
Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Kaf = ك

Kaf = ك
Kaf-Alif-Siin = drinking-cup when there is in it something to drink. Sometimes it can refer to the drink itself, e.g. wine. Sometimes used to signify every kind of disagreeable/hateful/evil thing.
If there is no beverage in it, the drinking cup is called
Qadehun (root: Qaf-Dal-Ha).

ka's n. f. 37:45, 52:23, 56:18, 76:5, 76:17, 78:34
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 7, pages: 109, 110  ##

ك ع ب
Kaaf-Ayn-Ba = swell/prominent/protuberant/projection/budding (common examples include a woman's breasts), jointed-stem, fold, went away, joint/juncture/division of bones (more commonly the ankle bone), tarsus (in animals), swift, eminence/nobility/glory, anything elevated, square/cubic house/chamber, square-form, to hasten, to go away paying no regard to anything
Quote from Lane's lexicon: "
a house or temple belonging to the tribe of Rabee'ah, who used to compass it, or perform circuits round it (as is done round the Kabbeh of Mekkeh)".

Hans Wehr - Knot, knob, node (of cane); joint, articulation, ankles, anklebone; heel (of foot or shoe) ferule; die; cube; high rank, fame, glory, honor.
Everything that the male of the form fa'lun (being the representation of the Cl. Arabic form in question, universally applied to all roots) can mean, so can the female (fa'latun or modernly and colloquially fa'lah), with the added meaning of emphasis that the feminization of the word gives; where it is clear that there could be intensification. The female form can be found in 5:95, 5:97.
 - 78:33.
kab n.m. 5:6
kabah n.f. 5:95, 5:97
Kawa'ib (plural of ka'ib) n.f. 78:33
LL, V7, p: 143, 144  ##

Kaf-Ba-Ba = To invert, overthrow, throw one with the face to the ground, throw face downwards, prostrate anyone on (the face), he prostrated him, he bent his head towards the ground, to fall down, turn a thing upside down, cut or wound, set about doing a thing, to keep or adhere to a thing, to contract into a compact mass, to wrap up, press together, to turn over one part upon another.
Charge/onslaught/assault, in war.

kabba (vb. I) - kubba - passive. perfect. 27:90
akabba (vb. IV) - mukibb - active. participle. singular. accusative case. 67:22
LL, V7, p: 110, 111  ##

Kaf-Ba-Kaf-Ba = to prostate on the face, turn a thing upside down, be hurled/thrown into.
kabkaba (vb. quad. I) - kubkibu - passive. perfect. 3rd person. masculine. 26:94  ##

Kaf-Ba-Dal = hit/hurt/smote/wound his liver, affect anyone painfully (e.g. by intense cold), purpose a thing, to distress, to endure a thing.
Large/thick/big in the middle.
Kabida / Yakbudu : To have complaint/pain of the liver, face difficulty, struggle against difficulty/severity/trouble, reach in the middle.
plu. Akba’d : Liver; middle part; become in the middle or main part of something, Misery/Distress/Affliction/Trouble/Obstacle; Cavity of the belly; Hard struggle; Inside/Interior (e.g. of the earth); Centre; Side.

kabadin - verbal noun. m. 90:4
LL, V7, p: 112, 113  ##

Kaf-Ba-Ra = To be hard, be grievous, grow up, be great/large/big, to attain to puberty, grow in estimation or rank or dignity, to make a thing great, dispute/contend with someone for superiority in greatness, to self-magnify, behave proudly/haughtily/insolently, consider oneself excellent, to exceed the actions of others, to boast, endeavour or seek to become great, disdain a thing, turn away from a thing with disdain, to hold oneself above a thing.
Kabira/Yakburu: To be exceed anyone in age, become stout and tall, grow big, become great, illustrious, become momentous (affair).
kabira vb. (1)
impf. act. 4:6
n.vb. 2:266, 3:40, 14:39, 15:54, 17:23, 19:8

kabura vb. (1)
perf. act. 6:35, 10:71, 18:5, 40:35, 42:13, 61:3
impf. act. 17:51
n.vb. 24:11, 40:56

kaba'ir n.f. (pl. of kabirah) 4:31, 42:37, 53:32
kabir n.m. (pl. kubara, comp. adj. m. akbar, f. kubra)
4:34, 13:9, 22:62, 31:30, 34:23, 40:12
2:45, 2:143, 2:217, 2:217, 2:217, 2:219, 2:282, 3:118, 4:2, 4:153, 6:19, 6:78, 6:123, 8:73, 9:3, 9:72, 9:121, 10:61, 11:3, 11:11, 12:78, 12:80, 16:41, 17:4, 17:9, 17:21, 17:21, 17:31, 17:43, 17:60, 17:87, 18:49, 20:23, 20:71, 21:58, 21:63, 21:103, 25:19, 25:21, 25:52, 26:49, 28:23, 29:45, 32:21, 33:47, 33:67, 33:68, 34:3, 35:7, 35:32, 39:26, 40:10, 40:57, 42:22, 43:48, 44:16, 53:18, 54:53, 57:7, 67:9, 67:12, 68:33, 74:35, 76:20, 79:20, 79:34, 85:11, 87:12, 88:24

kibriya n.f. 10:78, 45:37
kubbar n.m. 71:22
kabbara vb. (2)
impf. act. 2:185, 22:37
impv. 17:111, 74:3
n.vb. 17:111

akbara vb. (4) perf. act. 12:31
takabbara vb. (5)
impf. act. 7:146
pcple. act. 16:29, 39:60, 39:72, 40:27, 40:35, 40:76, 59:23

istakbara vb. (10)
perf. act. 2:34, 2:87, 4:173, 7:36, 7:40, 7:75, 7:76, 7:88, 7:133, 10:75, 14:21, 23:46, 25:21, 28:39, 29:39, 34:31, 34:32, 34:33, 38:74, 38:75, 39:59, 40:47, 40:48, 41:15, 41:38, 45:31, 46:10, 71:7, 74:23
impf. act. 4:172, 5:82, 6:93, 7:48, 7:206, 16:49, 21:19, 32:!5, 37:35, 40:60, 46:20
n.vb. 35:43, 71:7
pcple. act. 16:22, 16:23, 23:67, 31:7, 45:8, 63:5

