91, 60:4
LL, V1, p: 266, 267  ##

ب غ ل
Ba-Ghayn-Lam = Affecting or showing stupidity, dullness or want of intelligence
Being submissive, humble
Big, thick, rude, hard, strong, sturdy in body or physically
Animals going in a gentle manner

baghl n.m. (pl. bighal) 16:8
LL, V1, p: 267  ##

ب غ ت
Ba-Ghayn-Ta = Suddenly, unexpectedly, unawares, surprisingly or with previous cause
A festival, namely Easter
Confounded, perplexed or unable to see straight

baghtah n.f. 6:31, 6:44, 6:47, 7:95, 7:187, 12:107, 21:40, 22:55, 26:202, 29:53, 39:55, 43:66, 47:18
LL, V1, p: 265, 266  ##

ب غ ي
Ba-Ghayn-Ya = Sought for or after, desired, endeavored to find and take and get (good or evil)
Loving or affecting a thing
Acting wrongfully, injuriously or tyrannically
Seeking or endeavoring to act corruptingly, wrongly and/or unjustly, insolent/disobedient
Exceeding due bounds or just limits in any way
Not right, proper or fit
Prostitute or adulteress, unchaste [e.g. 19:20, 19:28, 24:33]
Seeking what one should not seek
Seeking game or prey
Place where a thing is sought, way or manner in which a thing is sought

bagha vb. (1)
perf. act. 28:76, 38:22, 42:27, 49:9
impf. act. 3:83, 3:99, 4:34, 5:50, 6:164, 7:45, 7:86, 7:140, 9:47, 10:23, 11:19, 12:65, 14:3, 18:64, 18:108, 28:77, 38:24, 42:42, 49:9, 55:20
perf. pass. 22:60
n.vb. 2:90, 2:213, 3:19, 6:146, 7:33, 10:23, 10:90, 16:90, 42:14, 42:39, 45:17
pcple. act. 2:173, 6:145, 16:115

baghiy n.f. 19:20, 19:28
bigha n.m. 24:33
inbagha vb. (7)
impf. act. 19:92, 25:18, 26:211, 36:40, 36:69, 38:35

ibtagha vb. (8)
perf. act. 9:48, 17:42, 23:7, 33:51, 70:31
impf. act. 2:198, 3:85, 4:24, 4:94, 4:139, 5:2, 6:35, 6:114, 16:14, 17:12, 17:57, 17:66, 24:33, 24:33, 28:55, 28:73, 30:46, 35:12, 45:12, 48:29, 59:8, 66:1, 73:20
impv. 2:187, 5:35, 17:110, 28:77, 29:17, 62:10
n.vb. 2:207, 2:265, 2:272, 3:7, 3:7, 4:104, 4:114, 13:17, 13:22, 17:28, 30:23, 57:27, 60:1, 92:20

LL, V1, p: 268, 269, 270  ##

ب ه ج
Ba-ha-Jiim = beautiful/bright/splendid, joyful/glad/happy, goodly, loveliness.
bahij n.m. 22:5, 50:7
bahjah n.f. 27:60
LL, V1, p: 301, 302  ##

= Ba-ha-Lam = left to his own will/wish/opinion/judgment, humbled/abased himself, addressed himself with earnest/energetic supplication, strive, sincere without hypocrisy, act of cursing.
ibtahala vb. (8) impf. act. 3:61
LL, V1, p: 304, 305  ##

= Ba-ha-Miim = animals that pasture/graze, lamb/goat/sheep, animals of the bovine kind, stay/remain in a place, not to quit, continue to look at a thing without being relieved by doing so, silent/confounded/perplexed to a thing, not to fight or engage in conflict, a thing dubious/vague/confused, closed/locked door, courageous man, beasts/brutes.
bahimah n.f. 5:1, 22:28, 22:34
LL, V1, p: 305, 306  ##

= Ba-ha-Ta = confound/confuse/dumbfound, unable to see their right course, become affected with wonder, cut short, overcome, took by surprise, caught unaware suddenly, calumny, slander, false accusation.
bahata vb. (1)
impf. act. 21:40
perf. pass. 2:258

buhtan n.m. 4:20, 4:112, 4:156, 24:16, 33:58, 60:12
LL, V1, p: 300, 301  ##

ب ح ر
Ba-Ha-Ra = Slit, cut, divide lengthwise, split, enlarge or make wide
A vast expanse of water (Ocean, sea, huge river)
A fleet swift horse called because of its speed like the rolling of the waves in the sea
A generous man who is ample in his generosity
Wide tract of land, land belonging to or inhabited by people
Any town, village or city that has a running river or a body of water
Low or depressed land
A large meadow or garden
A place where water stagnates
Seaman, sailor
"Bahira" (a camel dedicated to idols, 5:103)?

bahr n.m. (pl. bihar abhur) 2:50, 2:164, 5:96, 6:59, 6:63, 6:97, 7:138, 7:163, 10:22, 10:90, 14:32, 16:14, 17:66, 17:67, 17:70, 18:60, 18:61, 18:63, 18:79, 18:109, 18:109, 20:77, 22:65, 24:40, 25:53, 26:63, 27:61, 27:63, 30:41, 31:27, 31:27, 31:31, 35:12, 42:32, 44:24, 45:12, 52:6, 55:19, 55:24, 81:6, 82:3
bahirah n. 5:103
LL, V1, p: 193, 194  ##

= Ba-Ha-Tha = Digging, scraping, searching in the earth or dust
Searching, inquiring, investigating, scrutinizing, examining

bahatha vb. (1) impf. act. 5:31
LL, V1, p: 192, 193  ##

Bi = An inseperable preposition: With the help of, During, For, By, On account of, According to, In, From.

