
Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Ayn = ع

Ayn = ع
Ayn-Ba-Alif = to care for, be solicitous, hold to be of any weight or worth, attach any weight or value, have concern.
aba'a vb. (1) impf. act. 3rd. m. sing. 25:77
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 218  ##

ع ب د
Ayn-Ba-Dal = serve, worship, adore, venerate, accept the impression of a thing, obey with submissiveness or humility, approve, apply, devote, obedience, slave, keep to inseparably, subdue, assemble together, enslave.
Abada (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): He worshipped, adored, venerated, obeyed, served.
Abadtum (prf. 2nd. m. plu.): You worshipped.
Abadnaa (prf. 1st. plu.): We served.
Ya'budu (imp, 3rd. m. sing.): He worships/serves.
Ya'buduuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They worshipped.
Li Ya'buduu (imp. 3rd. m. plu. elative.): That they may serve.
Li Ya'buduuni (imp. 3rd. plu. el.): That they worship me. The final ni is a short form of nii of pronominal and not a na plu.
Ta'budu (imp. 2nd. m. sing.): Thou venerate.
Ta'buduuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu.): You worship.
A'budu (imp. 1st. sing.): I worship.
Na`budu (imp. 1st. plu.): We serve.
l'bud (prt. m. sing.): Thou worship.
I`budu (prt. m. plu.): You serve.
Laa ta'bud (prt. neg. m. sing.): Thou adore not.
La Ta'buduu (prt. neg. m. plu.): You serve not.
Yu'baduuna (pip. 3rd. m. plu): They are to be worshipped.
Abbadta (prf. 2nd. m. sing. II.): Thou enslaved, subjugated.
Abdun / Abdan (nom. / acc.): Abdin (gen. n.): Slave, Bondman; Servant.
Abdaini (n. dual.): Two bond men.
Abiduun / Abidiin (nom. / acc. act. pic. f. plu.): Worshippers.
Aabidaat (act. pic. f. plu.): (Women) worshippers.
Ibaadat (v. n.): servitude/worship.

abada vb. (1)
perf. act. 5:60, 16:35, 43:20, 109:4

impf. act. 1:5, 2:83, 2:133, 2:133, 2:172, 3:64, 5:76, 6:56, 7:70, 9:31, 10:18, 10:28, 10:104, 10:104, 10:104, 11:2, 11:26, 11:62, 11:62, 11:87, 11:109, 11:109, 11:109, 12:40, 12:40, 13:36, 14:10, 14:35, 16:73, 16:114, 17:23, 18:16, 19:42, 19:44, 19:49, 21:66, 21:67, 21:98, 22:11, 22:71, 24:55, 25:17, 25:55, 26:70, 26:71, 26:75, 26:92, 27:43, 27:91, 28:63, 29:17, 29:17, 34:40, 34:41, 34:43, 36:22, 36:60, 37:22, 37:85, 37:95, 37:161, 39:3, 39:11, 39:14, 39:17, 39:64, 40:66, 41:14, 41:37, 43:26, 46:21, 51:56, 60:4, 98:5, 106:3, 109:2, 109:2, 109:3, 109:5
impv. 2:21, 3:51, 4:36, 5:72, 5:117, 6:102, 7:59, 7:65, 7:73, 7:85, 10:3, 11:50, 11:61, 11:84, 11:123, 15:99, 16:36, 19:36, 19:65, 20:14, 21:25, 21:92, 22:77, 23:23, 23:32, 27:45, 29:16, 29:17, 29:36, 29:56, 36:61, 39:2, 39:15, 39:66, 43:64, 53:62, 71:3
impf. pass. 43:45
n.vb. 4:172, 7:206, 10:29, 18:110, 19:65, 19:82, 21:19, 40:60, 46:6
pcple. act. 2:138, 9:112, 21:53, 21:73, 21:84, 21:106, 23:47, 43:81, 66:5, 109:3, 109:4, 109:5
abd n.m. (pl. ibad/abid) 2:23, 2:90, 2:178, 2:178, 2:186, 2:207, 2:221, 3:15, 3:20, 3:30, 3:79, 3:182, 4:118, 4:172, 5:118, 6:18, 6:61, 6:88, 7:32, 7:128, 7:194, 8:41, 8:51, 9:104, 10:107, 12:24, 14:11, 14:31, 15:40, 15:42, 15:49, 16:2, 16:75, 17:1, 17:3, 17:5, 17:17, 17:30, 17:53, 17:65, 17:96, 18:1, 18:65, 18:65, 18:102, 19:2, 19:30, 19:61, 19:63, 19:93, 20:77, 21:26, 21:105, 22:10, 23:109, 24:32, 25:1, 25:17, 25:58, 25:63, 26:52, 27:15, 27:19, 27:59, 28:82, 29:56, 29:62, 30:48, 34:9, 34:13, 34:39, 35:28, 35:31, 35:32, 35:45, 36:30, 37:40, 37:74, 37:81, 37:11, 37:122, 37:128, 37:132, 37:160, 37:169, 37:171, 38:17, 38:30, 38:41, 38:44, 38:45, 38:83, 39:7, 39:10, 39:16, 39:16, 39:17, 39:36, 39:46, 39:53, 40:15, 40:31, 40:44, 40:48, 40:85, 41:46, 42:19, 42:23, 42:25, 42:27, 42:27, 42:52, 43:15, 43:19, 43:59, 43:68, 44:18, 44:23, 50:8, 50:29, 53:10, 54:9, 57:9, 66:10, 50:11, 66:10, 71:27, 72:19, 76:6, 89:29, 96:10
abbada vb. (2) perf. act. 26:22
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 219, 220, 221  ##

Ayn-Ba-Qaf-Ra = great, excellent, beautiful, fine, of finest quality, chief, glittering, surpassing, surpassingly efficient, extraordinary, superior, pre-eminent, superseding, quick-witted, expert, vigorous, effective, magnificent, grand, sublime, high, exalted, dignified, learned, perfect, accomplished, mighty/powerful/strong, rich carpet, garment splendidly manufactured, variegated cloth, garment of silk, brocade, thing that surpasses every other thing. (there is no other word in Arabic to indicate the fine of finest quality)
abqariy n.m. 55:76
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 225  ##

Ayn-Ba-Ra = to cross, interpret, state clearly, pass over. i'tabara - to consider, ponder over, take into account, get experience from, take warming. abratun (pl. i'bar) -  regard/consideration, admonition, warning, example, instructive warning. aabir (pl. aabiriina) - one who passes over. i'tabara - to take warning, learn a lesson.
abara vb. (1)
ta'buruuna impf. 2nd./3rd m. pl. act. 12:43
pcple. act. m. pl. acc. 4:43

ibrah n. f. 3:13, 12:111, 16:66, 23:21, 24:44, 79:26
itabara vb. (8) impv. prt. m. pl. 59:2
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 221, 222, 223, 224  ##

Ayn-Ba-Siin = to frown, look sternly, austere, grim.
abasa vb. (1)
perf. act. 3rd. m. sing. 74:22, 80:1

abus n. m. 76:10
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 224  ##

Ayn-Ba-Th = to play sport in a frivolous manner, amuse one's self, busy one's self about trifles, in vain/sport/play, nonsense, useless.
abatha vb. (1)
impf. act. 2nd. m. pl. 26:128
n. vb. acc. 23:115

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 218, 219  ##

Ayn-Dal-Dal = to count, number, reckon, make the census of. addun - number, computation, determined number. adadun - number. iddatun - a number, prescribed term, counting, to count, legal waiting period for a woman after she is divorced or becomes a widow before she may marry again. a'dd - to prepare, make ready. addina - those who count. ma'dudun - counted one.
'Adda (prf. 3rd. m. sing. assim.): Counted; Numbered.
Ta'udduuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu. assim.): You count.
Ta'udduu (imp. 2nd. m. plu. juss.): You count.
Na'uddu (imp. 1st. pl.): We count.
'Addada (prf. 3rd. m. sing. assim. II.): Counted.
A'adda (prf. 3rd. m. sing. assim. II): He prepared, made ready.
A'adduu (prf. 3rd. m. plu. assim, IV): They prepared.
U'iddat (pp. 3rd. f. sing. assim. IV): It is prepared.
A'idduu (prt. m. plu. assim. IV): You prepare.
Ta'daduuna (imp. 2nd. m, plu.): You count.
'Adduuna (act. pic. m. plu. assim): Those who count.
Ma'duudun (pic. p. m. sing.): Counted one.
Ma'duudaatun (pic. p. f. plu.): Counted ones. Its sing. is Ma'duudatun.
'Adadun (n.): Number; Counting.
'Iddatun (v. n.): Counting number; To make up the prescribed number.

adda vb. (1)
perf. act. 19:94
impf. act. 14:34, 16:18, 19:84, 22:47, 32:5, 38:62
n.vb. 19:84, 19:94
pcple. act. 23:113
pcple. pass. 2:80, 2:184, 2:203, 3:24, 11:8, 11:104, 12:20

adad n.m. 10:5, 17:12, 18:11, 23:112, 72:24, 72:28
iddah n.f. 2:184, 2:185, 2:185, 9:36, 9:37, 18:22, 33:49, 65:1, 65:1, 65:4, 74:31
uddah n.f. 9:46
addada vb. (2) perf. act. 104:2
a'adda vb. (4)
perf. act. 4:93, 4:102, 9:46, 9:89, 9:100, 33:8, 33:29, 33:35, 33:44, 33:57, 33:64, 48:6, 58:15, 65:10, 76:31
impv. 8:60
perf. pass. 2:24, 3:131, 3:133, 57:21

i'tadda vb. (8) impf. act. 33:49
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 254, 255, 256, 257  ##

Ayn-Dal-Lam = to act and deal justly, equitably, with fairness and proportion, adjust properly as to relative magnitude, establish justice, hold as equal, pay as an aquivalent, dispose aright, straighten, deviate from the right path, turn aside, stray from. adlun - justice, equity, accuracy, recompense, ransom, equivalent, compensation, instead (thereof).
'Adala (prf. 3rd. f. sing.): proportioned, endowed with great natural powers and faculties.
Ta'dil (imp. 3rd. f. sing. juss.): It makes equal, offers every compensation.
Li'Adila (imp. 1st p. sing. el.): That I may act justly, dojustice.
Ya'diluuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They make equality, ascribe equals, dispense justice (7:159).
Ta`diluu (imp. 2nd.p.m. plu. final Nun dropped): You act justly.
'Adlun (v.n.): Compensation; Justice; Equivalent.
I'diluu (prt. m. plu.): Act justly.

adala vb. (1)
perf. act. 82:7
impf. act. 4:3, 4:129, 4:135, 5:8, 6:1, 6:70, 6:150, 7:159, 7:181, 27:60, 42:15
impv. 5:8, 6:152

adl n.m. 2:48, 2:123, 2:282, 2:282, 4:58, 5:95, 5:95, 5:106, 6:70, 6:115, 16:76, 16:90, 49:9, 65:2
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 257, 258, 259, 260  ##

Ayn-Dal-Nun = to abide constantly, stay in (a place), remain, everlasting.
adn n. 9:72, 13:23, 16:31, 18:31, 19:61, 20:76, 35:33, 38:50, 40:8, 61:12, 98:8
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 261, 262  ##

Ayn-Dal-Siin = to toil, tend (a flock), treat (a thing). adasa fi ard - to journey. udisa - to have red pimples. adasun - lentils.
adas n.m. 2:61
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 257  ##

Ayn-Dal-Waw = to pass by, overlook, transgress, turn aside.
adwun - wickedly, unjustly, spitefully, wrongfully.
adi'yat - companies of warriors, chargers, horses of the warriors, wayfarers who run fast on their journey, swift horses.
aduwatun - enmity. udwan - hostility, injustice. aduwwan (pl. aduwun) - enemy.

Ya'duuna (impf. 3rd. m. pl.): They transgressed; Programmed.
Laa Ta'du (prt. neg. m. sing.): Do not overlook, not let your eye turn away.
Laa Ta'duu (prt. neg. m. plu.): Do not transgress, violate.
'Aad (act. pic. m. sing.): Transgressor; Who goes beyond the limits.
'Aaduuna (act. pic. m. plu.): Transgressors; People who know no limits.
'Adaytum (prf. 2nd. plu. III.): You are at enmity.
Yat'adda (imp. 3rd. m. sing. V): He trespasses, violates.
I'tadaa (prf. 3rd. m. sing. VIII): Violated.
I'tadan (prf. 3rd. m. plu. VIII.): They transgressed.
I'tadaina (prf. 1st. plu. VIII): We have transgressed.
Ya'taduuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu. VIII): They transgressed.
Ta'taduu (imp. 2nd. m. plu. acc. final Nun dropped): You transgress.
Li Ta'taduu (imp. 2nd. m. plu. el.): That you may transgress.
l'taduu (prt. m. plu.): You punish for violence, punish for transgression.
Laa Ta'taduu (prt. neg. m. plu.): You transgress not.
Mu'tadun (ap-der. m. sing.): Transgressor.
Mu'taduun / Mu'tadiin (acc. ap-der. m. sing.): Transgressor.
'Adwan (v. n. acc.): Transgressing.
'Aduwwun / 'Aduwwan (acc. v. n.): Enemy.
A'da'un (n. pl.): Enemies.
'Udwaanun (v. n.): Violence; Punishment of violence; Harshness; Injustice; Transgression.
'Adaawatun (v. n.): Enmity.
'Udwatun (n.): Side; End.
'Adiyaat (act. pic. f. plu.): Panting; Running; Coursers.

ada vb. (1)
impf. act. 4:154, 7:163, 18:28
n.vb. 6:108, 10:90
pcple. act. 2:173, 6:145, 16:115, 23:7, 26:166, 70:31

adawah n.f. 5:14, 5:64, 5:82, 5:91, 41:34, 60:4
adiyah n.f. (pl. adiyat) 100:1
aduw n.m. (pl. a'da) 2:36, 2:97, 2:98, 2:98, 2:168, 2:208, 3:103, 4:45, 4:92, 4:101, 6:112, 6:142, 7:22, 7:24, 7:129, 7:150, 8:60, 8:60, 9:83, 9:114, 9:120, 12:5, 17:53, 18:50, 20:39, 20:80, 20:117, 20:123, 25:31, 26:77, 28:8, 28:15, 28:15, 28:15, 28:19, 35:6, 35:6, 36:60, 41:19, 41:28, 43:62, 43:67, 46:6, 60:1, 60:1, 60:2, 61:14, 63:4, 64:14
udwah n.f. 8:42, 8:42
udwan n.m. 2:85, 2:193, 4:30, 5:2, 5:62, 28:28, 58:8, 58:9
ada vb. (3) perf. act. 60:7
ta'adda vb. (5) impf. act. 2:229, 4:14, 65:1
itada vb. (8)
perf. act. 2:65, 2:178, 2:194, 2:194, 5:94, 5:107
impf. act. 2:61, 2:190, 2:229, 2:231, 3:112, 5:2, 5:78, 5:87
impv. 2:194
pcple. act. 2:190, 5:87, 6:119, 7:55, 9:10, 10:74, 50:25, 68:12, 83:12

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 262, 263, 264, 265, 266  ##

Ayn-Thal-Ba = chastisement, castigate, punishment, torture, torment, retribution, abstain/desist (e.g. from eating due to excessive thirst), relinquish, quit. To deny a thing, hinder anyone from, be inaccessible, prevent.
adhb - palatable, sweet (usually water), e.g. 25:53, 35:12.