LL, V7, p: 113, 114, 115  ##

Kaf-Ba-Ta = To abase, throw down, restrain, overwhelm, prostrate, expose ignominy, humble, vanquish with humiliation, be laid low and humbled, cause to perish, deny a person what he desires, to disappoint a person, to be enraged and grieved, restrain one's rage in his inside or bosom, smite or hurt one's liver, fall prostrate upon one's face.
kabata vb. (1)
impf. act. 3:127
perf. pass. 58:5, 58:5

LL, V7, p: 111  ##

Kaf-Dal-ha = To toil, exert, make every effort to carry out a thing, labour hard and actively, toil hard, labouring, laboriously, one who labours, to weary oneself in work, to seek to gain sustenance, to disfigure, render a thing ugly or unseemly.
kadaha vb. (1)
n.vb. 84:6
pcple. act. 84:6

LL, V7, p: 123?  ##

Kaf-Dal-Ra = To be muddy, be obscure, lose light, fall.
inkadara vb. (7) perf. act. 81:2
LL, V7, p: 124, 125  ##

Kaf-Dal-Ya = To restrain, detain, give little, stop hand, be niggardly.
kada vb. (4) perf. act. 53:34  ##

Kaf-Thal-Ba = To lie, say what is not a fact, lie to falsely invent, tell lies about or against, fabricate a lie, relate a lie, say a falsehood, be wrong, be cut off, deceive, disappoint the expectation of.
kathaba vb. (1)
perf. act. 6:24, 9:90, 11:18, 12:27, 39:32, 39:60, 53:11
impf. act. 2:10, 9:77, 36:15
perf. pass. 12:110
n.vb. 3:75, 3:78, 3:94, 4:50, 5:41, 5:42, 5:103, 6:21, 6:93, 6:144, 7:37, 7:89, 10:17, 10:60, 10:69, 11:18, 12:18, 16:62, 16:105, 16:116, 16:116, 16:116, 18:5, 18:15, 20:61, 23:38, 29:68, 34:8, 40:28, 42:24, 58:14, 61:7, 72:5
pcple. act. 3:61, 6:28, 7:66, 9:42, 9:43, 9:107, 11:27, 11:93, 12:26, 12:74, 16:39, 16:86, 16:105, 23:90, 24:7, 24:8, 24:13, 26:186, 26:223, 27:27, 28:38, 29:3, 29:12, 37:152, 39:3, 40:28, 40:37, 56:2, 58:18, 59:11, 63:1, 96:16
pcple. pass. 11:65

kaththab n.m. 38:4, 40:24, 40:28, 54:25, 54:26
kaththaba vb. (2)
perf. act. 2:39, 2:87, 3:11, 3:184, 5:10, 5:70, 5:86, 6:5, 6:21, 6:31, 6:39, 6:49, 6:57, 6:66, 6:147, 6:148, 6:150, 6:157, 7:36, 7:37, 7:40, 7:64, 7:64, 7:72, 7:92, 7:96, 7:101, 7:136, 7:146, 7:147, 7:176, 7:177, 7:182, 8:54, 10:17, 10:39, 10:39, 10:41, 10:45, 10:73, 10:74, 10:95, 15:80, 16:113, 17:59, 20:48, 20:56, 21:77, 22:42, 22:57, 23:26, 23:33, 23:39, 23:44, 23:48, 25:11, 25:11, 25:19, 25:36, 25:37, 25:77, 26:6, 26:105, 26:117, 26:123, 26:139, 26:141, 26:160, 26:176, 26:189, 27:84, 29:18, 29:37, 29:68, 30:10, 30:16, 34:45, 34:45, 35:25, 36:14, 37:127, 38:12, 38:14, 39:25, 39:32, 39:59, 40:5, 40:70, 50:5, 50:12, 50:14, 54:3, 54:9, 54:18, 54:23, 54:33, 54:42, 57:19, 62:5, 64:10, 67:9, 67:18, 69:4, 75:32, 78:28, 79:21, 91:11, 91:14, 92:9, 92:16, 96:13
impf. act. 6:27, 6:33, 22:42, 23:105, 26:12, 27:83, 28:34, 29:18, 32:20, 34:42, 35:4, 35:25, 37:21, 52:14, 55:13, 55:16, 55:18, 55:21, 55:23, 55:25, 55:28, 55:30, 55:32, 55:34, 55:36, 55:38, 55:40, 55:42, 55:43, 55:45, 55:47, 55:49, 55:51, 55:53, 55:55, 55:57, 55:59, 55:61, 55:63, 55:65, 55:67, 55:69, 55:71, 55:73, 55:75, 55:75, 55:77, 56:82, 68:44, 74:46, 77:29, 82:9, 83:11, 83:12, 83:17, 84:22, 95:7, 107:1
perf. pass. 3:184, 6:34, 6:34, 22:44, 35:4
n.vb. (1) 85:19
n.vb. (2) 78:28, 78:35
pcple. act. 3:137, 6:11, 16:36, 43:25, 52:11, 56:51, 56:92, 68:8, 69:49, 73:11, 77:15, 77:19, 77:24, 77:28, 77:34, 77:37, 77:40, 77:45, 77:47, 77:49, 83:10

LL, V7, p: 125, 126, 127, 128  ##

Kaf-Fa-Alif = To equal, compare.
Kufuwan:  Equal, like comparable; corresponding.
kufu n.m. 112:4
LL, V7, p: 145, 146  ##

Kaf-Fa-Fa = To withhold, desist, refrain from, withdraw, keep back, hold out the hand.
kaffa vb. (1)
perf. act. 5:11, 5:110, 48:20, 48:24
impf. act. 4:84, 4:91, 21:39
impv. 4:77

kaff n.f. 13:14, 18:42
kaffah n.f. 2:208, 9:36, 9:36, 9:122, 34:28
LL, V7, p: 145, 146  ##