= Ba-Jiim-Siin = gush/burst forth, open a way/passage/vent, gave vent to it, made it flow.
inbajasa vb. (7) perf. act. 7:160
LL, V1, p: 190  ##

= Ba-Kaf-Kaf (e.g. bakka) = pounding or crushing (al-&unuqa: (on) the neck) (daqqul-&unuqa), distinguishing/ranking above others (farraqahu, kharaqahu), jostling, pressing or crowding(crowds:zahm), any crowding(or crowds), competition. (izdihaam) heaping/piling together/amassing (taraakib), super-imposition of things on top of other things (taraakim), a man/male having or the trying to have sex with a female, denial or rejection a thing or person's dignity, to humiliate, cancellation/dissolution/breaking, being in need or being stout, muscular or rough from activity, name of a place.
bakkah n. 3:96

Source  ##

= Ba-Kaf-Miim = dumb (either by natural conformation or from an inability to find words to express himself), no understanding to reply, no ability to frame speech well though possessing the faculty of speech, refrain/cease speaking intentionally or from ignorance, impeded speech, unable to speak freely.
abkam n.m. (pl. bukm) 2:18, 2:171, 6:39, 8:22, 16:76, 17:97
LL, V1, p: 278, 279  ##

ب ك ر
Ba-Kaf-Ra = Beginning of the day, first part of the day, early morning, between daybreak and sunrise
Possessing the quality of applying oneself early, or in hastening
Performing something at the commencement of it, or doing something early
Before it's time, preceding or took precedence
Youthful male camel, young one of a camel
A virgin male or female, or anything untouched, new, fresh
Virginity or maidenhead
A woman or female animal having delivered only once
First flush of anything (plant, tree, fruit, honey, rain, flowers)
First born or young children
First of anything, unique action
A want or need seeking to be fulfilled
A cutting blow or stroke that kills at once
A pulley (e.g. of a well)
Small ring or bead
An assembly, company, congregated body
All coming together without exception

bikr n.f. 2:68, 56:36, 66:5
bukrah n.f. 19:11, 19:62, 25:5, 33:42, 48:9, 54:38, 76:25
abkara vb. (4) n. 3:41, 40:55
LL, V1, p: 276, 277, 278  ##

= Ba-Kaf-Ya = wept, lamented/grieved, shed tears, crying, cause to weep, rain, unable to speak.
baka vb. (1)
perf. act. 44:29
impf. act. 9:82, 12:16, 17:109, 53:60

bukkiiy 19:58
abka vb. (4)
perf. m. sing. 3rd. 53:43

LL, V1, p: 279  ##

= Ba-Kha-Ayn = kill oneself with grief/wrath/rage, exceed the ordinary bounds in subduing and abasing themselves by obedience, doing anything to a great extent, in great degree, egregiously or with much energy and effectiveness, consume/torment oneself.
bakha'a vb. (1) pcple. act. 18:6, 26:3
LL, V1, p: 196, 197  ##

= Ba-Kha-Lam = becoming or being stingy, miserly, niggardly or avaricious, withholding.
bakhila vb. (1)
perf. act. 3:180, 9:76, 92:8
impf. act. 3:180, 4:37, 47:37, 47:38, 47:38, 47:38, 57:24
n.vb. 4:37, 57:24

LL, V1, p: 197  ##

= Ba-Kha-Siin = diminish/lessen it, made it deficient/defective/faulty, deprive/defraud, act wrongfully/unjustly.
bakhasa vb. (1)
impf. act. 2:282, 7:85, 11:85, 26:183
impf. pass. 11:15
n.vb. 12:20, 72:13

LL, V1, p: 196  ##

ب ل ع
Ba-Lam-Ayn = swallow (without chewing), gulp, voracious or great eater
Hole of perforation in the midst of a house, into which rainwater or just water descends
A well cased with stones or baked bricks.

bala'a vb. (1) impv. 11:44
LL, V1, p: 286, 287  ##

ب ل د
Ba-Lam-Dal = A country, land, region, province, district, territory, city, town, village or any portion of earth or land within certain limits
Tract of land without vegetation, pasture
Waterless desert, desolate place
Earth or ground.
Remaining, staying, abiding, dwelling in the country/place/land/town/city/village etc
Keeping to something, having something remain (e.g. like marks on the skin)
Becoming stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence/vigor, inert, soft, weak, feeble, not effective in performance, lagging behind, becoming languid, lazy, impotent in work
Cast, or lay down on the ground maybe due to fatigue or weakness
Regions appearing short in extent due to darkness, or low visibility
Keeping, falling to the ground in submissiveness, keeping in place, being submissive and humble
Obtaining, exercising dominion over land belonging to others

balad n.m. (f. baldah, pl. bilad) 2:126, 3:196, 7:57, 7:58, 14:35, 16:7, 25:49, 27:91, 34:15, 35:9, 40:4, 43:11, 50:11, 50:36, 89:8, 89:11, 90:1, 90:2, 95:3
LL, V1, p: 283, 284, 285   ##

ب ل غ
Ba-Lam-Gh = Reaching, attaining, arriving, coming to the utmost point to which one directs one's course or one who seeks, pursues, desires, intends or tries to reach. Or the reaching, attaining or coming to a point.
An event/time that is premeditated, intended, determined or appointed
Having an effect
Bringing, conveying or delivering communications, announcements, news or tidings
Exceeding usual, proper, ordinary just bounds/degrees, acting egregiously, immoderately or extravagantly
Striving, laboring, exerting power/efforts
Endeavors or ability
Employing oneself vigorously, strenuously, laboriously, earnestly with energy and effectiveness, taking pains or extraordinary pains, not flagging, to the utmost degree
Accomplishing, attaining to the utmost of one's power/ability or efforts/endeavors (e.g. in any affair)
Sufficiency (e.g. means of subsistence), a thing that suffices, contents, enables one to attain what is sought, enough
A slanderer, one who conveys gossip or other peoples discourse to others
Calamity, misfortune, disaster, distress or affliction
Sharp, penetrating, eloquent and/or effective in speech
Firm covenants, in the utmost degree
Attaining or having attained puberty, virility, ripeness or maturity. Applied to either sexes
Good, excellent thing
Praise, eulogy or commendation
Place and/or time someone or something reaches, arrives, attains or comes to
The sum/amount/product resulting from subtraction, addition or multiplication
A sum of money

balagha vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:231, 2:232, 2:234, 3:40, 4:6, 6:19, 6:128, 12:22, 18:61, 18:76, 18:86, 18:90, 18:93, 19:8, 24:59, 28:14, 33:10, 34:45, 37:102, 46:15, 46:15, 56:83, 65:2, 75:26
impf. act. 2:196, 2:235, 6:152, 13:14, 17:23, 17:34, 17:37, 18:60, 18:82, 22:5, 24:58, 40:36, 40:67, 40:67, 40:80, 48:25
n.vb. 3:20, 5:92, 5:99, 13:40, 14:52, 16:35, 16:82, 21:106, 24:54, 29:18, 36:17, 42:28, 46:35, 64:12, 72:23
pcple. act. 5:95, 6:149, 7:135, 13:14, 16:7, 40:56, 54:5, 65:3, 68:39

baligh n.m. 4:63
mablagh n.m. 53:30
ballagha vb. (2)
perf. act. 5:67
impf. act. 7:62, 7:68, 33:39, 46:23
impv. 5:67

ablagha vb. (4)
perf. act. 7:79, 7:93, 11:57, 72:28
impv. 9:6

LL, V1, p: 287, 288, 289  ##

= Ba-Lam-Siin = despair, give up hope, become broken (in spirit), mournful, become silent/confounded/perplexed unable to see right way or course, repent/grieve.
ablasa vb. (4)
impf. act. 30:12
pcple. act. 6:44, 23:77, 30:49, 43:75

iblis n. 2:34, 7:11, 15:31, 15:32, 17:61, 18:50, 20:116, 26:95, 34:20, 38:74, 38:75
LL, V1, p: 285  ##