'Adhbun (n.): Sweet, Agreeable to taste.
'Adhaba (prf. 3rd. m. sing. II): He punished.
'Adhabnaa (prf. 1st. plu. II): We punished.
Yu'adhdhibu (imp. 3rd. m. sing. II): He will punish, punishes.
Li Yu'dhdhiba (imp. 3rd. m. sing. II. el.): That he may punish.
Laa Yu'adhdhab: None shall execute (his) punishment.
Tu'adhdhibu (imp. 2nd. m. sing. II.): Thou punish.
'Au'adhdhibu (imp. 1st. sing II): I punish.
U'adhdhibanna (imp. 1st. sing. imp.): I will certainly punish.
Nu'dhdhibu (imp. 1st. plu. II): We punish.
Mu'adhdhibun (ap-der. m. sing.): Treat with punishment; Going to punish.
Mu'dhdiribuuna (ap-der. m. plu. acc.): Giver of punishment.
Mu'adhdhibuu (ap-der. m. plu. final Nun dropped; nom.): Chastiser.
Mu'adhdhabiina (pis. plc. m. plu. acc.): Those who are punished.
'Adhaabun (n.): Punishment; Torment; Chastisement.

adhab n.m. 2:7, 2:10, 2:49, 2:85, 2:86, 2:90, 2:96, 2:104, 2:114, 2:126, 2:162, 2:165, 2:165, 2:166, 2:174, 2:175, 2:178, 2:201, 3:4, 3:16, 3:21, 3:56, 3:77, 3:88, 3:91, 3:105, 3:106, 3:176, 3:177, 3:178, 3:181, 3:188, 3:188, 3:191, 4:14, 4:18, 4:25, 4:37, 4:56, 4:93, 4:102, 4:138, 4:147, 4:151, 4:161, 4:173, 5:33, 5:36, 5:36, 5:37, 5:41, 5:73, 5:80, 5:94, 5:115, 6:15, 6:30, 6:40, 6:47, 6:49, 6:65, 6:70, 6:93, 6:124, 6:157, 7:38, 7:39, 7:59, 7:73, 7:141, 7:156, 7:164, 7:165, 7:167, 8:14, 8:32, 8:35, 8:50, 8:68, 9:3, 9:34, 9:39, 9:52, 9:61, 9:68, 9:74, 9:79, 9:90, 9:101, 10:4, 10:15, 10:50, 10:52, 10:54, 10:70, 10:88, 10:97, 10:98, 11:3, 11:8, 11:20, 11:26, 11:39, 11:39, 11:48, 11:58, 11:64, 11:76, 11:84, 11:93, 11:103, 12:25, 12:107, 13:34, 13:34, 14:2, 14:6, 14:7, 14:17, 14:21, 14:22, 14:44, 15:50, 15:50, 16:26, 16:45, 16:63, 16:85, 16:88, 16:88, 16:94, 16:104, 16:106, 16:113, 16:117, 17:10, 17:57, 17:57, 17:58, 18:55, 18:58, 18:87, 19:45, 19:75, 19:79, 20:48, 20:61, 20:71, 20:127, 20:134, 21:46, 22:2, 22:4, 22:9, 22:18, 22:22, 22:25, 22:47, 22:55, 22:57, 23:64, 23:76, 23:77, 24:2, 24:8, 24:11, 24:14, 24:19, 24:23, 24:63, 25:19, 25:37, 25:42, 25:65, 25:65, 25:69, 26:135, 26:156, 26:158, 26:189, 26:201, 26:204, 27:5, 28:64, 29:10, 29:23, 29:29, 29:53, 29:53, 29:54, 29:55, 30:16, 31:6, 31:7, 31:21, 31:24, 32:14, 32:20, 32:21, 32:21, 33:8, 33:30, 33:57, 33:68, 34:5, 34:8, 34:12, 34:14, 34:33, 34:38, 34:42, 34:46, 35:7, 35:10, 35:36, 36:18, 37:9, 37:33, 37:38, 37:176, 38:8, 38:26, 38:41, 38:61, 39:13, 39:19, 39:24, 39:25, 39:26, 39:40, 39:47, 39:54, 39:55, 39:58, 39:71, 40:7, 40:45, 40:46, 40:49, 41:16, 41:16, 41:17, 41:27, 41:50, 42:16, 42:21, 42:26, 42:42, 42:44, 42:45, 43:39, 43:48, 43:50, 43:65, 43:74, 44:11, 44:12, 44:15, 44:30, 44:48, 44:56, 45:8, 45:9, 45:10, 45:11, 46:20, 46:21, 46:24, 46:31, 46:34, 48:16, 48:17, 48:25, 50:26, 51:37, 52:7, 52:18, 52:27, 52:47, 54:16, 54:18, 54:21, 54:30, 54:37, 54:38, 54:39, 57:13, 57:20, 58:4, 58:5, 58:15, 58:16, 59:3, 59:15, 61:10, 64:5, 65:8, 65:10, 67:5, 67:6, 67:28, 68:33, 68:33, 70:1, 70:11, 70:27, 70:28, 71:1, 72:17, 73:13, 76:31, 78:30, 78:40, 84:24, 85:10, 85:10, 88:24, 89:13, 89:25
adhb n.m. 25:53, 35:12
adhdhaba vb. (2)
perf. act. 9:26, 48:25, 59:3, 65:8
impf. act. 2:284, 3:56, 3:128, 3:129, 4:173, 5:18, 5:18, 5:40, 5:115, 5:115, 5:118, 8:33, 8:34, 9:14, 9:39, 9:55, 9:66, 9:74, 9:85, 9:101, 9:106, 17:54, 18:86, 18:87, 18:87, 20:47, 27:21, 29:21, 33:24, 33:73, 48:6, 48:14, 48:16, 48:17, 58:8, 88:24, 89:25
pcple. act. 7:164, 8:33, 17:15, 17:58
pcple. pass. 26:138, 26:213, 34:35, 37:59

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 266, 267, 268  ##

Ayn-Thal-Ra = to beg pardon, to excuse, to free anyone from guilt or blame, excuse/plea, those who put forth excuses, apologists.
Ma'dhiratan (v. n. acc.): As an excuse.
'Udhran (v. n. acc.): Excuse; An attempt to purify from the abomination of sin.
Ma'aadhiir (n. plu.): Excuses.
Laa Ta'tadhiruu (prt. neg. m. plu. ): Offer no excuse.
Mu'adhdhiruuna (ap-der. plu. II): Those who make or put forth an excuse.

udhr n.m. 18:76, 77:6
ma'dhirah n.f. 7:164, 30:57, 40:52, 75:15
adhdhara vb. (2) pcple. act. 9:90
i'tadhara vb. (8) impf. act. 9:66, 9:94, 9:94, 66:7, 77:36
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 268, 269, 270, 271, 272  ##  http://ejtaal.n

Ayn-Dad-Dal = to aid/assist/support, succour, strike on the arm, supporter, upper arm, helper, stay, side, assistance, strength.
adud n.m. 18:51, 28:35
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 254, 255, 256, 257  ##

Ayn-Dad-Dad = to bite the hands in sorrow, bite, seize with the teeth.
adda vb. (1)
prf. 3rd. m. assim. 3:119
Ya'udzdzu impf. act. 3rd. m. sing. assim. 25:27

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 354, 355, 356  ##

Ayn-Dad-Lam = to straiten, become hard/difficult, withhold unjustly, prevent, hinder.
adala vb. (1)
Laa Ta'dzuluuhunna (comp. prt. neg. f. pl. impf. act.) 2:232, 4:19

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 359, 360  ##

Ayn-Dad-Waw = to divide into parts, separate parts, bits, enchantments, lies, slanders.
idzin n. f. pl. 15:91
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 361, 362  ##

Ayn-Fa-Fa = to abstain from what is unlawful, be abstinent, restrain. (The verb is of the assimilated type. In genitive cases shadda is removed and cluster is pronounced separelt as in 4:6 ta'affuf - modest/abstinence)
ta'affafa vb. (5) n.vb. 2:273
ista'affa vb. (10)
3rd. m. sing. impf. act. 4:6, 24:33, f. pl. acc. 24:60

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 373, 374  ##

Ayn-Fa-Ra = to roll on earth, hide in the dust, roll in the dust, soil with dust, roast. ifrun & afirun - wicked, mischievous. afarun - wheat boiled without grease. ufratun - intenseness of heat. ifrit (pl. afarit) - cunning, who exceeds the bounds, one evil in disposition, wicked, malignant, stalwart, audacious, who is of large stature, one strong and powerful, sharp, vigorous and effective in an affair, exceeding ordinary bounds therein with intelligence and sagacity, chief who wields great authority.
ifrit n.m. 27:39
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 374, 375, 376  ##

Ayn-Fa-Waw = to forgive/pardon, abound, pass over, forgo, grow, multiply, obliterate all traces, remit, give more than what is due, relinquish right or remit in whole or in part. afina (oblique pl. of afin) - forgiving. afuwwan - very forgiving, name of Allah. afwun - forgiveness, indulgence, surplus, superfluity. ya'fu - to pardon. ufiya - he is pardoned. (It does not necessarily imply the committing of a sin on the part of a person about whom it is used.)
'afaa (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): pardoned.
'afau (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they grew in affluence.
ya'fuu / ya'fuwa (imp. 3rd. m. pl.): pardons, passes over, forgoes.
ya'fu (imp. 3rd. m. sing. juss.): he forgives.
ya'fuuna (impf. 3rd. f. pl.): they forgo.
li ya'fuu (imp. 3rd. m. pl.): they may pardon.
ta'fuu (imp. 2nd. m. pl.): you forgo, pardon.
na'fu (imp. 1st. pl. juss.): we pardon.
i'fu (prt. m. sing): thou pardon.
'ufiya (pp. 3rd. m. sing.): who has been granted remission.
'afwa (n.): forgiveness, surplus.
'afuwwun / 'afuwwan (nom./acc. n.): very forgiving.
'aafiina (act. pic. m. pl.): those who pardon.

afa vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:52, 2:187, 3:152, 3:155, 4:153, 5:95, 5:101, 7:95, 9:43, 42:40
impf. act. 2:237, 2:237, 2:237, 4:99, 4:149, 5:15, 9:66, 24:22, 42:25, 42:30, 42:34, 64:14
impv. 2:109, 2:286, 3:159, 5:13
perf. pass. 2:178
n.vb. 2:219, 7:199
pcple. act. 3:134

afuw n.m. 4:43, 4:99, 4:149, 22:60, 58:2
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 377, 378, 379, 380  ##

Ayn-ha-Dal = to enjoin/charge/impose/swear. ahdun - treaty/covenant/promise/agreement/compact/oath, bond, condition, bequest, responsibility, guarantee, time, epoch, acquaintance, true, friendship, affection, security.
'ahida (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): he has enjoined.
'ahinaa (prf. 1st. pl.): we enjoined.
'ahad (imp. 1st. sing. juss): enjoin.
'aahada (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. III): he made a covenant.
'aahaduu (prf. 3rd. m. pl. vb. III): they made covenant.
'aahadtum (prf. 2nd. m. pl. vb. III): you made covenant.
'ahdun (v. n.): covenant, treaty, oath, promise, appointed time.

ahida vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:125, 3:183, 7:134, 20:115, 43:49
impf. act. 36:60

ahd n.m. 2:27, 2:40, 2:40, 2:80, 2:80, 2:100, 2:124, 2:177, 3:76, 3:77, 6:152, 7:102, 8:56, 9:4, 9:7, 9:12, 9:111, 13:20, 13:25, 16:91, 16:95, 17:34, 17:34, 19:78, 19:87, 20:86, 23:8, 33:15, 70:32
ahada vb. (3) perf. act. 2:100, 2:177, 8:56, 9:1, 9:4, 9:7, 9:75, 16:91, 33:15, 33:23, 48:10
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 467, 468, 469  ##

Ayn-ha-Nun = to whither, dry up, be broken or bent. ihn (pl. uhun) - wool, dyed wool, multicoloured wool.
ihn n.m. 70:9, 101:5
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 470  ##

Ayn-Jiim-Ba = to wonder, marvel, be astonished, be amazed, delight, please, admire, astounding, matter of wonder.
'aajibuu (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they wondered.
'ajibta (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): you marvel.
'ajibtum (prf. 2nd. m. pl.): you marvelled.
Ta'jab (imp. 2nd. m. sing. juss.): Thou marvel, wonder.
Ta'jabuuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu. Thou wonder.
Ta'jabiina (imp. 2nd. f. sing.): Thou (f.) wonder.
A'jaba (prf. 3rd. m. sing. IV.): He was pleased.
A'jabat (prf.3rd. f. sing. IV.): She was pleased.
Yu'jibu (imp. 3rd. m. sing. IV.): Delights.
Tu'jibu (imp. 3rd. f. sing. IV.): She delights, pleases.
Tu'jib (imp. 3rd. f. sing. juss.): She amazes, makes (you) wonder.
'Ajabun (nom. v. n.): Wondrous.
'Ajaban (acc. v. n.): Matter of wonder (10:2); Wonder (18:9); What a wonder (18:63); Wonderful (72:1).
'Ajiibun (act. 2nd. pic.): Strange thing; Wonderful thing.
'Ujaabun (ints.): Astounding; Very strange thing.

