Kh-Ba-Alif = Hide/Conceal, To keep it, Preserve/Guard, To take care of a thing, Reposit, Store in a place of safety, Hidden/Absent.
khaba'a vb. (1) n.vb. 27:25
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 2, pages: 328, 329 ##
Kh-Ba-Lam = To be or become corrupted, unsound, vitiated or disordered in intellect or reason, become possessed or insane, be lost, cut off, deprived of heart or reason. Prevent or hinder from doing a thing. Affliction/trouble/difficulty/distress/fatigue.
Seek to corrupt, render unsound, occasioning to agitation like that of possession or insanity, by disease affecting the reason and thought.
Difficulty in people in which they see not happiness.
Egregious stupidity or foolishness, heedlessness or weakness of intellect, state of perdition or destruction. Disordered in the legs so as not to know how to walk.
Going/passing/wasting away, being consumed or destroyed.
To lend. Jinn, devil, mankind.
khabal n.m. 3:118, 9:47
LL, V2, p: 335, 336 ##
Kh-Ba-Ra = To know/possess, have knowledge of a thing, to know a thing with respect to it's internal or real state, informed/acquainted.
Knowledge of the secret internal state or as some say of secret internal circumstances or properties.
Also to try, prove or test things, having experience.
khabara vb. (1)
n.vb. 18:68, 19:91
khabar n.m. (pl. akhbar) 9:94, 27:7, 28:29, 47:31, 99:4
khabir n.m. 2:234, 2:271, 3:153, 3:180, 4:35, 4:94, 4:128, 4:135, 5:8, 6:18, 6:73, 6:103, 9:16, 11:1, 11:111, 17:17, 17:30, 17:96, 22:63, 24:30, 24:53, 25:58, 25:59, 27:88, 31:16, 31:29, 31:34, 33:2, 33:34, 34:1, 35:14, 35:31, 42:27, 48:11, 49:13, 57:10, 58:3, 58:11, 58:13, 59:18, 63:11, 64:8, 66:3, 67:14, 100:11
LL, V2, p: 331, 332, 333 ##
Kh-Ba-Ta = became concealed/obscure or of no reputation, lowly/humble/submissive/obedient, to humble one's self, to abase one's self, still/motionless.
akhbata vb. (4)
perf. act. 11:23
impf. act. 22:54
pcple. act. 22:34
LL, V2, p: 329 ##
Kh-Ba-Tha = bad/foul/abominable/corrupt/wicked/deceitful, guileful/artful/crafty/cunning, malignant/noxious, impure/unclean/filthy, depraved/disapproved/hated/unlawful/disagreeable/culpable/disobedient, the worst or most wicked, evil.
khabutha vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:58
khaba'ith n.f. (pl. of khabithah) 7:157, 21:74
khabith n.m. 2:267, 3:179, 4:2, 5:100, 5:100, 8:37, 8:37, 14:26, 14:26, 24:26, 24:26, 24:26, 24:26
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 2, pages: 329, 330, 331 ##
Kh-Ba-Tay = To strike/beat vehemently (e.g. with the fore foot hind foot), to prosecute, to be confounded/perplexed, to journey without
direction, hold communion with someone, touch with a hurt so as to corrupt/disorder and render one insane, to be agitated/disturbed,
to be still/motionless.
takhabbata vb. (5) perf. act. 2:275
LL, V2, p: 333, 334, 335 ##
Kh-Ba-Waw = To subside, abate, die down, fade out, decline, decrease. To be extinguished/extinct/allayed/appeased.
khaba vb. (1) perf. act. 17:97
LL, V2, p: 337 ##
Kh-Ba-Zay = To feed with bread, to make or knead bread, he beat him or it.
khubz n.m. 12:36
LL, V2, p: 333 ##
Kh-Dal-Ayn = To hide/conceal, double or fold, decieve or outwit, pretend, to enter, vary in state/condition, refrain or refuse, relinquish, to be in little demand of, deviate from the right course, resist/unyield/incompliant, turn away and behave proudly.