ب ل و
Ba-Lam-Waw = Try, prove or test by good or evil
To become old and worn out, wear and tear, withered, decayed
Not caring, minding, heeding, regarding or paying attention
Conferring favors, benefits or blessings
Swearing oaths, covenants
Informing, acquainting, revealing, manifesting, making apparent, evident, clear or plain
Competing, striving or hastening

bala vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:168, 68:17, 68:17
impf. act. 2:155, 5:48, 5:94, 6:165, 7:163, 10:30, 11:7, 16:92, 18:7, 21:35, 27:40, 47:4, 47:31, 47:31, 67:2
impf. pass. 3:186, 86:9
n.vb. 2:49, 7:141, 8:17, 14:6, 37:106, 44:33

abla vb. (4) impf. act. 8:17
ibtala vb. (8)
perf. act. 2:124, 89:15, 89:16
impf. act. 3:152, 3:154, 76:2
impv. 4:6
perf. pass. 33:11
pcple. act. 2:249, 23:30

LL, V1, p: 292, 293, 294  ##

= Ba-Lam-Ya or see Ba-Lam-Waw above = decay, wear out.
baliya vb. (1) impf. act. 20:120
LL, V1, p: 294  ##

ب ن ا ن
Ba-Nun-Nun = the extremities or ends (fingers/toes), limbs, members of the body (arms, hands, legs etc).
banan n.m. 8:12, 75:4
LL, V1, p: 295  ##

ب ن ي
Ba-Nun-Ya = Building, framing or constructing
Kind of plank used in the construction (e.g. of ships)
Becoming large, fattened or fat (like food enlarges a man)
Rearing, bringing up, educating
Form or mode of constructing a word
Natural constitution
Of or relating to a son or daughter
Branches of a road/tree
A builder/architect
A building
Bending over a bowstring while shooting
Ribs, bones of the breast or shoulder blades and the four legs
A thief/robber, wayfarer/traveler, warrior, rich man, certain beast of prey
A skin for water or milk made of hide
Raised high (applied to a palace/pavilion)

ibn/son, abna/sons, ibnah/daughter, banat/daughters, banun/children/sons, traveler (ibn al sabil), children of Israel (banee isra-eela)
bana vb. (1)
perf. act. 9:110, 50:6, 51:47, 78:12, 79:27, 91:5
impf. act. 26:128
impv. 18:21, 37:97, 40:36, 66:11
n.vb. 2:22, 40:64
pcple. pass. 39:20

banna n.m. 38:37
bunyan n.m. 9:109, 9:109, 9:110, 16:26, 18:21, 37:97, 61:4
ibn n.m. 2:49, 2:146, 2:246, 3:61, 3:61, 4:11, 4:23, 5:18, 5:27, 6:20, 7:127, 7:141, 7:150, 9:24, 9:30, 9:30, 11:42, 11:45, 12:81, 14:6, 20:94, 24:31, 24:31, 28:4, 31:13, 33:4, 33:55, 33:55, 33:55, 40:25, 58:22
Jesus son of Mary - 2:87, 2:253, 3:45, 4:157, 4:171, 5:17, 5:17, 5:46, 5:72, 5:75, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 9:31, 19:34, 21:91, 23:50, 33:7, 43:57, 57:27, 61:6, 61:14
The Traveller - 2:177, 2:215, 4:36, 8:41, 9:60, 17:26, 30:38, 59:7
Children, Sons (pl. banun) - 2:132, 2:132, 2:133, 3:14, 6:100, 12:67, 12:87, 14:35, 16:72, 17:6, 17:40, 18:46, 23:55, 24:31, 24:31, 26:88, 26:133, 37:149, 37:153, 43:16, 52:39, 68:14, 70:11, 71:12, 74:13, 80:36
children of israel (banu isra'il) - 2:40, 2:47, 2:83, 2:122, 2:211, 2:246, 3:49, 3:93, 5:12, 5:32, 5:70, 5:72, 5:78, 5:110, 7:105, 7:134, 7:137, 7:138, 10:90, 10:90, 10:93, 17:2, 17:4, 17:101, 17:104, 20:47, 20:80, 20:94, 26:17, 26:22, 26:59, 26:197, 27:76, 32:23, 40:53, 43:59, 44:30, 45:16, 46:10, 61:6, 61:14
children of adam (banu adam) - 7:26, 7:27, 7:31, 7:35, 7:172, 17:70, 36:60
my son (bunayya) - 11:42, 12:5, 31:13, 31:16, 31:17, 37:102
ibnah n.f. (f. of ibn, pl. banat) - daughter(s) - 4:23, 4:23, 4:23, 6:100, 11:78, 11:79, 15:71, 16:57, 28:27, 33:50, 33:50, 33:50, 33:50, 33:59, 37:149, 37:153, 43:16, 52:39, 66:12
LL, V1, p: 297, 298, 299, 300  ##

= Ba-Qaf-Ayn = black&white, sprinkling water/liquid so that some parts are made wet, calamity/misfortune, assailed with foul/bad speech/language/slander, going away quickly or running/ran, color changing due to sorrow or grief, discoloration or mixture of colors, anything bad, evil, mischievous, ill omened.
(buqAAat) a place in which water remains or stagnates, a piece/part/portion/plot of land differing in colour/appearance / external state/condition from that which enjoins or next to it, a patch of herbage, a small portion of any surface different from what surrounds it, a wide/spacious place in which there are trees, land containing small pebbles.
A bird that is cautious, wary, cunning, and wily who only drinks from a place where the water stagnates and not a watering place used by the animals and/or humans, anyone that is cautious, wary or cunning, willy and skilful, mirage.

buq'ah n.f. 28:30
LL, V1, p: 272, 273  ##

= Ba-Qaf-Lam = herbs/plants/herbage, vegetables, trees/shrubs.
baql n.m. 2:61
LL, V1, p: 273, 274  ##