ajiba vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:63, 7:69, 37:12, 38:4, 50:2
impf. act. 11:73, 13:5, 53:59

ajab n.m. 10:2, 13:5, 18:9, 18:63, 72:1
ajib n.m. 11:72, 50:2
ujab n.m. 38:5
ajaba vb. (4)
perf. act. 2:221, 2:221, 5:100, 9:25, 33:52, 57:20
impf. act. 2:204, 9:55, 9:85, 48:29, 63:4

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 241, 242, 243  ##

Ayn-Jiim-Fa = to become lean, emaciate (animal).
ijaf n.f. (pl. of ajfa) 12:43, 12:46
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 247, 248  ##

Ayn-Jiim-Lam = to hasten, make speed, accelerate, be hasty, act hastily, hurry over, do speedily. ajalun - precipitation, haste. ajil - that which hastens away, transitory. ista'jala - to seek or desire to hasten, urge one to make haste in doing anything. ijlun - calf.
'Ajiltu (prf. 1st. sing.): I have hastened.
'Ajiltum (prf. 2nd. plu.): They make haste.
Laa Ta'jal (prt. neg. m. sing.): Thou make no haste.
Li Ta'jala (imp. 2nd. m. sing. el.). In order to make haste.
'Ajjala (prf. 3rd. m. sing. II): He would have hastened.
'Ajjalnaa (prf. 1st. plu. II): We hastened.
'Ajala : Made you depart in such haste (with 'An).
Ta'jjala (prf 3rd. m. sing. V.): He hastened.
Ista'jaltum (prf. 2nd. m. plu. X.): You sought to be hastened.
Yasta'jiluuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu. X.): They seek to expedite.
Tasta'jiluuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu.): You seek to hasten before its (fixed time), seek to expedite.
Laa Tasta'jil (prt. neg. m. sing. X.) : Thou do not seek to hasten.
Laa Tasta'jiluu (prt. neg. plu. X.): You do not seek to hasten.
'Ajil (v. n.): Haste; Hurry up.
'Aajilatun (act. pic. f. sing.): Quick-passing (world); Present (transitory life).
'Ajuulan (acc. ints. n.): Ever hasty.
Isti'jaal (v. n. X.): Hastening.
'Ijlun (n.): Calf.

ajila vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:150, 20:84
impf. act. 19:84, 20:114, 75:16
pcple. act. f. 17:18, 75:20, 76:27

ajal n.m. 21:37
ajul n.m. 17:11
ijl n.m. 2:51, 2:54, 2:92, 2:93, 4:153, 7:148, 7:152, 11:69, 20:88, 51:26
ajjala vb. (2)
perf. act. 17:18, 18:58, 48:20
impf. act. 10:11
impv. 38:16

ajala vb. (4) perf. act. 20:83
ta'ajjala vb. (5) perf. act. 2:203
ista'jala vb. (10)
perf. act. 46:24
impf. act. 6:57, 6:58, 10:50, 10:51, 13:6, 16:1, 21:37, 22:47, 26:204, 27:46, 27:72, 29:53, 29:54, 37:16, 42:18, 46:35, 51:14, 51:59
n.vb. 10:11

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 248, 249, 250, 251  ##

Ayn-Jiim-Miim = to chew, try by biting. a'jama - to speak Arabic imperfectly, abstruse (language). a'jamiyyun - foreign, non-Arab, one who has an impediment in speech. a'jamiyyan - foreign tongue. a'jamina - non-Arabs.
ajamiy n.m. 16:103, 41:44, 41:44, pl. acc. 26:198
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 251, 252, 253  ##

Ayn-Jiim-Zay = to become behind, lack, become in the rear, lag behind (strength), become incapable, powerless, be weak. ujuzun - old women. a'jaza (vb. 4) to weaken, frustrate, find one to be weak. mu'ajiz - one who baffles. ajzun (pl. a'jazun) - portion of the trunk that is below its upper part.
A'jaztu (prf. 1st. sing.): I am unable, became incapable.
Yu'jizuuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu. IV.): They shall be able to frustrate.
Li Yu'jiza (imp. 3rd. m. sing. el.): He can frustrate.
Nu'jiza (imp. 1st. plu.): We shall frustrate.
Mu'aajiziina (ap-der. m. plu. III.): Frustraters.
Mu'jizun (ap-der. m. sing. IV.): Frustrater.
Mu'jiziina / Mu'jizii (ap-der. m. plu. IV. final Nun is dropped.): Frustraters.
'Ajuuzun (n.): Old woman who has passed child bearing age.
A'jaazun (n. plu.): Trunks.

ajaza vb. (1) perf. act. 5:31
ajaz n.m. pl. 54:20, 69:7
ajuz n.f. 11:72, 26:171, 37:135, 51:29
ajaza vb. (3) pcple. act. 22:51, 34:5, 34:38
ajaza vb. (4)
impf. act. 8:59, 35:44, 72:12, 72:12
pcple. act. 6:134, 9:2, 9:3, 10:53, 11:20, 11:33, 16:46, 24:57, 29:22, 39:51, 42:31, 46:32

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 244, 245, 246, 247  ##

= Ayn-Kaf-Fa = to arrange, set a thing in order, he kept or clave to it constantly and perseveringly, continue intently, they went round something, advance/approach it, withheld/detain/confined, to seclude oneself, remain/stay/dwell.
ya'kufuuna (imp. 3rd. m. pl.): they clung to.
'aakif (act. pic. m. sing.): inhabitant.
'aakifuuna / aakifiina (acc./ act. pic. pl.): those who are performing i'tikaaf.
ma'kuufan (pic. pac. acc.): detained, stopped.

akafa vb. (1)
impf. act. 7:138
pcple. act. 2:125, 2:187, 20:91, 20:97, 21:52, 22:25, 26:71
pcple. pass. 48:25

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 406, 407  ##

= Ayn-Lam-Miim = to mark/sign/distinguish, creations/beings, world, science/learning/knowledge/information, aware/know. By means of which one knows a thing, hence it signifies world or creation, because by it the Creator is known. alim (pl. ulama) - one who is learned/wise or knows.
'Alima (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): He knew.
'Alimta (prf. 1st. sing.). Thou knewest.
'Alimuu (prf. 3rd. m. plu.): They knew.
'Alimatum (prf. 2nd. m. plu.): Ye knew.
'Alimtumuu (prf. 2nd. m. plu.): Ye knew.
'Alimnaa (prf. 1st. plu.): We knew.
'Ya'lamu (imp. 3rd. m. sing.): He knows.
'Ya'lamanna (imp. 3rd. m. sing. imp.): He will surely know.
'Ta'lamuu (imp. 2nd. m. sing.): Thou knowest.
Ta'lam (imp. 2nd. m. sing. juss.): Thou knowest.
'Lam Ya'lam (imp. 2nd. m. sing. juss.): He knows not.
Ta'lamunna (imp. 2nd. m. sing. imp.): You shall with certainty come to know.
Na'lamu (imp. 1st. plu.): We distinguish; know.
Ya'lamuuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They know.
Ya'lamuu (imp. 3rd. m. plu. juss. final Nun dropped).
Ta'lamuu (imp. 2nd. m. plu. juss. final Nun dropped): You know.
I'lam (prt. m. sing.): Thou know.
I'lamuu (prt. m. plu.): You know.
Yu'lama (pip. 3rd. m. sing.): These be known.
'Allama (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. II): He taught.
'Allamtum (prf. 2nd. m. plu. vb. II): You taught.
'Allamta (prf. 2nd. m. sing. vb. II): Thou taught.
'Allamtu (prf. 1st. sing. vb. II): I taught.
'Allamnaa (prf. 1st. plu. vb. II): We taught.
Yu'allimu (imp. 3rd. m. sing. vb. II): He teaches.
Yu'allimaani (imp. 3rd. m. dual vb. II): They two teach.
Yu'allimuuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu. vb. II): They teach.
Tu'allimuuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu.): You teach.
Tu'allimani (comb. of Tu'allim+ni): You teach me.
Nu'allimu (imp. 1st. plu.): We teach.
'Ullimta (imp. 1st. plu.): Thou art taught.
'Ullimtum (pp. 2nd. m. plu.): You are taught.
'Ullimna (pp. 1st. plu.): We are taught.
Yata'allamuuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They learn.
'Ilman (n.): Knowledge; Information; Learning.
Aalimun (act. pic. m. sing.): Who knows; Learned.
'Ulamaa (plu.): Learned ones.
'Aalimuuna / 'Aalimiina (acc./act. pic. m. plu.): Learned ones.
'Aliim (act. 2nd. pic.): Who knows.
Al-'Aaliim: The one who knows and knowledge is a permanent feature of his personality. One of the names of Allah.
'Allaam (ints.): Well known.
Ma'luum (pic. pac. sing.): Known.
Ma`lumat (pic. pac. plu.): Known ones
Mu'allamin (pis. pic. vb. II): Taught one.
'Alamiin (n. plu.): Worlds/Beings.

alima vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:60, 2:65, 2:102, 2:187, 2:235, 4:83, 5:116, 7:160, 8:23, 8:66, 11:79, 12:51, 12:73, 12:81, 12:89, 15:24, 17:102, 21:65, 24:33, 24:41, 28:38, 28:75, 33:50, 37:158, 45:9, 48:18, 48:27, 50:4, 56:62, 60:10, 73:20, 81:14, 82:5
impf. act. 2:13, 2:22, 2:26, 2:30, 2:30, 2:33, 2:33, 2:42, 2:75, 2:77, 2:77, 2:78, 2:80, 2:101, 2:102, 2:103, 2:106, 2:107, 2:113, 2:118, 2:143, 2:144, 2:146, 2:151, 2:169, 2:184, 2:188, 2:197, 2:216, 2:216, 2:220, 2:230, 2:232, 2:232, 2:235, 2:239, 2:255, 2:259, 2:270, 2:280, 3:7, 3:29, 3:29, 3:66, 3:71, 3:75, 3:78, 3:135, 3:140, 3:142, 3:142, 3:166, 3:167, 3:167, 4:43, 4:63, 4:113, 5:40, 5:94, 5:97, 5:97, 5:99, 5:104, 5:113, 5:116, 5:116, 6:3, 6:3, 6:33, 6:37, 6:50, 6:59, 6:59, 6:59, 6:60, 6:67, 6:81, 6:91, 6:97, 6:105, 6:114, 6:135, 7:28, 7:32, 7:33, 7:38, 7:62, 7:62, 7:75, 7:123, 7:131, 7:182, 7:187, 7:188, 8:27, 8:34, 8:60, 8:60, 8:70, 9:6, 9:11, 9:16, 9:41, 9:42, 9:43, 9:63, 9:78, 9:78, 9:93, 9:97, 9:101, 9:101, 9:104, 10:5, 10:5, 10:18, 10:55, 10:68, 10:89, 11:5, 11:6, 11:31, 11:39, 11:49, 11:79, 11:93, 12:21, 12:40, 12:46, 12:52, 12:68, 12:80, 12:86, 12:86, 12:96, 12:96, 13:8, 13:19, 13:33, 13:42, 13:42, 14:9, 14:38, 14:52, 15:3, 15:96, 15:97, 16:8, 16:19, 16:23, 16:38, 16:39, 16:41, 16:43, 16:55, 16:56, 16:70, 16:74, 16:74, 16:75, 16:78, 16:91, 16:95, 16:101, 16:103, 17:12, 18:12, 18:21, 18:22, 19:65, 19:75, 20:7, 20:71, 20:110, 20:135, 21:4, 21:7, 21:24, 21:28, 21:39, 21:110, 21:110, 22:5, 22:54, 22:70, 22:70, 22:76, 23:84, 23:88, 23:114, 24:19, 24:19, 24:25, 24:29, 24:63, 24:64, 25:6, 25:42, 26:49, 26:132, 26:197, 26:227, 27:25, 27:52, 27:61, 27:65, 27:74, 28:13, 28:13, 28:57, 28:69, 28:78, 29:3, 29:3, 29:11, 29:11, 29:16, 29:41, 29:42, 29:45, 29:52, 29:64, 29:66, 30:6, 30:7, 30:30, 30:34, 30:56, 30:59, 31:25, 31:34, 32:17, 33:5, 33:18, 33:51, 34:2, 34:14, 34:21, 34:28, 34:36, 36:16, 36:26, 36:36, 36:76, 37:170, 38:88, 39:9, 39:9, 39:26, 39:29, 39:39, 39:49, 39:52, 40:19, 40:57, 40:70, 41:3, 41:22, 42:18, 42:25, 42:35, 43:86, 43:89, 44:39, 45:18, 45:26, 47:19, 47:26, 47:30, 47:31, 48:25, 48:27, 49:16, 49:18, 50:16, 52:47, 54:26, 56:61, 56:76, 57:4, 57:25, 57:29, 58:7, 58:14, 61:5, 61:11, 62:9, 63:1, 63:8, 64:4, 64:4, 65:12, 67:14, 67:17, 67:29, 68:33, 68:44, 69:49, 70:39, 71:4, 72:24, 72:28, 73:20, 74:31, 78:4, 78:5, 82:12, 87:7, 96:5, 96:14, 100:9, 102:3, 102:4, 102:5
impv. 2:194, 2:196, 2:203, 2:209, 2:223, 2:231, 2:233, 2:235, 2:235, 2:244, 2:260, 2:267, 5:34, 5:49, 5:92, 5:98, 8:24, 8:25, 8:28, 8:40, 8:41, 9:2, 9:3, 9:36, 9:123, 11:14, 28:50, 47:19, 49:7, 57:17, 57:20
impf. pass. 24:31
n.vb. 2:32, 2:120, 2:145, 2:247, 2:255, 3:7, 3:18, 3:19, 3:61, 3:66, 3:66, 4:157, 4:162, 4:166, 5:109, 6:80, 6:100, 6:108, 6:119, 6:140, 6:143, 6:144, 6:148, 7:7, 7:52, 7:89, 7:187, 10:39, 10:93, 11:14, 11:46, 11:47, 12:22, 12:68, 12:76, 13:37, 13:43, 16:25, 16:27, 16:70, 17:36, 17:85, 17:107, 18:5, 18:65, 19:43, 20:52, 20:98, 20:110, 20:114, 21:74, 21:79, 22:3, 22:5, 22:8, 22:54, 22:71, 24:15, 26:112, 27:15, 27:40, 27:42, 27:66, 27:84, 28:14, 28:78, 28:80, 29:8, 29:49, 30:29, 30:56, 31:6, 31:15, 31:20, 31:34, 33:63, 34:6, 35:11, 38:69, 39:47, 40:7, 40:42, 40:83, 41:47, 42:14, 43:20, 43:61, 43:85, 44:32, 45:17, 45:23, 45:24, 46:4, 46:23, 47:16, 48:25, 53:28, 53:30, 53:35, 58:11, 65:12, 67:26, 102:5
pcple. act. 6:73, 9:94, 9:105, 12:44, 13:9, 21:51, 21:81, 23:92, 29:43, 30:22, 32:6, 34:3, 35:38, 39:46, 59:22, 62:8, 64:18, 72:26
pcple. pass. 2:197, 15:4, 15:21, 15:38, 22:28, 26:38, 26:155, 37:41, 37:164, 38:81, 56:50, 70:24, 77:22