khada'a vb. (1)
impf. act. 2:9, 8:62
pcple. act. 4:142
khada'a vb. (3) impf. act. 2:9, 4:142
LL, V2, p: 344, 345, 346, 347 ##
Kh-Dal-Dal = To furrow/trench/clave, to mark or impress, to contract/shrink/wrinkle, to oppose, divide into distinct parties, to rank or class.
khadd n.m. 31:18
ukhdud n.m. 85:4
LL, V2, p: 341, 342 ##
Kh-Dal-Nun = To befriend, keep company, associate in secrecy or privacy, to converse/talk with.
akhdan n.m. (pl. of khidn) 4:25, 5:5
LL, V2, p: 348 ##
Kh-Dad-Ayn = To be lowly/humble/submissive, to be still, to be soft in speech, to bend/stoop/lower/lower.
khada'a vb. (1)
impf. act. 33:32
pcple. act. 26:4
LL, V2, p: 393, 394 ##
Kh-Dad-Dal = To break without separating the parts, to cut/pull off or remove, thornless, to shrink and shrivel (fruit), to incline the body or bend from side to side, to be feeble and weak, fatigue or weariness, lacking power to rise, to eat vehemently.
khadada vb. (1) pcple. pass. 56:28
LL, V2, p: 390 ##
Kh-Dad-Ra = To render or do the forbidden, blessed with means of subsistence, to die in youth, take up a load or burden, green, to become green in color (9th verb form), to be cut or cut off (like as dying young or fruit that is picked before it is ripe), fresh or pleasant, having much verdure.
akhdar n.m. (pl. khudr) 12:43, 12:46, 18:31, 36:80, 55:76, 76:21
khadir n.m. 6:99
ikhdarra vb. (9) pcple. act. 22:63
LL, V2, p: 390, 391, 392 ##
Kh-Fa-Dad = To lower or depress, to abase, to overcome, to be easy/tranquil/gentle, to have a tranquil/easy and plentiful life, to be soft or gentle in voice.
khafada vb. (1)
impv. 15:88, 17:24, 26:215
pcple. act. 56:3
LL, V2, p: 409, 410 ##
Kh-Fa-Fa = To be light of weight (in body or material substance), light in estimation or of little account, to be lively/active/agile/prompt and quick, obedient and submissive in work/servitude, to hasten, depart or journey quickly, to be light in conduct or behaviour, acute/sharp/clever/ingenious in hearing and understanding, to be agitated or excited by reason of fear and anger, acceptable in company or conversation, light-hearted/cheerful, to be few in number, to be deficient/slight/inconsiderable.
khaffa vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:9, 23:103, 101:8
khafif n.m. (pl. khifaf) 7:189, 9:41
khaffafa vb. (2)
perf. act. 8:66
impf. act. 4:28, 40:49
impf. pass. 2:86, 2:162, 3:88, 16:85, 35:36
n.vb. 2:178
istakhaffa vb. (10)
perf. act. 43:54
impf. act. 16:80, 30:60
LL, V2, p: 405, 406, 407 ##
Kh-Fa-Ta = To be still or silent, to be low/soft/gentle, to be weak due to vehement hunger, to be abject, to silence or kill (smite with a sword or the like), to be goodly or beautiful, worthy of notice.
khafata vb. (3)
impf. act. 17:110
takhafata vb. (6) impf. act. 21:103, 68:23
LL, V2, p: 407, 408 ##
Kh-Fa-Ya = = Imperceptible/unapparent, hidden/concealed/covered, faint or dim to the sight, suppressed or stifled, obscure to the mind, to become manifest from a state of concealment (what was concealed became revealed).