ب ق ر
Ba-Qaf-Ra = Slit, ripped, split cut or divided lengthwise
Opening, laying open, widening
Revealing (e.g. story, or an animal's insides)
Inquiring to the utmost after sciences or knowledge
Being astonished, amazed, stupefied at seeing something or confounded, confused, perplexed, tired or fatigued, weary or jaded
Ox, bull and cow (bovine genus) both domesticated and wild
A species of grape that is large, black and round and a species of plum in Palestine
Owner or possessor of oxen/bulls/cows
A strong staff/stick (e.g. for driving herds)
A sedition, discord or dissention that severs society, corrupts religion and separates men, or something wide spreading/reaching and great
Abundance of wealth/commodities

baqarah n.f. (pl. baqarat or baqar) 2:67, 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:71, 6:144, 6:146, 12:43, 12:46
LL, V1, p: 270, 271  ##

ب ق ي = Ba-Qaf-Ya = Something or someone that remains, continues, lasts and/or endures
Perpetual or permanent
Existing, incessantly, always, endlessly or forever
Watching, observing, guarding or preserving
Pardoning, leaving, showing mercy or sparing
Remaining portion, remainder, remnant, relic, residue, remains, recompense

baqiya vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:278
impf. act. 55:27
pcple. act. 16:96, 18:46, 19:76, 20:71, 20:73, 20:127, 20:131, 26:120, 28:60, 37:77, 42:36, 43:28, 69:8, 87:17

baqiyah n.f. 2:248, 11:86, 11:116
abqa vb. (4)
perf. act. 53:51
impf. act. 74:28

LL, V1, p: 274, 275, 276  ##

= Ba-Ra-Alif = became/was clear/free of a thing, to quit it, become irresponsible for it, guiltless of it, remove oneself from a thing, kept far or aloof (e.g. from unclean things), state of freedom/immunity/security/safety.
Convalescent/sound/healthy, cure/heal, recover/restore.
Create/produce, former/fashioner.
He compounded or made a compromise with him for their mutual separation.
Mankind/creation/beings/things that are created.

bara'a (vb. I)
impf. act. 57:22
pcple. act. 2:54, 2:54, 59:24

bariyah n.f. 98:6, 98:7
bara n.m. 43:26, 60:4
bara'ah n.f. 9:1, 54:43
bari n.m. 4:112, 6:19, 6:78, 8:48, 9:3, 10:41, 10:41, 11:35, 11:54, 26:216, 59:16
barra'a (vb. II)
perf. act. 33:69
impf. act. 12:53
pcple. pass. 24:26

abra'a (vb. IV) impf. act. 3:49, 5:110
tabarra'a (vb. V)
perf. act. 2:166, 2:167, 9:114, 28:63
impf. act. 2:167

LL, V1, p: 215, 216  ##

= Ba-Ra-Dal = make cold/chilly/cool, died, cessation of motion, become still/quiet/motionless, amazed/stupefied, became permanent/fixed/settled, became lean/emaciated/weak, slept, hail/snow, beverage that cools the heat of thirst.
barada vb. (1)
n.vb. 21:69, 78:24
pcple. act. 38:42, 56:44

barad n.m. 24:43
LL, V1, p: 220, 221, 222, 223  ##

ب ر ه ن = Ba-Ra-ha-Nun = overcome, evidence/proof/argument.
burhan n.m. 2:111, 4:174, 12:24, 21:24, 23:117, 27:64, 28:32, 28:75
LL, V1, p: 233, 234  ##

= Ba-Ra-Ha = go away, depart, withdraw, to give up or leave/cease/quit, angry, annoy/distress/difficulty/adversity, hurt/fatigue.
baraha vb. (1) impf. act. 12:80, 18:60, 20:91
LL, V1, p: 218, 219, 220  ##

ب ر ج = Ba-Ra-Jiim = Anything being, becoming apparent, manifest, conspicuous and/or high or elevated
A structure, tower, fortress or walls of a city, a structure or construction that has the characteristics of conspicuousness, height and strength
A woman showing or displaying finery, ornaments, form or countenance to men or strangers conspicuously
A sign of the Zodiac, mansions/stations of the moon, or the stars/constellations, gates of heaven metaphorically
Constitution of the eye which is such that the white entirely surrounds the black part and no part of the black being concealed or the clearness of the parts, or the width and largeness of the eyeball
A large and liberal disposition
A vessel or receptacle in which milk is churned or in which the butter of the milk is extracted by agitation
A garment having figures of towers/walls of a city etc

buruj n.m. (pl. of burj) 4:78, 15:16, 25:61, 85:1
tabarraja vb. (5)
impf. act. 33:33
n.vb. 33:33
pcple. act. 24:60

LL, V1, p: 217  ##

ب ر ك = Ba-Ra-Kaf = Lying down, kneeling or with legs folded making the chest touch the ground, falling upon the chest
To be or to become firm, steady, steadfast, fixed, continue, remain or stay in place
Praying for someone or something, or blessings, felicitations, prospering and abounding in good (e.g. on food, or the saying God bless you)
Keeping or applying constantly or persevering in something (e.g. affairs, commerce etc)
Extolling God and His attributes, exalting God and/or magnifying God
Striving, laboring and/or exerting oneself
An ancient name of the months
A blessing, any good bestowed by God, increase, abundance and/or plenty.

barakah n.f. 7:96, 11:48, 11:73
baraka vb. (3)
perf. act. 7:137, 17:1, 21:71, 21:81, 34:18, 37:113, 41:10
perf. pass. 27:8
pcple. pass. 3:96, 6:92, 6:155, 19:31, 21:50, 23:29, 24:35, 24:61, 28:30, 38:29, 44:3, 50:9

tabaraka vb. (6) perf. act. 7:54, 23:14, 25:1, 25:10, 25:61, 40:64, 43:85, 55:78, 67:1
LL, V1, p: 230, 231, 232  ##

= Ba-Ra-Miim = became affected with disgust/loathing/aversion, to contrive/fix/determine, make it firm/solid/strong/sound, established/settled/arranged it firmly/strongly/thoroughly, he thought/meditated/considered it.
abrama vb. (IV)
perf. act. 43:79
pcple. act. 43:79