Kaf-Fa-Lam = To take care of, nourish, bring up for another, be guardian of, be responsible for, entrust, stand security or surety.
kafala vb. (1)
impf. act. 3:44, 20:40, 28:12

kafil n.m. 16:91
kifl n.m. 4:85, 57:28
dhu al-kifl n. 21:85, 38:48
kaffala vb. (2) perf. act. 3:37
akfala vb. (4) impv. 38:23
LL, V8, p: 255  ##

= Kaf-Fa-Ra = to conceal, to cover, to reject, to disbelieve, to be thankless, unthankful, ungrateful, to disown, deny, faithless, black horse, dark night, tiller/farmer.
[[Perhaps it should be noted that its primary meaning is to cover/conceal (hence farmer), with active/conscious intent. From this, is born: to reject/disbelieve because this is a conscious decision made by a person. Please note one can only reject something after hearing/seeing/experiencing it, not before.]]
kafara vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:6, 2:26, 2:39, 2:89, 2:89, 2:102, 2:102, 2:105, 2:126, 2:161, 2:171, 2:212, 2:253, 2:257, 2:258, 3:4, 3:10, 3:12, 3:55, 3:55, 3:56, 3:86, 3:90, 3:91, 3:97, 3:106, 3:116, 3:127, 3:149, 3:151, 3:156, 3:178, 3:196, 4:43, 4:51, 4:56, 4:76, 4:84, 4:89, 4:101, 4:102, 4:137, 4:137, 4:167, 4:168, 5:3, 5:10, 5:12, 5:17, 5:36, 5:72, 5:73, 5:73, 5:78, 5:80, 5:86, 5:103, 5:110, 6:1, 6:7, 6:25, 7:66, 7:90, 8:12, 8:15, 8:30, 8:36, 8:36, 8:38, 8:50, 8:52, 8:55, 8:59, 8:65, 8:73, 9:3, 9:26, 9:30, 9:37, 9:40, 9:40, 9:54, 9:66, 9:74, 9:80, 9:84, 9:90, 10:4, 11:7, 11:27, 11:60, 11:68, 13:5, 13:7, 13:27, 13:31, 13:32, 13:33, 13:43, 14:7, 14:9, 14:13, 14:18, 14:22, 15:2, 16:39, 16:84, 16:88, 16:106, 16:112, 17:69, 17:98, 18:37, 18:56, 18:102, 18:105, 18:106, 19:37, 19:73, 19:77, 21:30, 21:36, 21:39, 21:97, 22:19, 22:25, 22:55, 22:57, 22:72, 22:72, 23:24, 23:33, 24:39, 24:55, 24:57, 25:4, 25:32, 27:40, 27:67, 28:12, 29:23, 29:52, 30:16, 30:44, 30:58, 31:12, 31:23, 32:29, 33:25, 34:3, 34:7, 34:17, 34:31, 34:33, 34:43, 34:53, 35:7, 35:26, 35:36, 35:39, 36:47, 37:170, 38:2, 38:27, 38:27, 39:63, 39:71, 40:4, 40:6, 40:10, 40:12, 40:22, 40:84, 41:26, 41:27, 41:29, 41:41, 41:50, 41:52, 45:11, 45:31, 46:3, 46:7, 46:10, 46:11, 46:20, 46:34, 47:1, 47:3, 47:4, 47:8, 47:12, 47:32, 47:34, 48:22, 48:25, 48:25, 48:26, 51:60, 52:42, 57:15, 57:19, 59:2, 59:11, 59:16, 60:1, 60:4, 60:5, 61:14, 63:3, 64:5, 64:6, 64:7, 64:10, 66:7, 66:10, 67:6, 67:27, 68:51, 70:36, 73:17, 74:31, 84:22, 85:19, 88:23, 90:19, 98:1, 98:6

impf. act. 2:28, 2:61, 2:85, 2:90, 2:91, 2:99, 2:102, 2:121, 2:152, 2:256, 3:19, 3:21, 3:70, 3:98, 3:101, 3:106, 3:112, 4:60, 4:89, 4:131, 4:136, 4:150, 4:150, 4:170, 5:5, 5:115, 6:30, 6:70, 6:89, 8:35, 10:4, 10:70, 11:17, 13:30, 14:8, 16:55, 16:72, 18:29, 19:82, 27:40, 28:48, 29:25, 29:66, 29:67, 30:34, 30:51, 34:33, 35:14, 36:64, 39:7, 40:10, 40:42, 41:9, 43:33, 46:34, 60:2
impv. 3:72, 59:16
perf. pass. 54:14
impf. pass. 3:115, 4:140
n.vb. (1) kufr 2:88, 2:93, 2:108, 2:217, 3:52, 3:80, 3:90, 3:167, 3:176, 3:177, 4:46, 4:137, 4:155, 4:155, 4:156, 5:41, 5:61, 5:64, 5:68, 9:12, 9:17, 9:23, 9:37, 9:74, 9:97, 9:107, 14:28, 16:106, 18:80, 30:44, 31:23, 35:39, 35:39, 35:39, 39:7, 39:8, 49:7
n.vb. (2) kufur 17:89, 17:99, 25:50
pcple. act. (kafir, pl. kafirun, kafarah, kuffar, and f. kawafir) 2:19, 2:24, 2:34, 2:41, 2:89, 2:90, 2:98, 2:104, 2:109, 2:161, 2:191, 2:217, 2:251, 2:254, 2:264, 2:286, 3:13, 3:28, 3:32, 3:91, 3:100, 3:131, 3:141, 3:147, 4:18, 4:37, 4:101, 4:102, 4:139, 4:140, 4:141, 4:141, 4:144, 4:151, 4:161, 5:44, 5:54, 5:57, 5:67, 5:68, 5:102, 6:89, 6:122, 6:130, 7:37, 7:45, 7:50, 7:76, 7:93, 7:101, 8:7, 8:14, 8:18, 9:2, 9:26, 9:32, 9:37, 9:49, 9:55, 9:68, 9:73, 9:85, 9:120, 9:123, 9:125, 10:2, 10:86, 11:19, 11:42, 12:37, 12:87, 13:14, 13:35, 13:42, 14:2, 16:27, 16:83, 16:107, 17:8, 18:100, 18:102, 19:83, 21:36, 22:44, 23:117, 25:26, 25:52, 25:55, 26:19, 27:43, 28:48, 28:82, 28:86, 29:47, 29:54, 29:68, 30:8, 30:13, 30:45, 32:10, 33:1, 33:8, 33:48, 33:64, 34:34, 35:39, 36:70, 38:4, 38:74, 39:32, 39:59, 39:71, 40:14, 40:25, 40:50, 40:74, 40:85, 41:7, 41:14, 42:26, 43:24, 43:30, 46:6, 47:10, 47:11, 47:34, 48:13, 48:29, 50:2, 54:8, 54:43, 57:20, 58:4, 58:5, 60:10, 60:11, 60:13, 61:8, 64:2, 66:9, 67:20, 67:28, 69:50, 70:2, 71:26, 74:10, 74:31, 76:4, 78:40, 80:42, 83:34, 83:36, 86:17, 109:1