alamin n.m. (pl. of alam) 1:2, 2:47, 2:122, 2:131, 2:251, 3:33, 3:42, 3:96, 3:97, 3:108, 5:20, 5:28, 5:115, 6:45, 6:71, 6:86, 6:90, 6:162, 7:54, 7:61, 7:67, 7:80, 7:104, 7:121, 7:140, 10:10, 10:37, 12:104, 15:70, 21:71, 21:91, 21:107, 25:1, 26:16, 26:23, 26:47, 26:77, 26:98, 26:109, 26:127, 26:145, 26:164, 26:165, 26:180, 26:192, 27:8, 27:44, 28:30, 29:6, 29:10, 29:15, 29:28, 32:2, 37:79, 37:87, 37:182, 38:87, 39:75, 40:64, 40:65, 40:66, 41:9, 43:46, 44:32, 45:16, 45:36, 56:80, 59:16, 68:52, 69:43, 81:27, 81:29, 83:6
alam n.m. (pl. a'lam) 16:16, 42:32, 55:24
a'lam n.m. comp. 2:140, 3:36, 3:167, 4:25, 4:45, 5:61, 6:53, 6:58, 6:117, 6:117, 6:119, 6:124, 10:40, 11:31, 12:77, 16:101, 16:125, 16:125, 17:25, 17:47, 17:54, 17:55, 17:84, 18:19, 18:21, 18:21, 18:22, 18:26, 19:70, 20:104, 22:68, 23:96, 26:188, 28:37, 28:56, 28:85, 29:10, 29:32, 39:70, 46:8, 50:45, 53:30, 53:30, 53:32, 60:1, 60:10, 68:7, 68:7, 84:23
alim n.m. (pl. ulama) 2:29, 2:232, 2:95, 2:115, 2:127, 2:137, 2:158, 2:181, 2:215, 2:224, 2:227, 2:231, 2:244, 2:246, 2:247, 2:256, 2:261, 2:268, 2:273, 2:282, 2:283, 3:34, 3:35, 3:63, 3:73, 3:92, 3:115, 3:119, 3:121, 3:154, 4:11, 4:12, 4:17, 4:24, 4:26, 4:32, 4:35, 4:39, 4:70, 4:92, 4:104, 4:111, 4:127, 4:147, 4:148, 4:170, 4:176, 5:7, 5:54, 5:76, 5:97, 6:13, 6:83, 6:96, 6:101, 6:115, 6:128, 6:139, 7:109, 7:112, 7:200, 8:17, 8:42, 8:43, 8:53, 8:61, 8:71, 8:75, 9:15, 9:28, 9:44, 9:47, 9:60, 9:97, 9:98, 9:103, 9:106, 9:110, 9:115, 10:36, 10:65, 10:79, 11:5, 12:6, 12:19, 12:34, 12:50, 12:55, 12:76, 12:83, 12:100, 15:25, 15:53, 15:86, 16:28, 16:70, 21:4, 22:52, 22:59, 23:51, 24:18, 24:21, 24:28, 24:32, 24:35, 24:41, 24:58, 24:59, 24:60, 24:64, 26:34, 26:37, 26:197, 26:220, 27:6, 27:78, 29:5, 29:60, 29:62, 30:54, 31:23, 31:34, 33:1, 33:40, 33:51, 33:54, 34:26, 35:8, 35:28, 35:38, 35:44, 36:38, 36:79, 36:81, 39:7, 40:2, 41:12, 41:36, 42:12, 42:24, 42:50, 43:9, 43:84, 44:6, 48:4, 48:26, 49:1, 49:8, 49:13, 49:16, 51:28, 51:30, 57:3, 57:6, 58:7, 60:10, 62:7, 64:4, 64:11, 66:2, 66:3, 67:13, 76:30
allam n.m. 5:109, 5:116, 9:78, 34:48
allama vb. (2)
perf. act. 2:31, 2:32, 2:239, 2:251, 2:282, 4:113, 5:4, 5:4, 5:110, 12:37, 12:68, 12:101, 18:65, 20:71, 21:80, 26:49, 36:69, 53:5, 55:2, 55:4, 96:4, 96:5
impf. act. 2:102, 2:102, 2:129, 2:151, 2:151, 2:282, 3:48, 3:79, 3:164, 5:4, 12:6, 12:21, 16:103, 18:66, 49:16, 62:2
perf. pass. 6:91, 18:66, 27:16
pcple. pass. 44:14

ta'allama vb. (5) impf. act. 2:102, 2:102
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 423, 424, 425, 426, 427  ##

Ayn-Lam-Nun = to be open/manifest/public, become known, reveal.
A'lantu (prf. 1st. sing. vb. IV): I made public proclamation, spoke in public.
A'lantum (prf. 2nd. m. plu. vb. IV. Ye made known, spoke publicly.
Yu'linuuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu. vb. IV): They make public.
Tu'linuuna  (imp. 2nd. m. plu. vb. IV.): You make public.
Nu'linu (imp. 1st. plu. vb. IV.): We make public.
'Alaaniyatan (v. n. acc.): Made public.

alaniyah n. f. adv. 2:274, 13:22, 14:31, 35:29
alana vb. (4)
perf. act. 60:1, 71:9
impf. act. 2:77, 11:5, 14:38, 16:19, 16:23, 27:25, 27:74, 28:69, 36:76, 64:4

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 427  ##

Ayn-Lam-Qaf = to adhere to, hang, love, leech, have an attachment, cling, hold fast, pertain, catch, concern, become attached by love, suspend, fasten a thing, cleave, clot of blood, germ-cell, fertilised female ovum. alqun/ilqun - precious thing. alaqatun - true love, attachment. ilaqatun - love, affection.
mu'allaqatun - a wife whose husband has been lost to her or been left in suspense; neither husbandless nor having a husband; husband does not act equitably with her or release her; left in suspense.

alaqah n.f. (pl. alaq) 22:5, 23:14, 23:14, 40:67, 75:38, 96:2
allaqa vb. (2) pcple. pass. f.
mu'allaqatun 4:129

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423  ##

Ayn-Lam-Waw = to be high, elevated, lofty, exalted, ascend, overcome, be proud/upon/over, go up, rise in rank or dignity, raise, take up, mount, overtop.
'Alaa (pap. 3rd. m. sing.): Overcome; Have dominated.
'Alau (prf. 3rd. m. plu. IV): They overcome, conquered.
Laa Ta'lau (prt. neg. m. plu.): Exalt not; Do not rise up.
Ta'lunna (imp. 2nd. m. plu. emp.): Ye will surely become overbearing.
Ta'aalaa: High above (all).
Ista'laa (prf. 3rd. m. sing. X): Become uppermost; Successful.
'Aalin: (act. pic. m. sing. juss.): Self-exalting one; Tyrant; Haughty.
'Aaliyan (act. pic. acc.): Self exalted one; Haughty.
'Aaliya: Upside-over (Them).
'Aaliin (act. pic. m. plu.): Self exalting ones; Those who are haughty.
'Aaliyatun (act. pic. f sing.): High; Lofty.
'Ulaa (elative f. plu.): Lofty ones.
'Ulyaa (elative f. sing.): Supermost; Prevailing.
'Uluwwan (v. n. acc.): Great height; Overbearing.
'Aliiyyun (act. 2nd. pic.): The highest one. One of the names of Allah.
A'laa (m. sing. elative.): The great.
Al-A'laa: The most high. One of the names of Allah.
A'launa (m. plu.): Overcoming ones; Triumphant.
'Illiyuuna / 'Illiyyiina (acc./ nom.): The highest of the places; Register of those enjoying the most exalted ranks. Its sing. is`Illiyyatun.
Muta'aal (ap-der. vb. VIII): Exalted.
Ta'aalau (prt. m. plu.): You come.
Ta'aalain (prt. f. plu.): You women come.

ala vb. (1)
perf. act. 17:7, 23:91, 28:4
impf. act. 17:4, 27:31, 44:19
n.vb. 17:4, 17:43, 27:14, 28:83
pcple. act. 10:83, 11:82, 15:74, 23:46, 38:75, 44:31, 69:22, 76:21, 88:10

aliy n.m. (f. ula, comp. a'la) 2:255, 3:139, 4:34, 9:40, 16:60, 19:50, 19:57, 20:4, 20:68, 20:75, 22:62, 30:27, 31:30, 34:23, 37:8, 38:69, 40:12, 42:4, 42:51, 43:4, 47:35, 53:7, 79:24, 87:1, 92:20
illiyun n. 83:18, 83:19
ta'ala vb. (6)
perf. act. 6:100, 7:190, 10:18, 16:1, 16:3, 17:43, 20:114, 23:92, 23:116, 27:63, 28:68, 30:40, 39:67, 72:3
impv. 3:61, 3:64, 3:167, 4:61, 5:104, 6:151, 33:28, 63:5
pcple. act. 13:9

ista'ala vb. (10) perf. act. 20:64
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433  ##

Ayn-Lam-Ya / Ala = Preposition: on, upon, at, under, against, provided, so that, in respect, before, against, according to, for the sake of, to, above, inspite of, near. (e.g. ala hudan - they are on guidance)  ##

Ayn-Miim-Dal = to intend, support, place columns or pillars, place lofty structure, prop up, resolve, aim, direct, propose, commit (a sin intentionally), lofty structure, tent, pole, base, chief.
muta'ammidan (ap-der. acc. vb. V): on purpose, intentionally.
'imaad (n.): tall lofty structure, lofty colums.
'amadun (n. pl.): columns.

imad n. com. (pl. amad) 13:2, 31:10, 89:7, 104:9
ta'ammada vb. (5)
perf. act. 33:5
pcple. act. 4:93, 5:95

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 436, 437, 438   ##

Ayn-Miim-ha = to be confounded/perplexed/confused, wander blindly, stumble to and fro, unable to find the right course, mental blindness.
ya'mahuun (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they are blindly wandering, they lost all marks which are helpful for finding a way.
amaha vb. (1) impf. act. 2:15, 6:110, 7:186, 10:11, 15:72, 23:75, 27:4
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 445  ##

Ayn-Miim-Lam = to do/make/act/work/operate/perform/construct/manufacture, practice a handcraft, be active, one who does.
'Amila (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): He did, acted, worked.
'Amilat (prf. 3rd. f. sing.): She did, acted.
'Amiluu (prf. 3rd. m. plu.): They did.
'Amiltum (prf. 2nd. m. plu.): You did. Most often the prefect past tense of this root 'Amila,-s is preceded by man or ma or min of relative or demonstrative pronouns, then it means, "Who does", instead of its real meaning of past tense, "Who did".
Ya'malu, Ya'mal (juss.).
Y'amala (acc. imp. 3rd. m. sing.): Does; Did.
Ta'malu (imp. 3rd. f. sing.): Does. This form is used, as a general rule of Arabic grammar, to denote the meaning of plural by placing it before the subject.
A'malu / A'mal (juss.)
A'mala (acc. imp. 1st. sing.): I do.
Ya'maluuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They do.
Ta'maluuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu.): You do.
Na'malu (nom.), Na'mala (acc.), Na'mal (juss.): We do.
I'mal (prt. m. sing.): Thou do, make, work.
I'maluu (prt. m. plu.): You do, make, work.
'Amalun / 'Amalan (nom./ n. acc.): Deed; Action; Work.
A'maal (n. plu.): Deeds.
'Aamilun (act. pic. m. sing.): Worker; Doer.
'Aamiluun / 'Amiliin (acc./ pic. m. plu.): Workers; Doers.
'Aamilatun: ZULc (act. pic. f. sing.): Toil-worn woman.