khafa vb. €(1)
impf. act. 3:5, 14:38, 40:16, 41:40, 69:18, 87:7
khafiy n.m. 19:3, 20:7, 42:45
khafiyah n.f. 69:18
khufyah n.f. 6:63, 7:55
akhfa vb. (4)
perf. act. 60:1
impf. act. 2:271, 2:284, 3:29, 3:118, 3:154, 4:149, 5:15, 6:28, 6:91, 14:38, 20:15, 24:31, 27:25, 33:37, 33:54, 40:19
perf. pass. 32:17
istakhfa vb. (10)
impf. act. 4:108, 4:108, 11:5
pcple. act. 13:10
LL, V2, p: 412, 413 ##
Kh-Lam-Ayn = To pull/strip/throw/cast something off, to be removed from or divested of, to forsake allegiance/obedience to someone, to repudiate or renounce someone, to ransom off, to contend with someone, to come off or fall off, become disjointed/seperated/displaced, to go away secretly, to annull/dissolve/break a pact or covenant, divorce one's wife for a ransom given by her, grow insane or diabolically possessed, to be gripped with weakness and fear/fright, say or do what one pleases (without care or fear of blame), play in games of hazard (for stakes laid by both players to be taken by the winner), to be of vitious or immoral conduct
khala'a vb. (1) impv. 20:12
LL, V2, p: 425, 426, 427, 428 ##
Kh-Lam-Dal = To remain/stay/dwell/abode, to remain or continue incessantly/always/endlessly/forever/perpetually, to adorn another with ornaments, to be slow in becoming hoary (when advanced in age), endowed with perpetual vigour
khalada vb. (1)
impf. act. 25:69, 26:129
n.vb. 50:34
pcple. act. 2:25, 2:39, 2:81, 2:82, 2:162, 2:217, 2:257, 2:275, 3:15, 3:88, 3:107, 3:116, 3:136, 3:198, 4:13, 4:14, 4:57, 4:93, 4:122, 4:169, 5:80, 5:85, 5:119, 6:128, 7:20, 7:36, 7:42, 9:17, 9:22, 9:63, 9:68, 9:72, 9:89, 9:100, 10:26, 10:27, 11:23, 11:107, 11:108, 13:5, 14:23, 16:29, 18:108, 20:76, 20:101, 21:8, 21:34, 21:99, 21:102, 23:11, 23:103, 25:16, 25:76, 29:58, 31:9, 33:65, 39:72, 39:73, 40:76, 43:71, 43:74, 46:14, 47:15, 48:5, 57:12, 58:17, 58:22, 59:17, 64:9, 64:10, 65:11, 72:23, 98:6, 98:8
khuld n.m. 10:52, 21:120, 21:34, 25:15, 32:!4, 41:28
khallada vb. (2) pcple. pass. 56:17, 76:19
akhlada vb. (4) perf. act. 7:176, 104:3
LL, V2, p: 419, 420 ##
Kh-Lam-Fa = To follow/come after/succeed another, substitute or supersede, to supply/be a supplier to someone, to restore or replace a thing to someone, smite or strike from behind, yearn towards other than one's spouse (in the spouses absence/behind his or her back), speak of/mention someone behind his or her back, remain behind/not go forth, to be kept back from all good, to not prosper or be successful, to become corrupt or altered for the worse, retire/withdraw/go away, to turn away from/avoid/shun a thing, to become foolish/idiotic/deficient in intellect, contrarious/hard in disposition, to leave behind, to appoint someone as successor, disagree with or differ from someone, contradict or oppose someone, to break/fail to perform a promise, to follow reciprocally/alternate/interchange, repeatedly move to and fro (coming and going), to differ/ be dissimilar
khalafa vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:150, 7:169, 19:59
impf. act. 43:60
impv. 7:142
pcple. act. 9:83
khalf n.m. 2:66, 2:255, 3:170, 4:9, 7:17, 7:169, 8:57, 10:92, 13:11, 19:59, 19:64, 20:110, 21:28, 22:76, 34:9, 36:9, 36:45, 41:14, 41:25, 41:42, 46:21, 72:27