kaffar n.m. 2:276, 14:34, 39:3, 50:24, 71:27
kaffarah n.f. 5:45, 5:89, 5:89, 5:95
kafur n.m. 11:9, 17:27, 17:67, 22:38, 22:66, 31:32, 34:17, 35:36, 42:48, 43:15, 76:3, 76:24, 80:17
kafur 76:5
kufran n.m. 21:94
kaffara vb. (2)
perf. act. 5:65, 47:2
impf. act. 2:271, 3:195, 4:31, 5:12, 8:29, 29:7, 39:35, 48:5, 64:9, 65:5, 66:8
impv. 3:193

LL, V7, p: 148, 149, 150, 151  ##

Kaf-Fa-Ta = To gather together, draw things to itself, hasten, be quick and swift in running, urge vehemently, fly, contract, grasp, take.
kifat n.m. 77:25
LL, V7, p: 146, 147  ##

Kaf-Fa-Ya = To be enough, sufficient.
kafa vb. (1)
perf. act. 4:6, 4:45, 4:45, 4:50, 4:55, 4:70, 4:79, 4:81, 4:132, 4:166, 4:171, 10:29, 13:43, 15:95, 17:14, 17:17, 17:65, 17:96, 21:47, 25:31, 25:58, 29:52, 33:3, 33:25, 33:39, 33:48, 46:8, 48:28
impf. act. 2:137, 3:124, 29:51, 41:53
pcple. act. 39:36

LL, V8, p: 256  ##

Kaf-ha-Fa =To fill caves or places of protection.
kahf n.m. 18:9, 18:10, 18:11, 18:16, 18:17, 18:25  ##

Kaf-ha-Lam = To reach old mature age, be full-grown, be of the age when a person’s hair becomes intermixed with hoariness, be of the age between thirty and sixty years or of middle age.
kahl n.m. 3:46, 5:110
LL, V8, p: 258  ##

Kaf-ha-Nun = To be priest or soothsayer, pretend to be diviner.
kahin n.m. 52:29, 69:42  ##

Kaf-ha-Ya-Ayn-Sad = Initial letters of the 19th chapter of The Quran.

Kaf-Lam-Alif = To protect, keep guard, keep safe.
kala'a vb. (1) impf. act. 21:42
LL, V7, p: 151, 152  ## 

Kaf-Lam-Ba = To bark (for days).
Kalbun: Dog; Any animal of prey.
kalb n.m. 7:176, 18:18, 18:22, 18:22, 18:22
kallaba vb. (1) pcple. act. 5:4
LL, V7, p: 152, 153, 154, 155  ##

Kaf-Lam-Fa = To take pains, be zealous, be engrossed by an object.
kallafa vb. (2) impf. act. 2:233, 2:286, 4:84, 6:152, 7:42, 23:62, 65:7
takallafa vb. (5) pcple. act. 38:86
LL, V8, p: 256  ##

Kaf-Lam-Ha =To put on a sour, austere, harsh, astringent, stern, grave look; look with frown, wear a grin of pain and anguish, express foolish satisfaction, endure pain, show disappointment, grin with lips, make contracted face and its surrounding parts; stern, severe, forbidding look.
kalaha vb. (1) pcple. act. 23:104
LL, V7, p: 156  ##