amila vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:25, 2:62, 2:82, 2:277, 3:30, 3:30, 3:57, 4:57, 4:122, 4:173, 5:9, 5:69, 5:93, 5:93, 6:54, 6:132, 7:42, 7:153, 10:4, 10:9, 11:11, 11:23, 13:29, 14:23, 16:34, 16:97, 16:111, 16:119, 18:30, 18:49, 18:88, 18:107, 19:60, 19:96, 20:75, 20:82, 22:14, 22:23, 22:50, 22:56, 24:38, 24:55, 24:64, 25:23, 25:70, 25:71, 26:227, 28:67, 28:80, 28:84, 29:7, 29:9, 29:58, 30:15, 30:41, 30:44, 30:45, 31:8, 31:23, 32:19, 34:4, 34:37, 34:37, 35:7, 36:35, 36:71, 38:24, 38:28, 39:35, 39:70, 40:40, 40:40, 40:58, 41:8, 41:33, 41:46, 41:50, 42:22, 42:23, 42:26, 45:15, 45:21, 45:30, 45:33, 46:16, 46:19, 47:2, 47:12, 48:29, 53:31, 58:6, 58:7, 64:7, 65:11, 84:25, 85:11, 95:6, 98:7, 103:3
impf. act. 2:74, 2:85, 2:96, 2:110, 2:134, 2:140, 2:141, 2:149, 2:233, 2:234, 2:237, 2:265, 2:271, 2:283, 3:98, 3:99, 3:120, 3:153, 3:156, 3:163, 3:180, 4:17, 4:18, 4:94, 4:108, 4:110, 4:123, 4:124, 4:128, 4:135, 5:8, 5:62, 5:66, 5:71, 5:105, 6:43, 6:60, 6:88, 6:108, 6:122, 6:127, 6:132, 7:43, 7:53, 7:53, 7:118, 7:129, 7:139, 7:147, 7:180, 8:39, 8:47, 8:72, 9:9, 9:16, 9:94, 9:105, 9:121, 10:12, 10:14, 10:23, 10:41, 10:41, 10:61, 11:16, 1:78, 11:92, 11:111, 11:112, 11:123, 12:19, 12:69, 14:42, 15:93, 16:28, 16:28, 16:32, 16:93, 16:96, 16:97, 17:9, 17:84, 18:2, 18:79, 18:110, 20:112, 21:27, 21:74, 21:82, 21:94, 22:68, 23:51, 23:100, 24:24, 24:28, 24:53, 26:112, 26:169, 26:188, 26:216, 27:19, 27:84, 27:90, 27:93, 28:84, 29:4, 29:7, 29:8, 29:55, 31:15, 31:29, 32:12, 32:14, 32:17, 32:19, 33:2, 33:9, 33:31, 34:11, 34:12, 34:13, 34:25, 34:44, 35:37, 35:37, 36:54, 37:39, 37:61, 37:96, 39:7, 39:35, 41:20, 41:22, 41:27, 41:40, 43:72, 45:28, 45:29, 46:14, 46:15, 48:11, 48:24, 49:18, 52:16, 52:19, 56:24, 57:4, 57:10, 58:3, 58:11, 58:13, 58:15, 59:18, 60:3, 62:8, 63:2, 63:11, 64:2, 64:8, 64:9, 65:11, 66:7, 77:43, 99:7, 99:8
impv. 6:135, 9:105, 11:93, 11:121, 23:51, 34:11, 34:11, 34:13, 39:39, 41:5, 41:40
n.vb. 2:139, 2:139, 2:167, 2:217, 3:22, 3:195, 5:5, 5:53, 5:90, 6:108, 7:147, 8:48, 9:17, 9:37, 9:69, 9:94, 9:102, 9:105, 9:120, 10:41, 10:41, 10:61, 10:81, 11:7, 11:15, 11:46, 11:111, 14:18, 16:63, 18:7, 18:30, 18:103, 18:105, 18:110, 21:82, 23:63, 24:39, 25:23, 25:70, 26:168, 27:4, 27:24, 28:15, 28:55, 28:55, 29:38, 33:19, 33:71, 35:8, 35:10, 39:65, 40:37, 42:15, 42:15, 46:19, 47:1, 47:4, 47:8, 47:9, 47:14, 47:28, 47:30, 47:32, 47:33, 47:35, 49:2, 49:14, 52:21, 66:11, 67:2, 99:6
pcple. act. 3:136, 3:195, 6:135, 9:60, 11:93, 11:121, 23:63, 29:58, 37:61, 39:39, 39:74, 41:5, 88:3

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 443, 444, 445  ##

Ayn-Miim-Miim = uncle on the fathers side, paternal uncle/aunt, become common/general/universal/comprehensive, include the whole/bulk/mass within the compass of its relation/effects/influence, become long/tall, a company/tribe of men/numerous company.
'Ammun (n.): paternal uncle (33:50).
A'maam (n. pl.): paternal uncles (24:61).
'Ammaatun (n. f. pl.): paternal aunts.
Ammaa: it is the combination of aan+maa, what is that (78:1, 4:23, 24:61).

amm n.m. (pl. a'mam) 24:61, 33:50
ammah n.f. (pl. ammat) 4:23, 24:61, 33:50
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 433, 434, 435  ##

Ayn-Miim-Qaf = to be deep/long, far extending place, far off, distant.
amiq n. m. act. pic. 22:27
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 442, 443  ##

= Ayn-Miim-Ra = to inhabit, dwell, mend, repair/revive, tend, build, promote, cultivate, make habitable, to make better, to develop, populate, to serve/uphold/observe/regard, to visit, to colonize, aimed at it, frequently visit, a visit in which is the cultivation of love/affection, repairing to an inhabited place.
perform a sacred visitation, minor pilgrimmage, pilgrimmage with fewer rites.
to remain alive (save life), to live, life, age, long-life, old-age.

'Amara (prf. 3rd. p, m. plu.): They inhabited, populated.
Ya'muru (imp. 3rd. m. sing.): He mends, keeps in a good and flourishing state.
Ya'muruu (imp. 3rd. m. plu. final Nun dropped). They keep in a good and flourishing state.
Nu'ammir: (Imp. 1st. plu. juss. II.): We grant long life.
Yu'ammar (pip. 3rd. m. sing. II): You be given a long life.
I'tamara (prf. 3rd. m. sing. VIII.): He did 'umrah.
Ista'mara (prf. 3rd. m. sing. X.): He made (you) dwell.
'Amrun: Life.
'Umuran (n. acc.): Life-time.
'Umurun (n. nom.)
Imaaratun (v, n.): Keeping in a good and flourishing state.
Ma'muur (pct. Pic.): Much frequented.
Mu'ammar (pis. pic. vb. II.): Goodman.
'Imraan: proper name.

amara vb. (I) - perf. act. 30:9 x2, impf. act. 9:17, 9:18, pcple. pass. 52:4,
amr n.m. 15:72,
imarah n.f. 9:19,
imran n. prop. 3:33, 3:35, 66:12,
umrah n.f. 2:196 x2,
umur n.m. 10:16, 16:70, 21:44, 22:5, 26:18, 28:45, 35:11,

ammara vb. (II) - impf. act. 35:37, 36:68, impf. pass. 2:96, 35:11, pcple. pass. 35:11,
itamara vb. (VIII) - 2:158,
istamara vb. (X) - perf. act. 11:61
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 438, 439, 440, 441, 442  ##

Ayn-Miim-Ya = to swerve from duty, stray from the right course, be or become blind, ignorant, obscure and dubious, deprive of the sight, rend abstruse, blind, dark, conceal. amaha - mental blindness, amaya - mental and physical blindness.
'Amiya (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): He chooses to remain blind.
'Amiyat (prf. 3rd. f. sing.): Blinded; Will become confused.
'Amuu (prf. 3rd. m. plu.): They wilfully became blind.
Ta'maa (imp. 3rd. f. sing.): Gets blind.
'Ummiyat (pp. 3rd. f. sing. vb. II): She has been made or rendered obscure.
A'maa (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. IV.): He made blind.
A'maa (n.): Blind person. Its plu. is 'Umyun.
'Amaa (v. n.): Blindness.
'Amuuna / 'Amiina (acc./ n. plu.): Blind persons, who willing become blind. Its sing. is 'Amin.
'Umyun / Umyan (acc./ n. plu.): Blind ones. Its sing is A'maa.
'Umyyuunan (n. plu.): Blinds. Its sing. is 'Umyan and 'Umyun.

amiya vb. (1)
perf. act. 5:71, 5:71, 6:104, 28:66
impf. act. 22:46, 22:46

ama n.m. 41:17, 41:44
a'ma n.m. (pl. umi) 2:18, 2:171, 6:50, 10:43, 11:24, 13:16, 13:19, 17:72, 17:72, 17:97, 20:124, 20:125, 24:61, 25:73, 27:81, 30:53, 35:19, 40:58, 43:40, 48:17, 80:2
ami n.m. (pl. amun) 7:64, 27:66
amma vb. (2) perf. pass. 11:28
a'ma vb. (4) perf. act. 47:23
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 445, 446, 447  ##

Ayn-Nun-Ba = to produce grapes, grape.
inab n.m. (pl. a'naab) 2:266, 6:99, 13:4, 16:11, 16:67, 17:91, 18:32, 23:19, 36:34, 78:32, 80:28
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 452, 453  ##

Ayn-Nun-Dal = to go out of the right way, decline, deviate, be rebellious, tyrant, opposing, obstinate to resist, transgress the bounds.
anida/anuda/anada sing. n.m. 11:59, 14:15, 50:24, 74:16
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 455, 456, 457  ##

Ayn-Nun-Dal / Inda = Preposition: here, with, by, at the point of, about, from, in the presence of. The word denotes the idea of nearness, whether it be actual in the sense of possession or ideational, it also denotes a sense of rank or dignity or opinion, time and place.  ##

Ayn-Nun-Kaf-Ba = ill conformed, a thing that weaves, spider.
ankabut n. common gender. 29:41, 29:41
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 462, 463  ##

Ayn-Nun-Qaf = to be long-necked, become thin in the neck. ta'anaqa - to embrace. unuqun (pl. a'naq) neck, company (of men), trunk (of a tree), stalk (of a leaf or fruit), heads or chiefs of men, great ones. In 17:29 it is used as  a metaphorical phrase to mean: do not keep your hand stackled to your neck out of miserliness, do not be niggardly. In verse 17:13 unuqun is metaphorically used and refers to the principle that every action produces an effect which is "made to cling to a person" and that his deeds will be recorded in a Book and that their effect will be seen on the day of resurrection. "Clinging to the neck" indicates the inseparability of one thing from another, thus establishing the law of cause and effect.
unuq n. com. (pl. a'naaq) 8:12, 13:5, 17:13, 17:29, 26:4, 34:33, 36:8, 38:33, 40:71
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 460, 461, 462  ##

Ayn-Nun-Ta = to meet with difficulty, fall into distress, be overburdened, commit a crime, be spoiled, constrain anyone to do a thing, cause anyone to perish, beat harshly. a'nata - to bring anyone into difficulty, beat roughly, cause annoyance, confuse. anatun - sin/crime/mistake/difficulty.
'anitum (prf. 2nd. m. pl.): that which corrupts or distress you, you are overburdened, you fall into distress (3:118, 9:128, 49:7).
a'nata (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. IV): he caused distress, subjected to burden (2:220).
a'nata (v. n.): falling in crime (4:25).

anita vb. (1)
perf. act. 3:118, 9:128, 49:7
n.vb. 4:25

a'nata vb. (4) perf. act. 2:220
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 453, 454  ##

Ayn-Nun-Waw = to submit humbly, be downcast, distress, become submissive, obedient, take a thing peaceably.
ana vb. (1) 3rd. m. pl. perf. act. 20:111
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 463, 464, 465  ##

Ayn-Qaf-Ba = to succeed, take the place of, come after, strike on the heel, come at the heel, follow anyone closely. aqqaba - to endeavour repeatedly, return, punish, requitt, retrace one's step. aqab - to die, leave offsprings, give in exchange. aqabatun - place hard to ascent. uqbun - success. ta'aqqaba - to take careful information, shout, follow step by step. aqub - heel, son, grandson, offspring, pivot, axis. uqba - requital, result, reward, end, success. iqab (pl. aqubat) - punishment after sin, one who puts off or reverses, who looks at the consequence or result of the affair. mu'aqqibat - who succeed each other, some thing that comes immediately after another thing or succeeds another thing without interruption. It is a double plural feminine of mu'aqqib. The plural feminine form indicates the frequency of the deeds, since in Arabic the feminine form is sometimes employed to impart emphasis and frequency.
Yu'aqqib (imp. 3rd. f. sing. juss. vb. II): Look back.
'Aqaba (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. III.): He retaliated.
'Aaqabtum (prf. 2nd. m. sing. vb. II): You punished.
'Aqibuu (prt. m. sing. vb. III.) You punish.
A'qaba (perf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. IV.): Caused to follow.
'Uqiba (pp. 3rd. m. sing. vb. III): He was punished; was made to suffer.
'Uqibtum (3rd. m. plu. vb. II ): You have been persecuted.
A'qaba (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. IV): He has punished.
'Uqbun / 'Uqban (acc./n.): Result; Final end.
'Aqibun (n.):Posterior; Heel.
'Aqibai (n. dual): Two heels.
A'qaab (n. plu.): Heels.
Iqaabun (v. n.): Retribution (chastisement) that comes as a result of consequences of sins.
'Aqabatu (n.): Steep and difficult ascent; Mountain road; Road in the upper part of a mountain or a long mountain that lies across the way; Difficult affair and path of duty.
'Uqbaa (n.): Ending. It is with final Yaa, but if added to a pronoun the final Yaa turns to Alif as 'Uqbahaa (here an Alif before Haa).
'Aqibatun (act. pic. f. sing.): End.
Al-Aaqibatu: The happy and good end.
Mu'aqqibun (ap-der. vb. II): Who can reverse.
Mu'aqqibaat (plu.): Those who join their duties in succession; Successively ranged.

aqabah n.f. 90:11, 90:12
aqib n. com. (pl. a'qab) 2:143, 3:144, 3:144, 3:149, 6:71, 8:48, 23:66, 43:28
aqibah n.f. 3:137, 6:11, 6:135, 7:84, 7:86, 7:103, 7:128, 10:39, 10:73, 11:49, 12:109, 16:36, 20:132, 22:41, 27:14, 27:51, 27:69, 28:37, 28:40, 28:83, 30:9, 30:10, 30:42, 31:22, 35:44, 37:73, 40:21, 40:82, 43:25, 47:10, 59:17, 65:9
iqab n.m. 2:196, 2:211, 3:11, 5:2, 5:98, 6:165, 7:167, 8:13, 8:25, 8:48, 8:52, 13:6, 13:32, 38:14, 40:3, 40:5, 40:22, 41:43, 59:4, 59:7
uqb n.m. 18:44
uqba n.f. 13:22, 13:24, 13:35, 13:35, 13:42, 91:15
aqqaba vb. (2)
impf. act. 27:10, 28:31
pcple. act. 13:11, 13:41

aqaba vb. (3)
perf. act. 16:126, 22:60, 60:11
impv. 16:126
perf. pass. 16:126, 22:60

a'qaba vb. (4) perf. act. 9:77
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389  ##

Ayn-Qaf-Dal = to tie in a knot, make a knot, strike a bargain, contract, make a compact, enter into an obligation, bind, judgement, consideration of one's affairs, management, promise of obedience or vow of allegiance.
'aqadat (prf. 3rd. f. sing.): she made a covenant, ratified agreements.
'aqadtum (prf. 2nd. m. pl.): We bound, took in earnest.
'uquud (n. pl.): obligation. Its sing. is 'aqdun / 'uqdatun (n.): knot, tie, firm resolution, judgement, consideration of one's affairs, management regulating and ordering of one's affairs. It also signifies a promise of obedience or vow of allegiance.

aqada vb. (1)
perf. act. 4:33

aqd n.m. (pl. uqud) 5:1
uqdah n.f. (pl. uqad) 2:235, 2:237, 20:27, 113:4
Aqqadtum vb. (2)
perf. m. pl. 5:89
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 389, 390, 391, 392  ##

Ayn-Qaf-Lam = to bind, keep back, be intelligent, become wise, understand, pay the blood price for anyone, ascend on the summit of a mountain, use understanding, abstain.
'aqaluu (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they fully understood.
ya'qilu (imp. 3rd. m. sing.): he understands.
ya'qiluuna (imp. 3rd. m. pl.): who use understanding, who abstain (from evils).
na'qilu (imp. 1st. pl.): we understand, abstain.