LL, V1, p: 232, 233  ##

ب ر ق = Ba-Ra-Qaf = Shining, gleaming or glistening (e.g. the dawn, a sword)
Threatening or menacing
A female beautifying and adorning herself or showing and presenting herself and/or exhibiting her beauty
A star rising or a constellation (e.g. Pleiades)
Eyes/sight glistening, fixedly open (e.g. by reason of fright), sights confused, astonished, stupefied or dazzled, sight becoming weak, opening eyes and looking hard, intently or sharply
Decorating or adorning (e.g. a place)
Journeying far
Rugged ground in which stones, sand and earth are mixed together (the stones being of mixed/varied colors on whitish earth)
A mountain mixed with sand
Locusts with variegated colors
A certain type of beast the apostle rode on the ascension to heaven called so because of the hue, brightness and quickness of motion it had akin to lightning
A certain kind of plant camels feed on in times of necessity
Anything having blackness and whiteness together
A bow with different colors
Silk brocade closely woven with gold or closely woven cloth of thick silk

bariqa vb. (1)
perf. act. 75:7

barq n.m. 2:19, 2:20, 13:12, 24:43, 30:24
ibriq n.m. 56:18
istabraq n.m. 18:13, 44:53, 55:54, 76:21
LL, V1, p: 226, 227, 228, 229  ##

ب ر = Ba-Ra-Ra = Being pious, kind, good, gentle, affectionate, beneficent, just, righteous, virtuous, honest, true, veracious, sweet of speech, merciful
Sinlessly performing something
Recompensing, rewarding for obedience, accepting and/or approving
Driving or calling sheep/goats
Verifying or proving an oath true
One who overcomes, overcoming someone with good actions or speech
Overcoming an adversary or overcoming by evil
Talking too much, confused clamor, noise, crying out, talking in anger or confusion, talking unprofitably
Ampleness, largeness or extensiveness
Land or elevated ground open to view, out of doors or exposed to view
Wheat, grain/s of wheat or coarsely ground flour
Good, sweet or pleasant word expression or saying
Of, belonging to or relating to the land and or the desert/waste
External, outward, apparent or public
A truly and honestly executed sale

barra vb. (1)
impf. act. 2:224, 60:8
pcple. act. 80:16

barr (1) n.m. (pl. abrar) 3:193, 3:198, 19:14, 19:32, 52:28, 76:5, 82:13, 83:18, 83:22
barr (2) n.m. 5:96, 6:59, 6:63, 6:97, 10:22, 17:67, 17:68, 17:70, 27:63, 29:65, 30:41, 31:32
birr n.m. 2:44, 2:177, 2:177, 2:189, 2:189, 3:92, 5:2, 58:9
LL, V1, p: 212, 213, 214, 215  ##

= Ba-Ra-Sad = become affected with leprosy, shaved head, turning white.
abras n.m. 3:49, 5:110
LL, V1, p: 225, 226   ##

= Ba-Ra-Zay = went/came/passed out/forth, issued, appeared, became apparent/manifest/evident, became prominent/projecting, put forth, produce/publish, uncovered, outstrip/surpass, go beyond a thing, a man characterized by pleasing/goodly aspect and by intelligence, a field or wide expanse of land without trees.
baraza vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:250, 3:154, 4:81, 14:21, 14:48
pcple. act. 18:47, 40:16

barraza vb. (2) perf. pass. 26:91, 79:36
LL, V1, p: 223, 224  ##

= Ba-Ra-Zay-Kha = a thing that intervenes between two things, a bar/obstruction that makes a separation, the interval between the present and that which is to come, from the period of the death to the resurrection, what is between doubt and certainty.
barzakh n.m. 23:100, 25:53, 55:20
LL, V1, p: 224  ##

= Ba-Sad-Lam = stripping/divesting (e.g. when one strips an onion), it was or became several fold or many fold (e.g. layers of an onion), consisting of many coats, onion.
basal n.m. 2:61
LL, V1, p: 249, 250  ##

ب ص ر = Ba-Sad-Ra = Becoming perceptive, mental perception, having belief or knowledge, understanding, intelligence or skill, knowing, giving light, shining, illuminated, making manifest, evident and/or apparent.
To behold/perceive/see/observe/watch.
Opening the eyes and/or seeing (seldom used unless mental perception is conjoined)
Clear sight
Thickness of anything
Sense of sight, making or causing to see and/or have sight, eye-sight, eyes.
Soft stones having some whiteness
Intent or a hard glance
A watcher or guard, a lion.

basura vb. (1)
perf. act. 20:96, 28:11
impf. act. 20:96

basar n.m. (pl. absar) 2:7, 2:20, 2:20, 3:13, 6:46, 6:103, 6:103, 6:110, 7:47, 10:31, 14:42, 15:15, 16:77, 16:78, 16:108, 17:36, 21:97, 22:46, 23:78, 24:30, 24:31, 24:37, 24:43, 24:44, 32:9, 33:10, 38:45, 38:63, 41:20, 41:22, 45:23, 46:26, 46:26, 47:23, 50:22, 53:17, 54:7, 54:50, 59:2, 67:3, 67:4, 67:4, 67:23, 68:43, 68:51, 70:44, 75:7, 79:9
basir n.m. 2:96, 2:110, 2:233, 2:237, 2:265, 3:15, 3:20, 3:156, 3:163, 4:58, 4:134, 5:71, 6:50, 8:39, 8:72, 11:24, 11:112, 17:1, 17:17, 17:30, 17:96, 20:35, 22:61, 22:75, 25:20, 31:28, 33:9, 34:11, 35:31, 35:45, 40:20, 40:44, 40:56, 41:40, 42:11, 42:27, 48:24, 49:18, 57:4, 58:1, 60:3, 64:2, 67:19, 84:15
General usage: 12:93, 12:96, 13:16, 20:125, 35:19, 40:58, 76:2
basirah n.f. (pl. basa'ir) 6:104, 7:203, 12:108, 17:102, 28:43, 45:20, 75:14
tabsirah n.f. 50:8
bassara vb. (2) impf. pass. 70:11
absara vb. (4)
perf. act. 6:104, 32:12
impf. act. 2:17, 7:179, 7:195, 7:198, 10:43, 11:20, 19:42, 21:3, 27:54, 28:72, 32:27, 36:9, 36:66, 37:175, 37:179, 43:51, 51:21, 52:15, 56:85, 68:5, 68:5, 69:38, 69:39
impv. 18:26, 19:38, 37:175, 37:179
pcple. act. 7:201, 10:67, 17:12, 17:59, 27:13, 27:86, 40:61

istabsara vb. (10) pcple. act. 29:38
LL, V1, p: 247, 248, 249  ##

ب ش ر = Ba-Shiin-Ra = Skin/Pare/Strip/Skin Contact/Epidermis (or insides)
Complexion/Hue->Delicacy, fineness of
Beauty/Elegance of form/Bright cheerful countenance
Rejoiced/Rejoicing/Good, good tidings, glad tidings/Announcements (bearer of), proclaiming, commencement, beginnings of anything/Indications/Streaks (daylight breaking, wind over land)
Conducting, managing affairs personally.
Lie with, to go in unto.
Mankind, Human beings, Lowest/basest/meanest sort of people, Perfect man (combining gentleness with strength).