Kaf-Lam-Lam = To lose father and child, lose direct heirs, be weary, tired, weak, have only remote relations.
kalla vb. (1) n.vb. 16:76
kalalah n.f. 4:12, 4:176
kullama (time adverb): whenever. 2:20, 2:25, 2:87, 2:100, 3:37, 4:56, 5:64, 5:70, 7:38, 11:38, 17:97, 22:22, 32:20, 67:8, 71:7
kull (nominal): the parts put together. This is the concrete and it means all or every or each. 2:20, 2:29, 2:31, 2:60, 2:106, 2:109, 2:116, 2:145, 2:148 (2), 2:164, 2:231, 2:259, 2:260, 2:261, 2:266, 2:276, 2:281, 2:282, 2:284, 2:285, 3:7, 3:25, 3:26, 3:29, 3:30, 3:93, 3:119, 3:154, 3:161, 3:165, 3:185, 3:189, 4:11, 4:12, 4:32, 4:33 (2), 4:41, 4:78, 4:85, 4:86, 4:91, 4:95, 4:126, 4:129, 4:130, 4:176, 5:17, 5:19, 5:40, 5:48, 5:97, 5:117, 5:120, 6:17, 6:25, 6:44, 6:64, 6:67, 6:70, 6:80, 6:84, 6:85, 6:86, 6:99, 6:101 (2), 6:102 (2), 6:108, 6:111, 6:112, 6:123, 6:132, 6:146, 6:154, 6:164 (2), 7:29, 7:31, 7:34, 7:38, 7:46, 7:57, 7:86, 7:89, 7:112, 7:145 (2), 7:146, 7:156, 7:160, 8:12, 8:39, 8:41, 8:54, 8:56, 8:75, 9:5, 9:33, 9:39, 9:115, 9:122, 9:126, 10:22, 10:30, 10:47, 10:49, 10:54, 10:79, 10:97, 10:99, 11:3, 11:4, 11:6, 11:12, 11:40, 11:57, 11:59, 11:111, 11:120, 11:123, 12:31, 12:76, 12:111, 13:2, 13:3, 13:7, 13:8 (2), 13:16, 13:23, 13:33, 13:38, 13:42, 14:5, 14:15, 14:17, 14:25, 14:34, 14:51, 15:17, 15:19, 15:30, 15:44, 16:11, 16:36, 16:69, 16:77, 16:84, 16:89 (2), 16:111 (2), 16:112, 17:12, 17:13, 17:20, 17:29, 17:36, 17:38, 17:71, 17:84, 17:89, 18:45, 18:54, 18:79, 18:84, 19:49, 19:69, 19:93, 19:95, 20:15, 20:50, 20:56, 20:98, 20:135, 21:30, 21:33, 21:35, 21:72, 21:79, 21:81, 21:85, 21:93, 21:96, 21:99, 22:2 (2), 22:3, 22:5, 22:6, 22:17, 22:27 (2), 22:34, 22:38, 22:67, 23:27, 23:44, 23:53, 23:88, 23:91, 24:2, 24:11, 24:35, 24:41, 24:45 (2), 24:64, 25:2, 25:31, 25:39 (2), 25:51, 26:7, 26:37, 26:63, 26:128, 26:222, 26:225, 27:16, 27:23, 27:83, 27:87, 27:88, 27:91, 28:48, 28:57, 28:75, 28:88, 29:20, 29:40, 29:57, 29:62, 30:26, 30:32, 30:50, 30:58, 31:10 (2), 31:18, 31:29, 31:31, 31:32, 32:7, 32:13, 33:27, 33:40, 33:51, 33:52, 33:54, 33:55, 34:7, 34:9, 34:19 (2), 34:21, 34:47, 35:1, 35:12, 35:13, 35:36, 36:12, 36:32, 36:36, 36:40, 36:79, 36:83, 37:7, 37:8, 38:14, 38:19, 38:37, 38:48, 38:73, 39:5, 39:27, 39:62 (2), 39:70, 40:5, 40:7, 40:17, 40:27, 40:35, 40:48, 40:62, 41:12, 41:21, 41:39, 41:53, 41:54, 42:9, 42:12, 42:33, 43:12, 43:35, 44:4, 44:55, 45:7, 45:22, 45:28 (2), 46:19, 46:25, 46:33, 47:15, 48:21, 48:26, 48:28, 49:16, 50:7, 50:8, 50:14, 50:21, 50:24, 50:32, 51:49, 52:21, 54:3, 54:28, 54:42, 54:49, 54:52, 54:53, 55:26, 55:29, 55:52, 57:2, 57:3, 57:10, 57:23, 58:6, 58:7, 59:6, 61:9, 63:4, 64:1, 64:11, 65:3, 65:12 (2), 66:8, 67:1, 67:19, 68:10, 70:38, 72:28, 74:38, 74:52, 78:29, 80:37, 83:12, 85:9, 86:4, 97:4, 104:1
LL, V8, p: 256  ##

Kaf-Lam-Miim = To speak, express.
kalam n.m. 2:75, 7:144, 9:6, 48:15
kalimah n.f. (pl. kalimat, and kalim) - word, command, agreement, common term.
2:37, 2:124, 3:39, 3:45, 3:64, 4:46, 4:171, 5:13, 5:41, 6:34, 6:115, 7:137, 7:158, 8:7, 9:40, 9:40, 9:74, 10:19, 10:33, 10:64, 10:82, 10:96, 11:110, 11:119, 14:24, 14:26, 18:5, 18:27, 18:109, 18:109, 20:129, 23:100, 31:27, 35:10, 37:171, 39:19, 39:71, 40:6, 41:45, 42:14, 42:21, 42:24, 43:28, 48:26, 66:12

kallama vb. (II) - to speak to ro with, act of speaking, directly.
perf. act. - 2:252, 4:164, 6:111, 7:143, 12:54
impf. act. - 2:118, 2:174, 3:41, 3:46, 3:77, 5:110, 7:148, 19:10, 19:26, 19:29, 23:108, 27:82, 36:65, 42:51
perf. pas. - 13:31
n. vb. 4:164

takallama vb. (V) - to speak
impf. act. - 11:105, 24:16, 30:35, 78:38

LL, V8, p: 257  ##

Kaf-Miim-ha = one who is blind
akmah n.m. (adj.) - 3:49, 5:110
LL, V8, p: 257  ##

Kaf-Miim-Lam = complete, in total, in all, perfect achieved.
kamala vb. (1)
pcple. act. - 2:196, 2:233, 16:25

akmala vb. (4) - perfect/fulfil/complete
perf. act. - 5:3
impf. act. 2:185

LL, V8, p: 257  ##

Kaf-Miim-Miim = sheaths (e.g. of a fruit tree)
akmam n.m. (pl. of kimm) - 41:47, 55:11
LL, V8, p: 257  ##

Kaf-Nun-Dal = ungrateful
kanud n. compound. (adj.) - 100:6  ##

Kaf-Nun-Nun = To cover, conceal, keep secret, keep from site, hidden, refuge, veil/covering
kanna vb. (I)
pcple. pass. 37:49, 52:24, 56:23, 56:78

aknan n.m. (pl. of kinn) - 16:81
akinnah n.m. (pl. of kinn) - 6:25, 17:46, 18:57, 41:5
akanna vb. (IV)
perf. act. 2:235
impf. act. 27:74, 28:69