aqala vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:75
impf. act. 2:44, 2:73, 2:76, 2:164, 2:170, 2:171, 2:242, 3:65, 3:118, 5:58, 5:103, 6:32, 6:151, 7:169, 8:22, 10:16, 10:42, 10:100, 11:51, 12:2, 12:109, 13:4, 16:12, 16:67, 21:10, 21:67, 22:46, 23:80, 24:61, 25:44, 26:28, 28:60, 29:35, 29:43, 29:63, 30:24, 30:28, 36:62, 36:68, 37:138, 39:43, 40:67, 43:3, 45:5, 49:4, 57:17, 59:14, 67:10

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 398, 399, 400, 401  ##

Ayn-Qaf-Miim = to be barren (womb), become dry, be unproductive, be gloomy, distressing, grievous (day), be childless, destructive.
'aqiiman n. m. acc. 42:50
'aqiimun act. 2nd. pic. 22:55, 51:29, 51:41

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 401, 402  ##

Ayn-Qaf-Ra = to cut/wound/slay, hamstrung, produce no result, be barren (e.g. womb).
'aqara (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): he hamstrung.
'aqaruu (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they hamstrung.
'aaqirun / 'aaqiran (acc./ act. pic.): barren (female).

aqara vb. (1) perf. act. 7:77, 11:65, 26:157, 54:29, 91:14
aqir n.f. 3:40, 19:5, 19:8
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 392, 393, 394, 395  ##

= Ayn-Ra-Ba = Arab, Arabic, become Arabic/Arabian, corrupted/disordered/bad, swollen/abundant (said of a camel's hump or water), recrudescent, brisk/lively/sprightly, reply against/to, lopping/pruning a palm-tree, drinking much/clear water.
Clear/plain/distinct speech free from error/incorrectness.
Dwelt/abode in the desert, amorous/loving/passionate, a river that flows with strong/vehement current, obscene/foul speech.
Friday (an ancient name of that day in the Time of Ignorance, or an Arabicized Nabathaen word according to some), the magnified/manifest, seventh heaven.

a'rab n.m. pl. (no sing.) 9:90, 9:97, 9:98, 9:99, 9:101, 9:120, 33:20, 48:11, 48:16, 49:14
arabiy n.m. 12:2, 13:37, 16:103, 20:113, 26:195, 39:28, 41:3, 41:44, 42:7, 43:3, 46:12
urub n.f. (pl. of arub) 56:37
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 276, 277, 278, 279, 280  ##

Ayn-Ra-Dad = to take place, happen, offer, present, show, propound, set before, give a hint, come against, propose, expose, review (troops), view, prepare. aruDa - to be broad, widened. arDun - goods, width. irDun - honour. urDatun - intention, target, purpose. a'raD - to turn away, back, slide, overpeer (cloud). 'ariiDz - prolonged, much, many. UrDzatun - but, excuse.
'Aradza (prf. 3rd. sing.) He presented, showed, put, placed.
'Aradznaa (prf 1st p. plu.): We put, presented.
'Uridza (pp. 3rd. m. sing.): Were presented.
'Uridzuu (pp. 3rd.m. plu.): They werepresented.
Yu'radZu (pip. 3rd.m. sing.): Shall be placed before; Will be exposed to.
Yu'radzuuna (pip. 3rd. m. plu.): They shall be set before, produced.
Tu'radzuuna (pip. 2nd. m. plu.): You shall be produced.
'Arradztum (prf. 2nd p, m. plu. IL): You speak indirectly, gave a hint.
A'radza (prf. 3rd. m. sing. IV): He turned away, avoided (with 'An).
A'radzuu (prf. 2nd. m. plu. vb. II): They turned away.
A'radztum (prf. 2nd p. m. plu. IV): You turned away.
Yu'ridzu (imp. 3rd. m. plu. sing. IV): He turns away from.
Tu'ridzu (imp. 2nd.m. sing. juss. Ili: Thou turn away from.
Yu'ridz (imp. 3rd. m. plu.. Nun dropped IV.): They turn away.
Tu'ridzuu (imp. 2nd p. m. plu. Nun dropped, IV): You turn away.
A'ridz (prt. m. sing. IV): Thou turn away, avoid.
A'ridzuu (prt. m. plu. IV): You turn away, avert.
I'radzun / I'raadzan (acc. v. n. IV): Turning away; Indifference; Desertion; Estrangement.
Mu'ridzuuna / Mu'ridziina (acc. ap-der. plu.): Averse.
'AradZun / Aradzan (acc. v.n.): Gain; Paltry goods; Transitory goods; Temporary; Frail goods.
'Ardzun (n.): Width; Extensiveness; Expanse.
'Ardzan (v. n.): Presenting face to face.
'Aridzan / 'Aridzun (acc./act. pic. m. sing.): Overpowering; Spreading cloud.
'Ariidzun (act. 2 pie. m. sing.): Prolonged, Lengthy.
'Urdzatun (n.): Excuse; Hinderance.

arada vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:31, 18:100, 33:72
perf. pass. 18:48, 38:31
impf. pass. 11:18, 40:46, 42:45, 46:20, 46:34, 69:18
n.vb. 3:133, 18:100, 57:21, 57:21

arad n.m. 4:94, 7:169, 7:169, 8:67, 9:42, 24:33
arid n.m. 41:51
arid n.m. 46:24, 46:24
urdah n.f. 2:224
arrada vb. (2) perf. act. 2:235
a'rada vb. (4)
perf. act. 17:67, 17:83, 18:57, 20:100, 20:124, 28:55, 32:22, 34:16, 41:4, 41:13, 41:51, 42:48, 66:3
impf. act. 4:135, 5:42, 9:95, 17:28, 54:2, 72:17
impv. 4:16, 4:63, 4:81, 5:42, 6:68, 6:106, 7:199, 9:95, 11:76, 12:29, 15:94, 32:30, 53:29
n.vb. 4:128, 6:35
pcple. act. 2:83, 3:23, 6:4, 8:23, 9:76, 12:105, 15:81, 21:1, 21:24, 21:32, 21:42, 23:3, 23:71, 24:48, 26:5, 36:46, 38:68, 46:3, 74:49

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298  ##

= Ayn-Ra-Fa = he knew it, had cognition of it, to discern, became acquainted with it, perceiving a thing by reflection and by consideration of the effect, he requited, to acknowledge a part, manager/orderer/overseer, become submissive/tractable/pleasant, the making to know, fragrant, to inform oneself, learn/discover, seek/desire knowledge, benefaction/goodness, mane (of a horse) waves (of the sea), elevated place/portion, higher/highest, first/foremost, a question or questioning respecting a subject of information in order to know it, commonly received/known, to confess/acknowledge/indicate, high mountain, Mount Arafat.
The difference between arafa & alima is that the former refers to distinct and specific knowledge, while the latter is more general. Opposite to arafa is ankara (to deny) and opposite ot alima is jahila (to be ignorant).
al araf - the elevated place, high dignity, distinguished position, place of discernment or acknowledgement, highest or most elevated faculties of discernment or ma'rifah (knowledge of right and wrong).
ma'ruf - honourable, known, recognised, good, befitting, fairness, kindness, custom of society, usage.

'arafaat (pl. of 'arafat, masculine 'araf, being a version of 'aarif, the active form of 'arafa and/or 'arfun, the informational noun of 'arafa) means 'familiarizations, approbations, recognitions.'
'Arafa (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): He recognized, acknowledged.
'Arafuu (prf. 3rd. m. plu.): They recognized.
'Arafta (prf. 2nd. m. sing.): Thou knew.
Ta'rifu (imp. 2nd. m. sing.): Thou recognize.
Ya'rifuuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They recognize.
Ya'rifuu (imp. 3rd. m. plu. juss. Nun at the end dropped).
Ta'rifanna (imp. 2nd. m. sing, imp.): Thou should surely recognize.
Ta'rifuuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu.): You shall recognize.
Yu'rafu (pip. 3rd. m. sing.): He is recognized.
Yu'rafna (pip. 3rd. f. plu.): They (f) are/will be recognized.
'Arrafa (prf. 2nd. m. sing. II): Made known.
Ta'aarafuu (prf. 3rd. m. plu.): You know each other, recognize each other, do good to each other.
Yata'aarafuuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They will recognize one another.
I'tarafuu (prf. 3rd. m. pl. vb. VIII): they have confessed.
I'tarafnaa (prf. 1st. m. pl.): we have confessed.
mar'uufun (pct. pic.): known or recognized thing that which is good as an universally accepted fact, reputable, fairness, kindness, equity, according to usage, custom of the society, courteous, right.
ma'ruufatun (pct. pic. f. sing.): recognized.
'urfun (n.): seemliness, good.
'urfan (n. acc.): beneficence, goodness, kindness.

arafa vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:89, 5:83, 12:58, 47:30
impf. act. 2:146, 2:146, 2:273, 6:20, 6:20, 7:46, 7:48, 12:62, 16:83, 22:72, 23:69, 27:93, 47:30, 83:24
impf. pass. 33:59, 55:41
pcple. pass. 2:178, 2:180, 2:228, 2:229, 2:231, 2:231, 2:232, 2:233, 2:233, 2:234, 2:235, 2:236, 2:240, 2:241, 2:263, 3:104, 3:110, 3:114, 4:5, 4:6, 4:8, 4:19, 4:25, 4:114, 7:157, 9:67, 9:71, 9:112, 22:41, 24:53, 31:15, 31:17, 33:6, 33:32, 47:21, 60:12, 65:2, 65:2, 65:6

a'raf n.m. (pl. of urf) 7:46, 7:48
arafat n. 2:198
urf n.m. (pl. a'raf) 7:199, 77:1
arrafa vb. (2) perf. act. 47:6, 66:3
ta'arafa vb. (6) impf. act. 10:45, 49:13
i'tarafa vb. (8) perf. act. 9:102, 40:11, 67:11
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 298, 299, 300, 301, 302  ##

Ayn-Ra-Jiim = to ascend/mount. To limp, be lame.
ya'ruju (imp. 3rd. m. sing.): ascends.
ya'rujuuna (imp. 3rd. m. pl.): they ascend.
ma'aarij (n. ints. pl.): stairways. Its sing. is ma'rajun.

araja vb. (1) impf. act. 15:14, 32:5, 34:2, 57:4, 70:4
a'raja n.m. comp. 24:61, 48;17
ma'arij n.m. (pl. of ma'raj) 43:33, 70:3
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 280, 281, 282  ##

Ayn-Ra-Jiim-Nun = to strike with a stick, imprint and stamp with a fig or date-stalk. urjun - dry date-stalk, branch or bough of a tree.
urjun n.m. 36:39
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 282  ##

Ayn-Ra-Miim = to strip meat off from a bone, gnaw (a bone), treat harshly, be ill-natured. arima - hard, wicked. arimatun - dam, vehement or violent rain, flood, mound (for banking in a body of water).
arim n. 34:16
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 309, 310, 311  ##

Ayn-Ra-Ra = to manure, bring evil upon, afflict, disgrace, be scabby. ta'arra - to be restless (in bed). i'tarra - to address anyone humbly. m'arratun - crime, sin, annoyance. mu'tar - poor, seeking favour, one addressing humbly. One who does not beg, though poor, who is forced to beg, who is in need.
ma'arrah n.f. 48:25
i'tarra vb. (8) pcple. pass. 22:36
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 274, 275, 276  ##

Ayn-Ra-Shiin = to construct/build, make trellis (for grape-wine), make a vine-stalk, roof, raise (a house or structure), settle. 'arshun - throne, arbour, pavillion, roof, power, dominion, sovereignty.
m'aruushaat (sing. ma'ruushun): supported on trellis-work, sheltered by an arbour, upheld by a trellis, trellised.
ya'rishuuna (imp. 3rd. m. pl.): they have erected, raised.
m'ruushaatun (pct. pic. f. pl.): trellised ones.
'uruush (n. pl.): roofs.

arasha vb. (1)
impf. act. 7:137, 16:68
pcple. pass. 6:141, 6:141

arsh n.m. (pl. urush) 2:259, 7:54, 9:129, 10:3, 11:7, 12:100, 13:2, 17:42, 18:42, 20:5, 21:22, 22:45, 23:86, 23:116, 25:59, 27:23, 27:26, 27:38, 27:41, 27:41, 27:42, 32:4, 39:75, 40:7, 40:15, 43:82, 57:4, 69:17, 81:20, 85:15
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 284, 285, 286  ##

Ayn-Ra-Waw = to come to a person, befall, overwhelm, smite, afflict. i'tara - to come down upon. urwatun - support, handle, everlasting, valuable property.
urwah n.f. 2:256, 31:22
i'tara vb. (8) perf. act. 3rd. m. sing. 11:54
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 312, 313, 314  ##

Ayn-Ra-Ya = to become naked, denude of (garments). ara - bare desert or place, open field, waste land, shore.
ariya vb. (1)
impf. act. 2nd. m. sing. 20:118

araa n.m. 37:145, 68:49
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 314, 315  ##

Ayn-Siin-Lam = to season with honey (food), to supply honey, honey.
asal n. com. 47:15
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 330, 331, 332  ##

Ayn-Siin-Qaf = (Sequence of letters that occurs at the start of Chapter 42)
42:2  ##

Ayn-Siin-Ra = to be difficult/hard/intricate, be hard to one another, hardship, act contrarily/adversely, ill-natured.
asara vb. (1) n.vb. 2:185, 18:73, 65:7, 94:5, 94:6
asiir n.m. 25:26, 54:8, 74:9
usra n.f. 92:10
usrah n.f. 2:280, 9:117
ta'aasara vb. (6) perf. act. 2nd. pl. m. 65:6
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 327, 328, 329  ##

Ayn-Siin-Ya = to perhaps, it may well be that, near to doing, hope/desire

Verb (1)
2:216, 2:216, 2:246, 4:19, 4:84, 4:99, 5:52, 7:129, 7:185, 9:18, 9:102, 12:21, 12:83, 17:8, 17:51, 17:79, 18:24, 18:40, 19:48, 27:72, 28:9, 28:22, 28:67, 47:22, 49:11, 49:11, 60:7, 66:5, 66:8, 68:32

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 333, 334  ##

= to begin to depart, dissipate the darkness of night. as'asa - to advance, approach, depart, fall in. isas - darkness.