khalifah n.m. (pl. khala'if) 2:30, 6:165, 7:69, 7:74, 10:14, 10:73, 27:62, 35:39, 38:26
khawalif n.f. (pl. of khalifah) 9:87, 9:93
khilaf n.m. 5:33, 7:124, 9:81, 17:76, 20:71, 26:49
khilafah n.f. 25:62
khallafa vb. (2)
perf. pass. 9:118
pcple. pass. 9:81, 48:11, 48:15, 48:16
khalafa vb. (3) impf. act. 11:88, 24:63
akhlafa vb. (4)
perf. act. 9:77, 14:22, 20:86, 20:87
impf. act. 2:80, 3:9, 3:194, 13:31, 20:58, 22:47, 30:6, 34:39, 39:20
impf. pass. 20:97
pcple. act. 14:47
takhallafa vb. (5) impf. act. 9:120
ikhtalafa vb. (8)
perf. act. 2:176, 2:213, 2:213, 2:213, 2:253, 3:19, 3:105, 4:157, 8:42, 10:19, 10:93, 16:64, 16:124, 19:37, 42:10, 43:65, 45:17
impf. act. 2:113, 3:55, 5:48, 6:164, 10:19, 10:93, 16:39, 16:92, 16:124, 22:69, 27:76, 32:25, 39:3, 39:46, 43:63, 45:17
perf. pass. 11:110, 41:45
n.vb. 2:164, 3:190, 4:82, 10:6, 23:80, 30:22, 45:5
pcple. act. 6:141, 11:118, 16:13, 16:69, 35:27, 35:27, 35:28, 39:21, 51:8, 78:3
istakhlafa vb. (10)
perf. act. 24:55
impf. act. 6:133, 7:129, 11:57, 24:55
pcple. pass. 57:7
LL, V2, p: 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435 ##
Kh-Lam-Lam = To become lean, to diminish/decrease/waste away, to be poor, be of want or need, to perforate/pierce/skewer a thing, to remove/transfer/shift, to pick or extract the remains of, put into the interstices of a thing, to spoil or become sour, make wine into vinegar, act as a true and sincere friend, fall short of accomplishing a task, to neglect/omit or leave undone, to absent one's self, produce bad fruit, enter/penetrate or pass through, interrupt or intervene, to be shaky/ loose/ faulty/ defective, to be uncompact/disordered/unsound, to be corrupt or disordered in temperament, to attire with an anklet or pair of anklets, to be old and worn out, to die and leave a gap/ vacancy, to be of habit/ custom, show true and sincere affection/ friendship/ love, to be flawed/imperfect/deficient, to leave one thing for another.
khalil n.m. (pl. akhilla) 4:125, 17:73, 25:28, 43:67
khilal n.m. (pl. of khalal) 9:47, 17:5, 17:91, 18:33, 24:43, 27:61, 30:48
khullah n.f. 2:254
khalla vb. (3) n.vb. 14:31
LL, V2, p: 413, 414, 415, 416, 417 ##
Kh-Lam-Qaf = To measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence (create out of nothing), to fabricate or forge a speech or saying, to make a thing equitable or even, make a thing smooth, to be probable or likely to happen (or likely to be or happen, or to have happened or been), act towards someone according to that person's nature, wear out a thing and make it old, to be fit/ competent/ suitable/ proper, to be complete or perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality.
khalaqa vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:21, 2:29, 2:228, 3:59, 3:191, 4:1, 4:1, 5:18, 6:1, 6:2, 6:73, 6:94, 6:100, 6:101, 7:11, 7:12, 7:12, 7:54, 7:181, 7:185, 7:189, 9:36, 10:3, 10:5, 10:6, 11:7, 11:119, 13:16, 14:19, 14:32, 15:26, 15:27, 15:33, 15:85, 16:3, 16:4, 16:5, 16:48, 16:70, 16:81, 17:61, 17:70, 17:99, 18:37, 18:48, 19:9, 19:67, 20:4, 20:55, 21:16, 21:33, 22:5, 23:12, 23:14, 23:14, 23:14, 23:17, 23:91, 23:115, 24:45, 25:2, 25:49, 25:54, 25:59, 26:78, 26:166, 26:184, 27:60, 29:44, 29:61, 30:8, 30:20, 30:21, 30:40, 30:54, 31:10, 31:11, 