LL, V8, p: 257, 258  ##

Kaf-Nun-Siin =Setting planets.
kunnas n.m. - 81:16
LL, V7, p: 161, 162  ##

Kaf-Nun-Zay = to collect and store up, treasure, bury in the ground a treasure.
kanaza vb. (1)
perf. act. 9:35
impf. act. 9:34, 9:35
n. vb. (kanz, pl. kunuz) - 11:12, 18:82, 18:82, 25:8, 26:58, 28:76

LL, V7, p: 161  ##

Kaf-Ra-Ba = To grieve, afflict, overburden, distress, twist a rope, tighten, near or close.
karaba vb. (I)
n.vb. (karb) 6:64, 21:76, 37:76, 37:115

LL, V7, p: 130, 131  ##

Kaf-Ra-ha = To find difficult, dislike, disapprove, feel aversion to, be averse from, loathe, abhor, hate, detest, be unwilling.
kariha vb. (I)
perf. act. - 4:19, 8:8, 9:32, 9:33, 9:46, 9:81, 10:82, 40:14, 47:9, 47:26, 47:28, 49:12, 61:8, 61:9
impf. act. - 2:216, 4:19, 16:62
n. vb. - 2:216, 3:83, 4:19, 9:53, 13:15, 41:11, 46:15, 46:15
pcple. act. - 7:88, 8:5, 9:48, 9:54, 11:28, 23:70, 43:78
pcple. pass. 17:38

karraha vb. (II) - 49:7
akraha vb. (IV)
perf. act. 20:73
impf. act. 10:99, 24:33, 24:33
perf. pass. 16:106
n. vb. 2:256, 24:33

LL, V8 supplement, p: 254  ##

Kaf-Ra-Miim = To be productive, generous, precious, valuable, honourable, noble, All-Generous, Most Generous
karim n.m. (comp. adj. Akram)
4:31, 8:4, 8:74, 12:31, 17:23, 22:50, 23:116, 24:26, 25:72, 26:7, 26:58, 27:29, 27:40, 31:10, 33:31, 33:44, 34:4, 36:11, 44:17, 44:26, 44:49, 49:13, 56:44, 56:77, 57:11, 57:18, 69:40, 80:16, 81:19, 82:6, 82:11, 96:3

karrama vb. (II)
perf. act. 17:62, 17:70
pcple. pass. 80:13

akrama vb. (IV)
perf. act. 89:15, 89:15
impf. act. 89:17
impv. 12:21
n. vb. 55:27, 55:78
pcple. act. 22:18
pcple. pass. 21:26, 36:27, 37:42, 51:24, 70:35

LL, V8 supplement, p: 253, 254  ##

Kaf-Ra-Ra = To return to, return successively, run against, repeat, come back, follow by turns, be wound (thread), repeating once or more than once, a rope (made in the form of a hoop) by means of which one ascends a palm tree.
karrah n.f. 2:167, 17:6, 26:102, 39:58, 67:4, 79:12
LL, V7, p: 128, 129, 130  ##

Kaf-Ra-Siin = To found (a building); to gather. (ku-r-si) the chair, the throne, dominion or power.
kursiy n.m. 2:255, 38:34
LL, V7, p: 133, 134  ##

Kaf-Siin-Ba = To gain, acquire, seek after, gather (riches), do, commit, earn. 'kas-a-b' means a wolf.
kasaba vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:81, 2:134, 2:134, 2:141, 2:141, 2:202, 2:225, 2:264, 2:267, 2:281, 2:286, 3:25, 3:155, 3:161, 4:88, 5:38, 6:70, 6:70, 6:158, 10:27, 13:33, 14:18, 14:51, 18:58, 30:41, 35:45, 39:48, 39:51, 39:51, 40:17, 42:22, 42:30, 42:34, 45:10, 45:22, 52:21, 74:38, 111:2
impf. act. 2:79, 4:111, 4:111, 4;112, 6:3, 6:120, 6:129, 6:164, 7:39, 7:96, 9:82, 9:95, 10:8, 10:52, 13:42, 15:84, 31:34, 36:65, 39:24, 39:50, 40:82, 41:17, 45:14, 83:14

iktasaba vb. (8)
perf. act. 2:286, 4:32, 4:32, 24:11, 33:58

LL, V7, p: 136, 137  ##

Kaf-Siin-Dal = To be dull (market), sell badly, slacken, fail in finding customers, of inferior condition, ignoble, a thing or commodity in little demand.
kasada vb. (1) n.vb. 9:24
LL, V7, p: 138  ##

Kaf-Siin-Fa = fragments, pieces, lumps, to shatter, to make into fragments
kisf n.m. 17:92, 26:187, 30:48, 34:9, 52:44  ##

Kaf-Siin-Lam = To be lazy, idle, slothful, sluggish, listless, languish.
kusala n.m. (pl. of kaslan) 4:142, 9:54
LL, V8, p: 254  ##

Kaf-Siin-Waw (Kaf-Siin-Ya) = To dress, clothe, garment, poor man, simple oblong piece of cloth, wrapper or a wrapping garment.
kasa vb. (1)
perf. act. 23:14
impf. act. 2:259
impv. 4:5

kiswah n.f. 2:233, 5:89
LL, V8, p: 254  ##

Kaf-Shiin-Fa = To pull away, remove, take off, open up, lay open lay base, uncover.
kashafa vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:134, 7:135, 10:12, 10:98, 16:54, 21:84, 23:75, 27;44, 43:50, 50:22
impf. act. 6:41, 27:62
impv. 44:12
impf. pass. 68:42
n.vb. 17:56
pcple. act. 6:17, 10:107, 39:38, 44:15, 53:58  ##

Kaf-Shiin-Tay = To remove, take off (the cover), strip, scrape, skin (a camel), discover, unveil, be laid bare.
kashata vb. (1) perf. pass. 81:11  ##