as'asa vb. (quad 1) perf. act. 81:17
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 324, 325  ##

Ayn-Shiin-Ra = to take away a tenth part, make ten by adding one to nine, be the tenth. ashrun/asharun (f.), asharatun/ashratun (m.): ten, decade, period from three to ten. After twenty there is no difference between feminine and masculine. ashara - to consort, live with, cultivate one's society, become familiar. ashirun - companion, ashiratun - kindred, ma'sharun - company, race, multitude, who live in close communion with (pl. ashair).
ashir n.m. 22:13
ashirah n.f. 9:24, 26:214, 58:22
ashr n.m. (num. f. asharah) 2:196, 2:234, 5:89, 6:160, 7:142, 11:13, 20:103, 28:27, 89:2
ishar n.f. (pl. of ushra) 81:4
ishrun n.m. num. 8:65
ma'shar n.m. 6:128, 6:130, 55:33
mi'shar n.m. num. 34:45
ashara vb. (3) impv. 4:19
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 335, 336, 337, 338  ##

ع ش ا = Ayn-Shiin-Waw = to go by night, be weak sighted, be night blind, withdraw, forsake. isha - commencement of darkness, early night, dusk, evening. ashiyyatan - nightpath, evening. ya'shu - to take or collect the produce of the earth, aid, succour, save, preserve, give something to someone, do some benefit to someone.
asha vb. (1) impf. act. 43:36
ashiy n.m. (f. ashiyah) 3:41, 6:52, 18:28, 19:11, 19:62, 30:18, 38:18, 38:31, 40:46, 40:55, 79:46
isha n.m. 12:16, 24:58
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 339, 340, 341  ##

Ayn-Sad-Ba = to wind/twist/bind/lighten/surround, take a thing by force, become difficult, become dry in the mouth (saliva). usbatun - band/troop/gang/party. asib - very difficult, vehemently distressful, hard, woeful.
asib n.m. 11:77
usbat n.f. 12:8, 12:14, 24:11, 28:76
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 342, 343, 344, 345  ##

Ayn-Sad-Fa = to blow violently (wind), blow in a gale, be quick, rag swiftly. asfun - leaves and stalks, straw, green, crop, bladder, stubbles, husk. asafa - to cut corn when green, AAasafa - to perish. asifatun - storm, whirlwind, hurricane. asifun - violent wind, stormy, vehement.
'aasifun (act. pic. m. sing.): violent (10:22, 14:18)
'aasifatun (act. pic. of sing.): violent (21:81)
'aasifaat (act. pic. of pl.): winds raging, violent (21:81)
'asfan (v. n. acc.): raging, blowing (77:2)

asafa vb. (1)
n.vb. 77:2
pcple. act. 10:22, 14:18, 21:81, 77:2

'asf n.m. 55:12, 105:5
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 348, 349  ##

Ayn-Sad-Miim = to protect/defend/preserve/abstain/save, keep any one safe from evil, prevent/hinder, hold fast, formally seek refuge. ismatun - defence, guardianship, prevention, preservation, protection, immunity from sin, virtue, chastity.
ya'simu (imp. 3rd. m. sing.): he will protect.
'asimun (act. pic. m. sing.): protector.
'isama (n. pl. its sing. is 'ismatun): bonds, ties, preventions, preservations (of marriage).
i'tasimuu (prf. 3rd. m. pl. vb. VIII): they held fast.
ya'tsim (impf. 3rd. m. sing. juss. vb. VIII): holds fast.
i'tasimu (prt. m. pl.): you hold fast.
ista'sama (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): he abstained, preserved oneself.

asama vb. (1)
impf. act. 5:67, 11:43, 33:17
pcple. act. 10:27, 11:43, 40:33

isam n.f. (pl. of ismah) 60:10
i'tasama vb. (8)
perf. act. 4:146, 4:175
impf. act. 3:101
impv. 3:103, 22:78

ista'sama vb. (10) perf. act. 12:32
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 351, 352, 353  ##

Ayn-Sad-Ra = to press/squeeze/wring, withdraw a thing from. i'sar - whirlwind, violent wind heavy rain, hurricane. mu'sirat - clouds emitting rain, rain clouds. asr - age, time, afternoon, history, succession of ages, evening, century, epoch, time that is measurable, consisting of a succession of periods, in distinction from dahr (Dal-ha-Ra) which signifies unlimited time without beginning or end. asran - night and the day, morning and evening.
asara vb. (1)
impf. act. 12:36, 12:49

asr n.m. 103:1
a'sara vb. (4)
n.vb. 2:266
pcple. act. 78:14

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 346, 347, 348  ##

Ayn-Sad-Waw = to strike with a stick. asiya/ya'sa - to take a stick, come together, collection, accumulation, amazing, gathering, assemblage, congregation. asa - staff, stick, rod, supports, nation, mastery, people, party, tongue, skin, bone. idrib bi asaka al hajer - strike with your staff on the rock, go forth with your people.
asa n.f. (pl. isiy) 2:60, 7:107, 7:117, 7:160, 20:18, 20:66, 26:32, 26:44, 26:45, 26:63, 27:10, 28:31
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 353, 354  ##

Ayn-Sad-Ya = to rebel, disobey, oppose, resist, transgress.
The final letter Ya in 'asaa in a third radical is changed to Alif when followed by a pronoun.
'asaa (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): he disobeyed, did not observe the commandment.
asaita (prf. 2nd. m. sing.): thou disobeyeth.
asaitu (prf. 1st. sing.): I disobeyed.
'asau (prf. 3rd. pl.): they disobeyed.
asainaa (prf. 1st. pl.): we disobeyed.
ya'si (impf. 3rd. m. sing. juss.): disobeys.
a'sii (impf. 1st. m. sing.): I disobey.
ya'sauna (impf. 3rd. m. pl.): they disobey.
ya'siina (impf. 3rd. f. pl.): they disobey.
'isiyyan (act. pic.): disobedient.
'isyaanun (v. n.): transgression.
ma'siyyatun (v.): disobedience.

asa vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:61, 2:93, 3:112, 3:152, 4:42, 4:46, 5:78, 6:15, 10:15, 10:91, 11:59, 11:63, 14:36, 20:93, 20:121, 26:216, 39:13, 69:10, 71:21, 73:16, 79:21
impf. act. 4:14, 18:69, 33:36, 60:12, 66:6, 72:23
n.vb.(1)  49:7
n.vb. (2) 58:8, 58:9

asiy n.m. adj. 19:14, 19:44
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 354  ##

Ayn-Ta-Ba = to be angry, blame. ist'ataba (vb. 10) - to seek to remove; blame, seek favour/pleasure, please, be allowed to make amends for his sins, accept any excuse in defence, take favour, be allowed to approach the threshold, be given leave to seek pleasure of, regard with favours, grant goodwill. a'taba - to satisfy. ta'attab - to accuse anyone of a blameworthy action. atabatun - threshold, hold of a door, step of a ladder, ascent of hill. utba - favour granted. itab - blame, reproof, complaint, charge.
a'taba vb. (4)
Yasta'tibuu impf. 3rd. m. pl. pcple. act. 41:24

ista'taba vb. (10)
Mu'tabiina pic. pct. m. pl. impf. act. 41:24
Laa Yusta'tabuuna pip. 3rd. impf. pass. m. pl. 16:84, 30:57, 45:35

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 228, 229, 230  ##

Ayn-Ta-Dal = to be ready, prepared, at hand, provide a thing for the future.
atiid n. m. 2nd. pic. sing. 50:18, 50:23
a'tada vb. (4) perf. act. 4:18, 4:37, 4:151, 4:161, (3rd. f. sing.) 12:31, 17:10, 18:29, 18:102, 25:11, 25:37, 33:31, 48:13, 67:5, 76:4
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 230, 231  ##

Ayn-Ta-Lam = drew him along or dragged him roughly or violently, carried off/away, push/thrust, a man who hastens to do evil/mischief, a great eater who denies or refuses to give, a person who recoils from admonition or vehement in altercation, gross/coarse/low/ignoble/mean/rude in disposition.
atala vb. (1) impv. 44:47
utull n.m. 68:13
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 233, 234  ##

Ayn-Ta-Qaf = to be old, ancient, freed, emancipate, beautiful, excellent, noble, generous, proper.
atiq n.m. sing. act. 22:29, 22:33
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 231, 232, 233  ##

Ayn-Ta-Waw = to drag, push violently, draw along, pull, carry anyone away forcibly. atiya - to be quick to do evil. utuyyun - prone/quick to do evil, wicked, rough, glutton, rude, hard-hearted ruffian, cruel, greedy, violent, ignoble, ill-mannered. 'aatiyatin - blowing with extraordinary force.
'atat (prf. 3rd. f. sing.): rebelled.
'atau (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they rebelled.
'utuwwan / 'uttuwwin (acc./nom. v. n.)
'aatiyatin (n. acc.)

ata vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:77, 7:166, 25:21, 51:44, 65:8
n.vb. 25:21,  67:21
pcple. act. 69:6

itiy n.m. 19:8, 19:69
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 236  ##

Ayn-Tha-Ra = to obtain knowledge, become acquainted with, light upon.
athara vb. (1) 3rd. m. sing. perf. pass. 5:107
a'thara vb. (4) 1st. pl. perf. act. 18:21
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 237, 238  ##

Ayn-Tha-Waw = to do evil, perpetrate crime, act corruptly/wickedly.
atha vb. (1) 3rd. pl. impf. act. 2:60, 7:74, 11:85, 26:183, 29:36
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 240  ##

Ayn-Tay-Fa = to incline towards, be well disposed towards, lean towards. itfun - side, shoulder, side of person from the head to the hip, to turn one's side.
itf n.m. 22:9
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 364, 365, 366, 367  ##

Ayn-Tay-Lam = to be without care, be abandoned and not be used. mu'attalaltin - abandoned without care.
attala vb. (2)
3rd. f. sing. perf. pass. 81:4
pcple. pass. 22:45

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 367, 368  ##

Ayn-Tay-Waw/Ya = to take, receive. ataun - gift bestowment, present. a'ta - to give a present, offer. ta'ata (vb. 6) - took.
ata n.m. 11:108, 17:20, 17:20, 38:39, 78:36
a'ta vb. (4)
perf. act. 20:50, 53:34, 92:5, 108:1
impf. act. 9:29, 93:5
perf. pass. 9:58
impf. pass. 9:58

ta'ata vb. (6) 54:29
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 369, 370, 371  ##

Ayn-Waw-Dal = to return, turn away, come back, repeat, restore. aidun - one who returns. ma'adun - place where one returns, another name of Makkah. a'ada (vb. 4) - to cause to return, restore. The verb a'ada is transitive to mean to get some one return or cause to return or bring back (what has passed away).
AAad - An Arab tribe which lived in the south of the Arabian peninsula and occupied land extending from the north of the Persian Gulf to the southern end of the Red Sea. The tribe of AAad spoken of in The Quran is also called the first/ancient AAad (53:50) in order to distinguish them from the people of Thamud who are called the second AAad. The Adramites of Yemen mentioned in the Greek history are considered to be this tribe.

'Aada (prf. 3rd. m. sing.): Returned; Reverted.
'Aaduu (prf. 3rd. m. plu.): They returned, reverted.
'Udtum (prf. 2nd. plu.): You returned.
'Udnaa (prf. 1st. plu.): We returned.
Yu'uuduuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They return.
Ya'uuduu (imp. 3rd. m. plu. final Nun drop.): You return.
Ta'uuduuna (imp. 2nd. m. plu.): Ye return.
Ta'uuduu (imp. 2nd. m. plu. final Nun dropped).
Ta'uudunna (imp. 2nd. m. sing. imp.): Assuredly ye shall return.
Na'uudu (imp. 1st. plu.): We return.
Na'ud .W (imp. 1st. plu. Waw dropped): We return.
Yu'iidu (imp. 3rd. m. sing. IV): They shall repeat, return.
Yu'iiduu (final Nun dropped): They restore, make (you) revert to.
Nu'iidu (imp. 1st. plu.): We restore; We will make you return.
'Uiiduu (pip. 3rd. m. plu. IV): They will be hurled back.
A'iiduuna (act. pic. m. plu.): Those who return.
Ma'aadun (n.): Place of return; Home.
'Idan: Ever recurring; Festival; Periodical; Feast day.

ada vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:275, 5:95, 6:28, 7:89, 17:8, 17:8, 23:107, 36:39
impf. act. 7:29, 7:88, 7:89, 8:19, 8:19, 8:38, 14:13, 24:17, 58:3, 58:8
pcple. act. 44:15

AAad n. 7:65, 7:74, 9:70, 11:50, 11:59, 11:60, 11:60, 14:9, 22:42, 25:38, 26:123, 29:38, 38:12, 40:31, 41:13, 41:15, 46:21, 50:13, 51:41, 53:50, 54:18, 69:4, 69:6, 89:6
ma'ad n.m. 28:85
a'ada vb. (4)
impf. act. 10:4, 10:34, 10:34, 17:51, 17:69, 18:20, 20:21, 20:55, 21:104, 27:64, 29:19, 30:11, 30:27, 34:49, 71:18, 85:13
perf. pass. 22:22, 32:20

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 473, 474, 475, 476, 477  ##

Ayn-Waw-Thal = to seek or take protection, refuge, be next, the bone (flesh). Ma'aadh - a refuge, Ma'aadh Allaah - I seek refuge with Allaah, God forbid, Allaah be my refuge.
'Udhtu (prf. 1st. sing.): I sought refuge/protection.
A'uudhu (imp. 1st. sing.): I seek refuge.
Ya'uudhuuna (imp. 3rd. m. pl.): they seek refuge.
U'iidh (imp. 1st. sing. vb. IV): I seek refuge for, do commend (to your) protection.
Ista'idh (prt. m. sing. vb. 10): seek refuge!
Ma'aadhun (pis. pic.): refuge.

adha vb. (1)
perf. act. 40:27, 44:20
impf. act. 2:67, 11:47, 19:18, 23:97, 23:98, 72:6, 113:1, 114:1

ma'adh n.m. 12:23, 12:79
a'adha vb. (4) impf. act. 3:36
ista'adha vb. (10) impv. 7:200, 16:98, 40:56, 41:36
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 477, 478  ##

Ayn-Waw-Jiim = crooked, curvature, bent, uneven, distorted, wrap, be ill-natured, deviate, turn aside, insincerity, difficult.
iwaj n.m. - 3:99, 7:45, 7:86, 11:19, 14:3, 18:1, 20:107, 20:108, 39:28
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 472, 473  ##