31:25, 32:4, 32:7, 35:11, 35:40, 36:36, 36:42, 36:71, 36:77, 36:81, 37:11, 37:11, 37:96, 37:150, 38:27, 38:75, 38:76, 38:76, 39:5, 39:6, 39:38, 40:67, 41:9, 41:15, 41:21, 41:37, 43:9, 43:9, 43:12, 43:87, 44:38, 44:39, 45:22, 46:3, 46:4, 46:33, 49:13, 50:16, 50:38, 51:49, 51:56, 52:36, 53:45, 54:49, 55:3, 55:14, 55:15, 56:57, 57:4, 64:2, 64:3, 65:12, 67:2, 67:3, 67:14, 70:39, 71:14, 71:15, 74:11, 75:38, 76:2, 76:28, 78:8, 80:18, 80:19, 82:7, 87:2, 90:4, 92:3, 95:4, 96:1, 96:2, 113:2
impf. act. 3:47, 3:49, 5:17, 5:110, 7:191, 16:8, 16:17, 16:17, 16:20, 17:99, 22:73, 24:45, 25:3, 28:68, 29:17, 30:54, 36:81, 39:4, 39:6, 42:49, 43:16, 56:59, 77:20
perf. pass. 4:28, 21:37, 52:35, 70:19, 86:5, 86:6, 88:17
impf. pass. 7:191, 16:20, 25:3, 89:8
n.vb. 2:164, 3:190, 3:191, 4:119, 7:54, 10:4, 10:34, 10:34, 13:5, 13:16, 13:16, 14:19, 17:49, 17:51, 17:98, 18:51, 18:51, 20:50, 21:104, 23:14, 23:17, 27:64, 29:19, 29:20, 30:11, 30:22, 30:27, 30:30, 31:11, 31:28, 32:7, 32:10, 34:7, 35:1, 35:16, 36:78, 36:79, 39:6, 39:6, 40:57, 40:57, 42:29, 43:19, 45:4, 46:33, 50:15, 50:15, 67:3,
7:69, 36:68, 37:11, 79:27
pcple. act. 6:102, 13:!6, 15:28, 23:!4, 35:3, 37:125, 38:71, 39:62, 40:62, 52:35, 56:59, 59:24
khalaq n.m. 2:102, 2:200, 3:77, 9:69, 9:69, 9:69
khallaq n.m. 15:86, 36:81
khuluq n.m. 26:137, 68:4
khallaqa vb. (2) pcple. pass. f. 22:5, 22:5
ikhtalaqa vb. (8) n.vb. 38:7
LL, V2, p: 435, 436, 437, 438, 439 ##
Kh-Lam-Sad = To be pure/genuine/unmixed/clear, to be safe/secure/free from embarrassment or difficulty or destruction, to withdraw/retire/part from the company of people, to come/approach/reach, make a thing clear or pure, explain/expound/interpret, act with reciprocal purity towards someone, to be pure and sincere, to appropriate a thing or person purely to oneself, to purely or sincerely believe (free of hypocrisy).
khalasa vb. (1)
perf. act. 12:80
pcple. act. 2:94, 6:139, 7:32, 16:66, 33:50, 38:46, 39:3
akhlasa vb. (4)
perf. act. 4:146, 38:46
pcple. act. 2:139, 7:29, 10:22, 29:65, 31:32, 39:2, 39:11, 39:14, 40:14, 40:65, 98:5
pcple. pass. 12:24, 15:40, 19:51, 37:40, 37:74, 37:128, 37:160, 37:169, 38:83
istakhlasa vb. (10) impf. act. 12:54
LL, V2, p: 421, 422, 423 ##
Kh-Lam-Tay = To mix/intermingle/incorporate/blend, put together with another thing, confuse/confound/disorder, to perplex or disturb, to have intercourse (i.e. a man with his wife, or with a woman), to penetrate into [ TA - khalthu ash-shaybu (the arrow penetrated into him) ], to infect or pervade, associate/converse, become intimate with, enter into a confederacy/league/compact/covenant, good natured/disposition.
khalata vb. (1)
perf. act. 9:102
khulata n.m. (pl. of khalit) 38:24
khalata vb. (3) impf. act. 2:220
ikhtalata vb. (8) perf. act. 6:146, 10:24, 18:45
LL, V2, p: 423, 424, 425 ##
Kh-Lam-Waw = To be empty/vacant/void/destitute/unoccupied, to be free from fault or a thing or affair, free of accusation or suspicion, to be alone or without any companion, meet with one in a vacant/unoccupied place, to pass away, to dismiss, let loose or let go a thing, permit or allow a thing, to forsake/relinquish/desert/abandon a thing, to be distant/remote/aloof/far from a thing, be at leisure, unoccupied (unemployed).