Kaf-Ta-Ba = he wrote it, to dictate it, prescribe/appoint/ordain, judged / passed sentence / decreed, drew/brought together, collected, conjoined / bound, he sewed it, what is written (e.g. of law), mode/manner of writing, book, bookseller, a thing in which or on which one writes, record/register/writ, revealed scripture, a writer/scribe/secretary, an army/military force, troop.
kataba vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:79, 2:187, 4:66, 4:77, 5:21, 5:32, 5:45, 6:12, 6:54, 7:145, 9:51, 21:105, 57:27, 58:21, 58:22, 59:3
impf. act. 2:79, 2:282, 2:282, 2:282, 2:282, 2:282, 3:181, 4:81, 7:156, 10:21, 19:79, 36:12, 43:80, 52:41, 68:47
impv. 2:282, 3:53, 5:83, 7:156
perf. pass. 2:178, 2:180, 2:183, 2:183, 2:216, 2:246, 2:246, 3:154, 4:77, 4:127, 9:120, 9:121, 22:4
impf. pass. 43:19
pcple. act. 2:282, 2:282, 2:282, 2:283, 21:94, 82:11
pcple. pass. 7:157

kitab n.m. (pl. kutub) 2:2, 2:44, 2:53, 2:78, 2:79, 2:85, 2:87, 2:89, 2:101, 2:101, 2:105, 2:109, 2:113, 2:121, 2:129, 2:144, 2:145, 2:146. 2:151, 2:159, 2:174, 2:176, 2:176, 2:177, 2:213, 2:231, 2:235, 2:285, 3:3, 3:7, 3:7, 3:19, 3:20, 3:23, 3:23, 3:48, 3:64, 3:65, 3:69, 3:70, 3:71, 3:72, 3:75, 3:78, 3:78, 3:78, 3:79, 3:79, 3:81, 3:98, 3:99, 3:100, 3:110, 3:113, 3:119, 3:145, 3:164, 3:184, 3:186, 3:187, 3:199, 4:24, 4:44, 4:47, 4:51, 4:54, 4:103, 4:105, 4:113, 4:123, 4:127, 4:131, 4:136, 4:136, 4:136, 4:140, 4:153, 4:153, 4:159, 4:171, 5:5, 5:5, 5:15, 5:15, 5:15, 5:19, 5:44, 5:48, 5:48, 5:57, 5:59, 5:65, 5:68, 5:77, 5:110, 6:7, 6:20, 6:38, 6:59, 6:89, 6:91, 6:92, 6:114, 6:114, 6:154, 6:155, 6:156, 6:157, 7:2, 7:37, 7:52, 7:169, 7:169, 7:170, 7:196, 8:68, 8:75, 9:29, 9:36, 10:1, 10:37, 10:61, 10:94, 11:1, 11:6, 11:17, 11:110, 12:1, 13:1, 13:36, 13:38, 13:39, 13:43, 14:1, 15:1, 15:4, 16:64, 16:89, 17:2, 17:4, 17:13, 17:14, 17:58, 17:71, 17:71, 17:93, 18:1, 18:27, 18:49, 18:49, 19:12, 19:16, 19:30, 19:41, 19:51, 19:54, 19:56, 20:52, 21:10, 21:104, 22:8, 22:70, 23:49, 23:62, 24:33, 25:35, 26:2, 27:1, 27:28, 27:29, 27:40, 27:75, 28:2, 28:43, 28:49, 28:52, 28:86, 29:27, 29:45, 29:46, 29:47, 29:47, 29:48, 29:51, 30:56, 31:2, 31:20, 32:2, 32:23, 33:6, 33:6, 33:26, 34:3, 34:44, 35:11, 35:25, 35:29, 35:31, 35:32, 35:40, 37:117, 37:157, 38:29, 39:1, 39:2, 39:23, 39:41, 39:69, 40:2, 40:53, 40:70, 41:3, 41:41, 41:45, 42:14, 42:15, 42:17, 42:52, 43:2, 43:4, 43:21, 44:2, 45:2, 45:16, 45:28, 45:29, 46:2, 46:4, 46:12, 46:12, 46:30, 50:4, 52:2, 56:78, 57:16, 57:22, 57:25, 57:26, 57:29, 59:2, 59:11, 62:2, 66:12, 68:37, 69:19, 69:19, 69:25, 74:31, 74:31, 78:29, 83:7, 83:9, 83:18, 83:20, 84:7, 84:10, 98:1, 98:3, 98:4, 98:6
kataba vb. (3) impv. 24:33
iktataba vb. (8) perf. act. 25:5
LL, V7, p: 117, 118, 119  ##

Kaf-Ta-Miim = To conceal (e.g. secret), restrain (anger), hide, keep back (evidence), hold.
katama vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:140
impf. act. 2:33, 2:42, 2:72, 2:146, 2:159, 2:174, 2:228, 2:283, 2:283, 3:71, 3:167, 3:187, 4:37, 4:42, 5:61, 5:99, 5:106, 21:110. 24:29, 40:28

LL, V8, p: 252  ##

Kaf-Tha-Ba = To gather, heap up, make up, collect into one place, many or much, nearness, a portion or quantity of corn or other food after it has been little.
kathib n.m. 73:14
LL, V7, p: 120, 121  ##

Kaf-Tha-Ra = To surpass in number or quantity, increase, multiply, happen often, copious, richness; To be much, many, numerous, a man whose ancestors are many or whose good deeds are many. A man possessing much good, river in paradise from which other rivers flow, talkative person.
kathura vb. (1)
perf. act. 4:7, 8:19