Ayn-Waw-Lam = to swerve, turn aside, neglect other side, do injustice/wrong, impose hardship, commit oppression or dishonesty, have a large family, provide for one's family, feed poor persons, to feed/nourish/sustain a family/household. a'ilan - having a large family. a'ilatun/a'ilatan - family, poverty, want.
ala vb. (1) impf. act. 4:3
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 485, 486, 487  ##

Ayn-Waw-Miim = swam, course along, a year, to enter a contract with someone for one year, a few years, two years. amun (nom.) aman (acc.) - year. amaini (oblique dual) - two years.
AAam 2:259, 2:259, 9:28, 9:37, 9:37, 9:126, 12:49, 29:14, 31:14
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 487, 488  ##

Ayn-Waw-Nun = to be of middle age. yu'inu (vb. 4) - to aid/assist/help. ta'awana (vb. 4) - to help one another. ista'ana (vb. 10) - to implore for help, seek aid, turn and call for assistance. musta'an - one whose help is to be implored.
A'aana (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. IV): helped.
A'iinuu (prt. m. pl. vb. IV): help ye one another.
Ta'aawanuu (prt. m. pl. vb. IV): to help one another.
Nasta'iinuu (imp. 1st. pl. vb. VI): we implore for help.
Ista'iinuu (prt. m. pl. vb. 10): you seek help.
Must'aiinu (pis. pic. m. sing.  vb. 10): one whose help is saught.
'Awaanun (n.): one of middle age (2:68).

awan n.f. 2:68
a'ana vb. (4)
perf. act. 25:4
impv. 18:95

ta'awana vb. (6) impf. act. 5:2, 5:2
ista'ana vb. (10)
impf. act. 1:5
impv. 2:45, 2:153, 7:128
pcple. pass. 12:18, 21:112

LL, V5, p: 488, 489  ##

Ayn-Waw-Qaf = to keep back, delay, hinder/prevent/restrain/impede.
awwaqa vb. (2) pcple. act. m. pl. 33:18
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 483, 484, 485  ##

Ayn-Waw-Ra = To come within power or reach, to interchange, by turns [such as ascending a pulpit one after another, by turns; whenever one goes another comes after], to ask or seek a loan, weakness, faultiness, unsoundness, badness, foulness, or unseemliness in a thing, disgrace or disfigurement, a gap or opening [thus exposure or exposing a thing]. Anything which is veiled or conceals by reason of disdainful pride, or shame of prudency; anything of which one is ashamed when it appears. This root also refers to the pudendum [or external genital organs] of a human being because it is abominable to uncover and look at them. The parts or part of a person which is indecent to expose. Now this is relative because for the slave women it will be indecent to expose what is between the navel and the knee and of the free women it will be indecent to expose everything except the hands and face. A fault, defect, imperfection or blemish.
awrah n.f. 24:31, 24:58, 33:13, 33:13
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 478, 479, 480  ##

Ayn-Ya-Ba = bad, damaged, defective/faulty/unsound/unserviceable, have a blemish.
aba vb. (1) impf. act. acc. 18:79
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 491, 492  ##

Ayn-Ya-Dal/Ayn-Waw-Dal = ever-occurring, periodical, festival
AAeed n.m. 5:114  ##

Ayn-Ya-Lam =  he was or became poor and in want, have a family/household, neglect feeding of one's family, poverty.
ala vb. (1) pcple. act. 93:8
aylah n.f. 9:28
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 497, 498  ##

Ayn-Ya-Nun = to hurt in the eye, smite anyone with the evil eye, flow tears, become a spy. Aayan - to view, face. 'Ainun - eye, look, hole, but of a tree, spy, middle letter of a trilateral word, spring of water, chief, personage of a place. A'yan (pl. 'Inun): lovely, wide-eyed, lovely black eyed. Ma'iinun - water, spring.
ayn n.f. (pl. uyun) 3:13, 5:45, 5:45, 5:83, 7:116, 7:179, 7:195, 8:44, 8:44, 9:92, 11:31, 11:37, 12:84, 15:88, 18:28, 18:101, 19:26, 20:39, 20:40, 20:131, 21:61, 23:27, 25:74, 28:9, 28:13, 32:17, 33:19, 33:51, 36:66, 40:19, 43:71, 52:48, 54:14, 54:37, 90:8, 102:7
ayn (2) (pl. a'yun) 2:60, 7:160, 15:45, 18:86, 26:57, 26:134, 26:147, 34:12, 36:34, 44:25, 44:52, 51:15, 54:12, 55:50, 55:66, 76:6, 76:18, 77:41, 83:28, 88:5, 88:12
AAin n.f. (pl. a'yan) 37:48, 44:54, 52:20, 56:22
mAAin n.m. 23:50, 37:45, 56:18, 67:30
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504  ##

Ayn-Ya-Ra = to wander, go backwards and forwards. irun - caravan, caravan of camels carrying corn.
AAeera n. 12:70, 12:82, 12:94
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 492, 493, 494, 495  ##

Ayn-Ya-Siin = Jesus.
AAeesa n. 2:87, 2:136, 2:253, 3:45, 3:52, 3:55, 3:59, 3:84, 4:157, 4:163, 4:171, 5:46, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 6:85, 19:34, 33:7, 42:13, 43:63, 57:27, 61:6, 61:14 

Ayn-Ya-Shiin = to live in a certain manner, pass ones' life, possessed of life, seek sustenance. ishatun - livelihood, time for seeking livelihood. ma'ishatun - existence, manner of living, rituals, necessities of life, means of life and subsistence, means of obtaining that whereby one lives.
ishah n.f. 69:21, 101:7
ma'ash n.f. 78:11
ma'ishah n.f. (pl. ma'ayish) 7:10, 15:20, 20:124, 28:58, 43:32
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 495, 496  ##

Ayn-Ya-Ya = to be wearied with, hesitate, he hindered so as to be unable to complete a thing, lack power or ability, be tired, be jaded, be impracticable.
aya vb. (1)
1st. pl. perf. act. 50:15
3rd. sing. m. impf. act. 46:33

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 490, 491  ##

Ayn-Zay-Ba = to be away from, hidden, distant, remote, absent from, escape, go far away.
azaba vb. (1)
3rd. m. sing. impf. act. 10:61, 34:3

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 318, 319  ##

Ayn-Zay-Lam = to set aside, remove from. ma'zilun - a place separate from the rest, secluded spot, place of retirement, far away. ma'zulun - removed. i'tizal (vb. 8) to separate or remove one self from.
'Azalta (prt. 2nd. m. sing.): Thou put aside (in the matter) provisionally.
I'tazala (prf. 3rd. m. sing. VIII): He withdrew, kept away.
I'tazalaa (prf. 3rd. m. plu.): They kept away, left you alone.
I'tazaltumuu (prf.2nd p. m. plu. juss.): You have left (them).
Ya'taziluu (imp. 3rd. m. plu. final Nun dropped): They withdraw, leave (you) alone.
A'tazilu (imp. 1st. sing. VIII): I shall withdraw, shall keep away.
I'taziluu (prt. n. plu.): You keep away.
I'taziluuni (comp. I'tazilu + nii prt. m. plu.): Keep away from me.
Ma'zuuluuna (pct. pic. n. plu.): Removed ones; Precluded ones.
Ma`zilun (n. of place): Place where one is set aloof.

azala vb. (1)
perf. act. 33:51
pcple. pass. 26:212

ma'zil n.m. 11:42
i'tazala vb. (8)
perf. act. 4:90, 18:16, 19:49
impf. act. 4:91, 19:48
impv. 2:222, 44:21

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 321, 322  ##

Ayn-Zay-Miim = to resolve, determine, decide, propose, carry out a resolution, set one's heart upon, fixed determination.
'Azama (imp. 3rd. m. sing.): resolved.
'Azamta (prf. 2nd. m. sing.): thou had resolved.
'Azamuu (prf. 3rd. m. pl.): they resolved.
Laa Ta'zimuu (prt. neg. m. pl.): do not resolve.
'Azmun (v. n.): resolution, firm determination, consistency.

azama vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:227, 3:159, 47:21
impf. act. 2:235
n.vb. 3:186, 20:115, 31:17, 42:43, 46:35

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 322, 323  ##

Ayn-Zay-Ra = to prevent, turn away, reprehend, support, assist. Uzayr/Uzair (Ezra) - he lived in the 5th century B.C. and was considered to be the son of God by elements of the Jewish people.
'Azzaruu (prf. 3rd. m. plu.) They supported, lend support in a respectful manner (7:157).
'Azzertumuu (prf. 2nd. m. plu. II.): You have supported in a respectful manner.
Tu'azziruu (imp. 2nd. m. plu. acc.): You may support and help in a respectful manner (48:9).
'Uzairun: Proper name of a Prophet (9:30).

uzayr n. 9:30
azzara vb. (2)
perf. act. 5:12, 7:157
impf. act. 48:9

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 319, 320  ##

Ayn-Zay-Waw = to enter or assert a relationship. izin: companies/groups/parties.
izin n.f. (pl. of izah) 70:37
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 323, 324  ##

= Ayn-Zay-Zay = mighty/potent/powerful/strong, noble/honourable/glorious, resisted/withstood, invincible, overcome (e.g. in argument), exalt, prevail, highly esteemed, precious, glory, vanity, excellent, proud and hard manner, stern.
uzza - name of an idol of the pagan Arabs regarded by them as God's daughter.

'Azza (prf. 3rd. m. sing. asim. V): Prevailed.
'Azzaznaa (prf. 1st. pl. II): We strengthened.
Tu'izzu (impf. 2nd. m. pl. II): thou honour, confer honour and dignity.
'Izzan (v. n.): source of strength.
'Izzatun (v. n.): vain pride, false prestige or sense of self respect, might honour, power.
Al-Aziizun (act. pic. m. sing.): All-Mighty, One of the names of Allah, Unassailable, invincible, powerful in evidences and arguments, strong, mighty, heavy (with 'alaa: tell hard upon).
A'azzu (elative): more powerful, that occupies stronger and more respectable position.
A'izzatan (n. pl.): most respectable and powerful, its sing. is 'Aziiyun.

azza vb. (1)
perf. act. 38:23
n.vb. 19:81

aziz n.m. (pl. a'izzah) 2:129, 2:209, 2:220, 2:228, 2:240, 2:260, 3:4, 3:6, 3:18, 3:62, 3:126, 4:56, 4:158, 4:165, 5:38, 5:54, 5:95, 5:118, 6:96, 8:10, 8:49, 8:63, 8:67, 9:40, 9:71, 9:128, 11:66, 11:91, 11:92, 12:30, 12:51, 12:78, 12:88, 14:1, 14:4, 14:20, 14:47, 16:60, 18:34, 22:40, 22:74, 26:9, 26:68, 26:104, 26:122, 26:140, 26:159, 26:175, 26:191, 26:217, 27:9, 27:34, 27:78, 29:26, 29:42, 30:5, 30:27, 31:9, 31:27, 32:6, 33:25, 34:6, 34:27, 35:2, 35:17, 35:28, 36:5, 36:38, 38:9, 38:66, 39:1, 39:5, 39:37, 40:2, 40:8, 40:42, 41:12, 41:41, 42:3, 42:19, 43:9, 44:42, 44:49, 45:2, 45:37, 46:2, 48:3, 48:7, 48:19, 54:42, 57:1, 57:25, 58:21, 59:1, 59:23, 59:24, 60:5, 61:1, 62:1, 62:3, 63:8, 64:18, 67:2, 85:8
izzah n.f. 2:206, 4:139, 4:139, 10:65, 26:44, 35:10, 35:10, 37:180, 38:2, 38:82, 63:8
uzza n. 53:19
azzaza vb. (2) perf. act. 36:14
a'azza vb. (4) impf. act. 3:26
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 315, 316, 317, 318  ##

Ayn-Za-Miim = great, important, big, regard, honour, mighty, glorious, a man of moment, All-mighty, All-glorious, grievous, bounty/abounding, magnify/increase. azzama - to make great.
Yu'azzim (imp. 3rd. m. sing. juss. II): who honours, respects.
Yu'zim (imp. 3rd. m. sing. juss. IV): will grant a great (reward).
'Aziimun / 'Aziiman: supreme, mighty.
al-Aziim: the great/supreme, one of the names of Allah.

Azm / izam: great/hard/strong. The concrete word is Azm and that is the bones or the hard/strong/firm core of things.
azim n.m. 2:7, 2:49, 2:105, 2:114, 2:255, 3:74, 3:105, 3:172, 3:174, 3:176, 3:179, 4:13, 4:27, 4:40, 4:48, 4:54, 4:67, 4:73, 4:74, 4:93, 4:95, 4:113, 4:114, 4:146, 4:156, 4:162, 5:9, 5:33, 5:41, 5:119, 6:15, 7:59, 7:116, 7:141, 8:28, 8:29, 8:68, 9:20, 9:22, 9:63, 9:72, 9:89, 9:100, 9:101, 9:111, 9:129, 10:15, 10:64, 12:28, 14:6, 15:87, 16:94, 16:104, 17:40, 19:37, 21:76, 22:1, 23:86, 24:11, 24:14, 24:15, 24:16, 24:23, 26:63, 26:135, 26:156, 26:189, 27:23, 27:26, 28:79, 31:13, 33:29, 33:35, 33:53, 33:71, 37:60, 37:76, 37:107, 37:115, 38:67, 39:13, 40:9, 41:35, 42:4, 43:31, 44:57, 45:10, 46:21, 48:5, 48:10, 48:29, 49:3, 56:46, 56:74, 56:76, 56:96, 57:10, 57:12, 57:21, 57:29, 61:12, 62:4, 64:9, 64:15, 68:4, 69:33, 69:52, 73:20, 78:2, 83:5
azm n.m. (pl. izam) - 2:259, 6:146, 17:49, 17:98, 19:4, 23:14, 23:14, 23:35, 23:82, 36:78, 37:16, 37:53, 56:47, 75:3, 79:11
azzama vb. (2) impf. act. 22:30, 22:32
a'zama vb. (4) impf. act. 65:5
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 5, pages: 371, 372, 373  ##

Next Letter: Ba = ب

Previous Letter: Alif = آ

Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

Note: This blog contains content mainly from
but I have made some changes and/or additions based on (an)other dictionary or dictionaries.

See also my blog: Answering Questions Through The Holy Qur’an

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