khala vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:14, 2:76, 2:134, 2:141, 2:214, 3:119, 3:137, 3:144, 5:75, 7:38, 10:102, 13:6, 13:30, 15:13, 24:34, 33:38, 33:62, 35:24, 40:85, 41:25, 46:17, 46:18, 46:21, 48:23
impf. act. 12:9
pcple. act. f. 69:24
khalla vb. (2) impv. 9:5
takhalla vb. (5) perf. act. 84:4
LL, V2, p: 439, 440, 441, 442 ##
Kh-Miim-Dal = To subside, be utterly extinguished (a fire); it's flaming or blazing ceasing, faint or swoon, be allayed (fever or vehemence of a fever), be still/motionless and silent (Al-Qamoos & Tajul-Arus), dispose and submit oneself to an affair or event, be silent and dead, become like extinguished ashes.
khamada vb. (1) pcple. act. 21:15, 36:29
V2, p: 443
## http://ejtaal.n
Kha-Miim-Ra = cover/conceal/veil, becoming changed/altered from a former state/condition, mixed/mingled/incorporated/blended, intoxication/wine/grapes, make-up, any intoxicating thing that clouds/obscures the intellect, come upon secretly/unexpectedly, crowding of people, odour of perfume, women's head cover, man's turban, a covering, something fermented/matured.
khamr n.fem. 2:219, 5:90, 5:91, 12:36, 12:41, 47:15
khumur n. masc. pl. 24:31
...and let them draw/set/cast (walyadribna) with their veils/covers (bikhumurihinna) over (AAala) their breasts/bosom (juyoobihinna)... [24:31]
Lane gives some examples: “the dwelling was hidden by the trees”, “he concealed his testimony”, "She (a woman) applied KhaMaRat as a linament, to beautify her complexion.".
"KhiMaR [A woman's muffler, or veil with which she covers her head and the lower part of her face, leaving exposed only the eyes and part or whole of the nose, such is the KhMR worn in the present day: a kind of veil which in Turkish is called Yashmak] a woman's head-covering."
LL, V2, p: 443, 444, 445, 446 ##
Kh-Miim-Siin = Take ONE from FIVE (as in khamasa al-qawma; he took the fifth part of the possessions of the people), be the fifth of the people (to make five by adding oneself to the number), be fifth in a race, five cornered/five angled/pentaganol, five cubits in length.
khamisah n.f. 24:7, 24:9
khamsah n.f. 3:125, 18:22, 58:7
khamsun n.m. 29:14, 70:4
khums n.m. 8:41
LL, V2, p: 446, 447 ##
Kh-Miim-Sad = Hungry, hollow/empty in the belly, shrink or draw away from.
makhmasah n.f. 5:3, 9:120
LL, V2, p: 447 ##
Kh-Miim-Tay = Disagreeable in taste, choking (applied to a fruit), to be bitter, acidic; a bitter plant.
khamata vb. (1) n.vb. 34:16
LL, V2, p: 448 ##
Kh-Nun-Qaf = To throttle/strangle/choke (a person or thing), to straiten, nearly cover or nearly attain a thing, fill/fill up a thing, squeeze or compress upon one's throat, take or seize by the throat, constrain or distress.
inkhanaqa vb. (7) pcple. act. f. 5:3
LL, V2, p: 454, 455 ##
Kh-Nun-Siin = To retreat/recede/drawback, retire or hold back, lag behind, shrink and hide/withdraw oneself, remain behind a company of people (as opposed to going with them [ syn. takhallafa] ), sneak something away (so as not to be seen), keep one back, place one behind or after, contract/draw together or make to contract/draw together.
khannas n.m. 114:4
khunnas n.f. 81:15
LL, V2, p: 452, 453 ##
= Kha-Nun-Zay = stinking / maggoty / altered in odour (e.g. flesh-meat, date, walnut), pride, self-magnification.