kathir n.m. 2:26, 2:26, 2:100, 2:109, 2:243, 2:245, 2:249, 2:269, 3:41, 3:110, 3:146, 3:186, 4:1, 4:12, 4:19, 4:82, 4:94, 4:100, 4:114, 4:160, 5:15, 5:15, 5:32, 5:49, 5:59, 5:62, 5:64, 5:66, 5:68, 5:71, 5:77, 5:80, 5:81, 5:103, 6:37, 6:91, 6:111, 6:116, 6:119, 6:137, 7:17, 7:102, 7:102, 7:131, 7:179, 7:187, 8:34, 8:43, 8:45, 9:8, 9:25, 9:34, 9:69, 9:82, 10:36, 10:55, 10:60, 10:92, 11:17, 11:91, 12:21, 12:38, 12:40, 12:68, 12:103, 13:1, 14:36, 16:38, 16:75, 16:83, 16:101, 17:6, 17:70, 17:74, 17:89, 18:34, 18:54, 20:33, 20:34, 21:24, 22:18, 22:18, 22:40, 23:19, 23:21, 23:70, 25:14, 25:38, 25:44, 25:49, 25:50, 26:8, 26:67, 26:103, 26:121, 26:139, 26:158, 26:174, 26:190, 26:223, 26:227, 27:15, 27:61, 27:73, 27:76, 28:13, 28:57, 28:78, 29:63, 30:6, 30:8, 30:9, 30:30, 30:42, 31:25, 33:21, 33:35, 33:41, 34:28, 34:35, 34:36, 34:41, 36:7, 36:62, 37:71, 38:24, 38:51, 39:29, 39:49, 40:57, 40:59, 40:61, 40:82, 41:4, 41:22, 42:30, 42:34, 43:73, 43:78, 44:39, 45:26, 48:19, 48:20, 49:4, 49:7, 49:12, 52:47, 56:32, 57:16, 57:26, 57:27, 58:7, 62:10, 71:24
kathrah n.f. 5:100, 9:25
kawthar n.m. 108:1
kaththara vb. (2) perf. act. 7:86
akthara vb. (4) perf. act. 11:32, 89:12
takathara vb. (6)
n.vb. 57:20, 102:1

istakthara vb. (10)
perf. act. 6:128, 7:188
impf. act. 74:6

LL, V7, p: 121, 122  ##

Kaf-Waw-Ba (Kaf-Alif-Ba) = To drink out of a goblet. A mug or drinking cup without a handle, slenderness of neck with bigness of head, a sighing or grief or regret for something that has past or escaped one. A small drum slender in the middle or small stone such as fills the hand.
akwab n.m. (pl. of kub) 43:71, 56:18, 76:15, 88:14
LL, V7, p: 163  ##

Kaf-Waw-Kaf-Ba (Kaf-Alif-Kaf-Ba) = To shine, glisten.
kawkab n.m. (pl. kawakib) 6:76, 12:4, 24:35, 37:6, 82:2  ##

Kaf-Waw-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To be, exist, happen, occur, take place, become, be such or so, originated.
makaan - side, abode, purpose, status, way, condition.
makaanatun - place, way, purpose, intention, condition, ability, place of existence or being.

kana vb. (1)(also an auxiliary verb, impf. act. yakunu)
impv. 2:65, 2:117, 3:47, 3:59, 3:79, 4:135, 5:8, 6:73, 7:144, 7:166, 9:119, 15:98, 16:40, 17:50, 19:35, 21:69, 36:82, 39:66, 40:68, 61:14

makan n.m. 4:20, 5:60, 7:95, 7:143, 10:22, 10:28, 12:77, 12:78, 14:17, 16:101, 16:112, 19:16, 19:22, 19:57, 19:75, 20:58, 22:26, 22:31, 25:12, 25:13, 25:34, 28:82, 34:51, 34:52, 34:53, 41:44, 50:41
makanah n.f. 6:135, 11:93, 11:121, 36:67, 39:39
(yakoonoo? 4:102)
LL, V8, p: 258  ##

Kaf-Waw-Ra (Kaf-Alif-Ra) = To wind, twist/fold/wrap, he wound round a turban, divested of light, blinded, shall pass away and come to naught.
kawwara vb. (2)
impf. act. 39:5, 39:5
perf. pass. 81:1

LL, V7, p: 165, 166  ##

Kaf-Waw-Ya (Kaf-Alif-Ya) = To burn (e.g. skin), sear, scorch, brand, cauterize.
kawa vb. (1) impf. pass. 9:35
LL, V8, p: 258  ##

Kaf-Ya-Dal (Kaf-Alif-Dal) = To be about to, be just on the point of, be well nigh, intend, wish, practise an artful device, desire, contrive/plot/devise such a thing, worked or laboured at or upon anything, to do something clandestinely, to deceive/beguile/circumvent, means of evading/eluding, vomited, emitted fire, had menstrual flux, gave up his spirit.
kada vb. (1)
perf. act. 12:76
impf. act. 12:5, 21:57, 86:15, 86:16
impv. 7:195, 11:55, 77:39
n.vb. 3:120, 4:76, 7:183, 8:18, 12:5, 12:28, 12:28, 12:33, 12:34, 12:50, 12:52, 20:60, 20:64, 20:69, 21:70, 22:15, 37:98, 40:25, 40:37, 52:42, 52:46, 68:45, 77:39, 86:15, 86:16, 105:2
pcple. pass. 52:42

LL, V7, p: 166, 167  ##

Kaf-Ya-Lam (Kaf-Alif-Lam) = To measure, weigh, compare.
kala vb. (1)
perf. act. 17:35, 83:3
n.vb. 6:152, 7:85, 12:59, 12:60, 12:63, 12:65, 12:65, 12:88, 17:35, 26:181

mikyal n.m. 11:84, 11:85
iktala vb. (8)
perf. act. 83:2
impf. act. 12:63

LL, V8, p: 259  ##

Kaf-Ya-Nun (Kaf-Alif-Nun) = To submit, humble, resign.
istakana vb. (10) perf. act. 3:146, 23:76
LL, V8, p: 259  ##

Kaf-Za-Miim = To shut, stop, abstract, suppress one’s anger, choke, tight or fill something with a check, abstain from chewing the end.
kaziim - one who is grieving inwardly and in silence, repressor of rage, filled with sorrow that is suppressed.
makzuum - oppressed and depressed with grief.

kazama vb. (1)
pcple. act. 3:134, 40:18
pcple. pass. 68:48

kazim n.m. 12:84, 16:58, 43:17
LL, V8, p: 255  ##

Next Letter: Kha = خ

Previous Letter: Jiim = ج

Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

Note: This blog contains content mainly from: but I have made some changes and/or additions based on other dictionary(ies).

See also my blog: Answering Questions Through The Holy Qur’an

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