bashar 3:47, 3:79, 5:18, 6:91, 11:27, 12:31, 14:10, 14:11, 15:28, 15:33, 16:103, 17:93, 17:94, 18:110, 19:17, 19:20, 19:26, 21:3, 21:34, 23:24, 23:33, 23:34, 23:47, 25:54, 26:154, 26:186, 30:20, 36:15, 38:71, 41:6, 42:51, 54:24, 64:6, 74:25, 74:29, 74:31, 74:36
bashir n.m. 2:119, 5:19, 5:19, 7:188, 11:2, 12:96, 34:28, 35:24, 41:4
bushr n.m. 7:57, 25:48, 27:63
bushra n.f. 2:97, 3:126, 8:10, 10:64, 11:69, 11:74, 12:19, 16:89, 16:102, 25:22, 27:2, 29:31, 39:17, 46:12, 57:12
bashshara vb. (2)
perf. act. 11:71, 15:54, 15:55, 37:101, 37:112, 51:28
impf. act. 3:39, 3:45, 9:21, 15:53, 15:54, 17:9, 18:2, 19:7, 19:97, 42:23
impv. 2:25, 2:155, 2:223, 3:21, 4:138, 9:3, 9:34, 9:112, 10:2, 10:87, 22:34, 22:37, 31:7, 33:47, 36:11, 39:17, 45:8, 61:13, 84:24
perf. pass. 16:58, 16:59, 43:17
pcple. act. 2:213, 4:165, 6:48, 17:105, 18:56, 25:56, 30:46, 33:45, 48:8, 61:6

bashara vb. (3)
impf. act. 2:187
impv. 2:187

abshara vb. (4) impv. 41:30
istabashara vb. (10)
impf. act. 3:170, 3:171, 9:124, 15:67, 30:48, 39:45
impv. 9:111
pcple. act. 80:39

LL, V1, p: 244, 245  ##

= Ba-Siin-Lam = act of preventing / hindering / withholding / debarring / forbidding / prohibiting, become odious / hideous / unseemly in aspect, altered/corrupted, consign to destruction / punishment / disgrace, gave him up, being beaten, dislike, frowning.
absala vb. (IV)
perf. pass. 6:70
impf. pass. 6:70

LL, V1, p: 242, 243  ##

= Ba-Siin-Miim = smile, laugh a little but without sound, part lips to show teeth.
tabassama vb. (5) perf. act. 27:19
LL, V1, p: 243  ##

= Ba-Siin-Qaf = tall, full grown, overcame/surpassed, excelled, became superior / exalted above.
basiq n.m. 50:10
LL, V1, p: 242  ##

= Ba-Siin-Ra = frown, contract one's face, grinned, looking morosely/sternly, look with intense dislike/hatred, scowl.
basara vb. (1)
perf. act. 74:22
pcple. act. 75:24

LL, V1, p: 239, 240  ##

= Ba-Siin-Siin = breaking, breaking in pieces, mixed it, broke/crumble/bruise/bray it, become dust, leveled, stirred about, moistened.
bassa vb. (I)
perf. pass. - 56:5
n. vb. - 56:5

LL, V1, p: 238  ##

ب س ط = Ba-Siin-Tay = Spreading, spreading out or forth, expanding, making wide or ample, stretching forth, extending and/or dilating
Conversing or acting without shyness, boldly, in a free and easy manner and/or cheerfully
Going forth or journeying
Rejoicing, joyous and/or cheerful
Emboldened, presumptuous, forward and/or arrogant
Carpets, seller of.
Simple or uncompounded
God who amplifies, enlarges or makes plentiful the means of subsistence, one who diffuses (e.g. souls in the bodies)

basata vb. (1)
perf. act. 5:28, 42:27
impf. act. 2:245, 5:11, 13:26, 17:29, 17:30, 28:82, 29:62, 30:37, 30:48, 34:36, 34:39, 39:52, 42:12, 60:2
n.vb. 17:29
pcple. act. 5:28, 6:93, 13:14, 18:18
pcple. pass. 5:64

bastah n.f. 2:247, 7:69
bisat n.m. 71:19
LL, V1, p: 240, 241, 242  ##

= Ba-Ta-Kaf = to sever/cut (off), plucked it out, part/portion/piece severed, very sharp, cutting much/keenly.
battaka vb. (2) impf. act. 4:119
LL, V1, p: 187  ##

ب ت ل = Ba-Ta-Lam = cut it off, severed it, separate, was/became alone, detach oneself and devote, devote exclusively, apply, striving, laboring or exerting, becoming wide between the shoulders, obligatory or something made so.
battala vb. (2) n.vb. 73:8
tabattala vb. (5) impv. 73:8
LL, V1, p: 187, 188  ##

= Ba-Ta-Ra = cut or cut off a thing before it was complete, without offspring/progeny, defective/deficient/incomplete/imperfect, in want, poor, suffering or in loss, short, cut off from prosperity or good.
abtar n.m. 108:3
LL, V1, p: 186  ##

= Ba-Tay-Alif = become slow/tardy/dilatory/late/backward, sluggish, delayed.
batta'a vb. (2) impf. act. 4:72
LL, V1, p: 252, 253  ##

ب ط ل = Ba-Tay-Lam = Becoming false, untrue, wrong, incorrect, fictitious, spurious, unfounded, unsound, vain, unreal, worthless, futile, unprofitable, ineffectual, devoid of virtue, null, void or of no account
A thing perishing or becoming lost
Becoming idle, unoccupied or without work
Diverted from profitable enterprises (in this life or the next)
Jesting, joking or not serious in conversation
Becoming or being courageous, brave, strong hearted (in war or fight)
Pursuit of vain, frivolous diversion or sport, ignorant conduct
Iblees, Satan, devils or enchanters
One who says a thing in which there is no truth or reality, embellishing speech with lies.

batala vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:118

batil n.m. 2:42, 2:188, 3:71, 3:191, 4:29, 4:161, 7:139, 8:8, 9:34, 11:16, 13:17, 16:72, 17:81, 17:81, 18:56, 21:18, 22:62, 29:52, 29:67, 31:30, 34:49, 38:27, 40:5, 41:42, 42:24, 47:3
abtala vb. (4)
impf. act. 2:264, 8:8, 10:81, 47:33
pcple. act. 7:173, 29:48, 30:58, 40:78, 45:27

LL, V1, p: 255, 256  ##

ب ط ن = Ba-Tay-Nun = Becoming fat,
Midriff, stomach, belly, girth, abdomen
Becoming replete, sated
A belly ache or being disordered digestively
Exulting greatly and/or excessively, behaving insolently and ungratefully
Striking or beating the belly
Disease entering (as though it penetrated through the belly)
Entering into something (e.g. a valley, affair)
Penetrating mentally or knowing something (state, news, circumstances, affair, case)
Something becoming hidden or unapparent, esoteric, concealed or covert
A lining or inner covering, inside or interior of anything, inner story
Particular or special intimate, friend or associate
Going in the middle or midst of something (e.g. meadow, garden, news)
A far extending place of whose parts are remote from the other
Bringing forth of young
Excrement or ejection of
Lower or lowest part of the foundation, low depressed land, soft parts of the land where water stagnates
Palm of the hand, sole of the foot/hoof
Armpit hollow of the arm, hollow of the throat
Apparent, visible part of the sky
Having an inordinate desire or appetite for food
One of the mansions/stations of the moon, the 2nd. Three small stars in the form of an equilateral triangle forming the belly of the Ram/Aries.
Certain vessel made of glass or earthenware (an amphora, jar, vase, and pitcher)

batana vb. (1)
perf. act. 6:151, 7:33
pcple. act. 6:120, 31:20, 57:3, 57:13

batn n.m. (pl. butun) 2:174, 3:35, 4:10, 6:139, 16:66, 16:69, 16:78, 22:20, 23:21, 24:45, 37:66, 37:144, 39:6, 44:45, 48:24, 53:32, 56:53
bitanah n.f. (pl. bata'in) 3:118, 55:54
LL, V1, p: 256, 257, 258  ##

ب ط ر = Ba-Tay-Ra = behave insolently, reckless, arrogant, boastful, ungrateful/unthankful, stupefied, deprived of reason, proud, self-conceited.
batira vb. (1)
perf. act. 28:58
n.vb. 8:47

LL, V1, p: 254  ##

ب ط ش = Ba-Tay-Shiin = An assault, violent seizure
Seizing violently, assaulting vehemently or in anger
Taking hold of something, clinging to something
Working laboring or wrought (with hands)
Laboring, striving, and struggling to overcome
Might or strength in war or fight, courage/valor, valiantness or prowess
Place of assault

batasha vb. (1)
perf. act. 26:130, 26:130
impf. act. 7:195, 28:19, 44:16
n.vb. 43:8, 50:36, 85:12

batshah n.f. 44:16, 54:36
LL, V1, p: 255  ##

= Ba-Tha-Tha = spread/dispersed/scattered, published/revealed.
baththa vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:164, 4:1, 31:10, 42:29
impf. act. 45:4
n.vb. 12:86
pcple. pass. 88:16, 101:4

inbaththa vb. (7) pcple. pass. 56:6
LL, V1, p: 188  ##

ب ذ ر = Ba-Thal-Ra = scatter/disperse, (e.g. sowed seed, cast grain), diffused/disseminated, divulge/reveal, extravagant in expenditure, babbling, dissipated/squandered, destroyed/consumed/wasted/ruined, frivolous, false/vain/ineffectual, many/much/abundant/plenty/increase.
vb. (2)
2nd. m. sing. impf. juss.
tubadhir 17:26

acc. m. pl. act.
mubadhirina 17:27

acc. m. indf. v.n.

LL, V1, p: 210, 211  ##

= Ba-Waw-Alif = returned, went/came back, he bore or took upon himself, became ladened/burdened, became the abiding-place thereof, became answerable/accountable/responsible, equal/alike, a match, rested/remained, lodged him in an abode, mubawwa: a dwelling, place of lodging, settlement, tabawwa: to take or make as one's dwelling.
ba'a vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:61, 2:90, 3:112, 3:162, 8:16
impf. act. 5:29

bawwa'a vb. (2)
perf. act. 7:74, 10:93, 22:26
impf. act. 3:121

mubawwa n.m. 10:93, 16:41, 29:58
tabawwa'a vb. (5)
perf. act. 59:9
impf. act. 12:56, 39:74
impv. 10:87

LL, V1, p: 307, 308, 309  ##

ب و ب = Ba-Waw-Ba = door/gate, place of entrance, mode/manner.
bab n.m. (pl. abwab) 2:58, 2:189, 4:154, 5:23, 6:44, 7:40, 7:161, 12:23, 12:25, 12:25, 12:67, 12:67, 13:23, 15:14, 15:44, 15:44, 16:29, 23:77, 38:50, 39:71, 39:72, 39:73, 40:76, 43:34, 54:11, 57:13, 78:19
LL, V1, p: 309, 310  ##

= Ba-Waw-Lam = mind/heart, to move/occur to my mind/heart, state/condition/case for one which cares, easy/pleasant condition, attention, origin.
bal n.m. 12:50, 20:51, 47:2, 47:5
LL, V1, p: 313, 314, 315  ##

= Ba-Waw-Ra = perished, become extinct, destroyed, become bad/corrupted, destructive, in a state of perdition/detriment/deficiency, ineffectual, stagnant/dull, not sought/desired.
bara vb. (1)
impf. act. 35:10, 35:29
n.vb. 14:28

bur n.m. 25:18, 48:12
LL, V1, p: 311, 312  ##

ب ي ع = Ba-Ya-Ayn = Selling or buying
Exchanging or exchange of property
Gaining mastery over someone, superceding or occupying their place also by superior power or force
Making a covenant, an engagement, a contract (e.g. promising allegiance, swearing, oaths)
Hire or hiring of land
Sealing the deal, also striking together hand of two contracting parties in token of the ratification of sale
An article of merchandise

ba'a vb. (1)
n.vb. 2:254, 2:275, 2:275, 9:111, 14:31, 24:37, 62:9

biya n.f. (pl. of bi'ah) 22:40
baya'a vb. (3)
perf. act. 9:111
impf. act. 48:10, 48:10, 48:18, 60:12
impv. 60:12

tabaya'a vb. (6) perf. act. 2:282
LL, V1, p: 321, 322  ##

= Ba-Ya-Dal = perish, went away, passed away, became cut off, extinct, destroyed.
bada vb. (1) impf. act. 18:35
LL, V1, p: 318  ##

ب ي ض = Ba-Ya-Dad = White, becoming white
Surpassing in whiteness, superiority in whiteness (e.g. whiteness of day/daylight)
An egg of any bird or like an egg (also used metaphorically)
Whitening something, bleaching or whitewashing
Territory, place, quarter, tract, region, district, portions that belong to some people
Bulb of the saffron plant
Container or receptacle
Principle place of abode, seat of power, heart of the kingdom
White smooth land

abyad n.m. (f. bayda, pl. bid) 2:187, 7:108, 20:22, 26:33, 27:12, 28:32, 35:27, 37:46
bayd n.m. 37:49
ibyadda vb. (9)
perf. act. 3:107, 12:84
impf. act. 3:106

LL, V1, p: 319, 320, 321  ##

ب ي ن = Ba-Ya-Nun = Becoming separated, severed, disunited, cut off or distinct
Apparent, manifest, plain, clear, known, distinguished from another
Disunion and union
Coming forth
Separation or division between two things (e.g. land)
An evidence, an indication, demonstration, proof, argument that is clear, manifest (intellectual or perceptive/perceived by sense), testimony of a witness

bayyinah n.f. 2:87, 2:92, 2:99, 2:159, 2:185, 2:209, 2:211, 2:213, 2:253, 2:253, 3:86, 3:97, 3:105, 3:183, 3:184, 4:153, 5:32, 5:110, 6:57, 6:157, 7:73, 7:85, 7:101, 7:105, 8:42, 8:42, 9:70, 10:13, 10:15, 10:74, 11:17, 11:28, 11:53, 11:63, 11:88, 14:9, 16:44, 17:101, 18:15, 19:73, 20:72, 20:133, 22:16, 22:72, 24:1, 28:36, 29:35, 29:39, 29:49, 30:9, 30:47, 34:43, 35:25, 35:40, 40:22, 40:28, 40:34, 40:50, 40:66, 40:83, 43:63, 45:17, 45:25, 46:7, 47:14, 57:9, 57:25, 58:5, 61:6, 64:6, 98:1, 98:4
tibyan n.m. 16:89
bayyana vb. (2)
perf. act. 2:118, 2:159, 2:160, 3:118, 57:17
impf. act. 2:68, 2:69, 2:70, 2:187, 2:219, 2:221, 2:230, 2:242, 2:266, 3:103, 3:187, 4:26, 4:176, 5:15, 5:19, 5:75, 5:89, 6:105, 9:115, 14:4, 16:39, 16:44, 16:64, 16:92, 22:5, 24:18, 24:58, 24:59, 24:61, 43:63
pcple. act. 4:19, 24:34, 24:46, 33:30, 65:1, 65:11

abana vb. (4)
impf. act. 43:52
n.vb. 3:138, 55:4, 75:19
pcple. act. 2:168, 2:208, 3:164, 4:20, 4:50, 4:91, 4:101, 4:112, 4:119, 4:144, 4:153, 4:174, 5:15, 5:92, 5:110, 6:7, 6:16, 6:59, 6:74, 6:142, 7:22, 7:60, 7:107, 7:184, 10:2, 10:61, 10:76, 11:6, 11:7, 11:25, 11:96, 12:1, 12:5, 12:8, 12:30, 14:10, 15:1, 15:18, 15:79, 15:89, 16:4, 16:35, 16:82, 16:103, 17:53, 19:38, 21:54, 22:11, 22:49, 23:45, 24:12, 24:25, 24:54, 26:2, 26:30, 26:32, 26:97, 26:115, 26:195, 27:1, 27:13, 27:16, 27:21, 27:75, 27:79, 28:2, 28:15, 28:18, 28:85, 29:18, 29:50, 31:11, 33:36, 33:58, 34:3, 34:24, 34:43, 36:12, 36:17, 36:24, 36:47, 36:60, 36:69, 36:77, 37:15, 37:106, 37:113, 37:156, 38:70, 39:15, 39:22, 40:23, 43:2, 43:15, 43:18, 43:29, 43:40, 43:62, 44:2, 44:10, 44:13, 44:19, 44:33, 45:30, 46:7, 46:9, 46:32, 48:1, 51:38, 51:50, 51:51, 52:38, 61:6, 62:2, 64:12, 67:26, 67:29, 71:2, 81:23

tabayyana vb. (5)
perf. act. 2:109, 2:256, 2:259, 4:115, 8:6, 9:113, 9:114, 14:45, 29:38, 34:14, 47:25, 47:32
impf. act. 2:187, 9:43, 41:53
impv. 4:94, 4:94, 49:6

istabana vb. (10)
impf. act. 6:55
pcple. act. 37:117

LL, V1, p: 322, 323, 324, 325, 326  ##

ب ي ت = Ba-Ya-Ta = by/in/at night (excluding sleep), entered upon or passed the night
tent, house, home
Thinking about something and its end result
Concealed or conceived something in the mind
A structure of clay or any structure signifying a habitation, an abode or dwelling.
Buildings, uninhabited houses, shops, ruins, bazaars, places where the entering is allowed by the owners.
Ark of Noah, Mosques, places of worship, Kaabeh or Jerusalem
A grave
Household or family
Sudden attack in the night or a surprise attack in the night
Remaining through the night (e.g. bread or water that stays out and becomes stale)

bata vb. (1) impf. act. 25:64
bayat n.m. 7:4, 7:97, 10:50
bayt n.m. (pl. buyut)
2:125, 2:125, 2:127, 2:158, 3:96, 3:97, 5:2, 5:97, 8:35, 11:73, 14:37, 22:26, 22:26, 22:29, 22:33, 24:36, 33:33, 52:4, 106:3
2:189, 2:189, 3:49, 3:154, 4:15, 4:100, 7:74, 8:5, 10:87, 10:87, 12:23, 15:82, 16:68, 16:80, 16:80, 17:93, 24:27, 24:27, 24:29, 24:61 (x10), 26:149, 27:52, 28:12, 29:41 (x3), 33:13, 33:33, 33:34, 33:53, 43:33, 43:34, 51:36, 59:2, 65:1, 66:11, 71:28

bayyata vb. (2)
perf. act. 4:81
impf. act. 4:81, 4:108, 27:49

LL, V1, p: 316, 317, 318  ##

ب ز غ = Ba-Zay-Ghayn = rise or come forth (normally applied to the sun/moon), flow/spread.
bazagha vb. (1) pcple. act. 6:77, 6:78
LL, V1, p: 236  ##

Next Letter: Dad = ض

Previous Letter: Ayn = ع

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