LL, V2, p: 451, 452 ##
= Kha-Nun-Zay-Ra = swine/pig.
khinzir n.m. 2:173, 5:3, 5:60, 6:145, 16:115
LL, V2, p: 452 (it says see Kh-Zay-Ra 367, 368) ##
Kh-Ra-Ba = To be in a state of ruin (said of a place, country, dwelling or abode), state of waste, uninhabited/depopulated/deserted/uncultivated, contrary of flourishing, to steal (theft or robbery), bore/perforate/slit a hole through a thing, corrupt or unsound in religion, contemptable or disgraceful or shameful.
kharaba vb. (1) n.vb. 2:114
akhraba vb. (4) impf. act. 59:2
LL, V2, p: 351, 352, 353 ##
Kh-Ra-Dal-Lam = (mustard seed) a grain of a certain tree that is well known.
khardalin n.m. 21:47, 31:16
LL, V2, p: 357 ##
Kh-Ra-Jiim = To go out, go forth, depart, evade/escape/extricate oneself from, to quit/forsake, to rebel, to be foul or obscene, conspicuous, be clear (as in clear sky as opposed to cloudy), to resolve/explain/render, educate/discipline/train well, render a thing of two mixtures (such as two colors, black and white, or to write upon part of a tablet and leave part of it blank), make a thing to be of different kinds, contribute to a thing or cause, make an agreement, extort/extract/produce/elicit, to exclude something or someone, to vent, surpass or excel, outstrip others, be external/extrinsic/objective.
kharaja vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:149, 2:150, 2:240, 2:243, 5:61, 8:47, 9:42, 9:47, 19:11, 28:21, 28:79, 47:16, 60:1
impf. act. 2:74, 4:100, 5:22, 5:22, 5:37, 7:58, 7:58, 9:83, 16:69, 18:5, 20:22, 22:22, 23:20, 24:43, 24:53, 27:12, 28:32, 30:25, 30:48, 32:20, 34:2, 37:64, 41:47, 49:5, 54:7, 55:22, 57:4, 59:2, 59:11, 59:12, 65:1, 70:43, 86:7
impv. 4:66, 7:13, 7:18, 12:31, 15:34, 28:20, 38:77
n.vb. 9:46, 9:83, 40:11, 50:11, 50:42
pcple. act. 2:167, 5:37, 6:122
kharaj n.m. 23:72
kharj n.m. 18:94, 23:72
makhraj n.m. 65:2
akhraja vb. (4)
perf. act. 2:22, 2:36, 2:191, 2:67, 6:99, 6:99, 7:27, 7:32, 7:57, 8:5, 9:40, 12:100, 14:32, 16:78, 20:53, 20:88, 24:40, 26:57, 27:82, 35:27, 36:33, 47:13, 48:29, 51:35, 59:2, 60:9, 79:29, 79:31, 87:4, 99:2
impf. act. 2:61, 2:84, 2:85, 2:257, 2:257, 3:27, 3:27, 5:16, 5:110, 6:95, 6:99, 6:148, 7:57, 7:88, 7:110, 7:123, 8:30, 10:31, 10:31, 14:1, 14:13, 17:13, 17:76, 20:55, 20:57, 20:63, 20:117, 22:5, 26:35, 27:25, 27:37, 30:19, 32:27, 33:43, 39:21, 40:67, 47:29, 47:37, 57:9, 60:1, 60:8, 63:8, 65:1, 65:11, 71:18, 78:15
impv. 2:191, 4:75, 6:93, 7:82, 14:5, 17:80, 23:107, 27:56, 35:37
perf. pass. 2:246, 3:110, 3:195, 22:40, 59:8, 59:11, 59:12
impf. pass. 7:25, 19:66, 30:19, 43:11, 45:35, 46:17
n.vb. 2:85, 2:217, 2:240, 9:13, 60:9, 71:18
pcple. act. 2:72, 6:95, 9:64
pcple. pass. 15:48, 17:80, 23:35, 26:167, 27:67
istakhraja vb. (10)
perf. act. 12:76
impf. act. 16:14, 18:82, 35:12
LL, V2, p: 354, 355, 356 ##
Kh-Ra-Qaf = To pierce/bore/perforate, make a hole in something, to rend/slit/tear, feign or forge, be confounded or perplexed [so as to be unable to move], be ignorant of a thing, pass through/over/across, traverse, rough/ungentle/awkward/unskilled, unsound or deficient in intellect or understanding, to be liberal/bountiful/generous, be of generous disposition/largely beneficent, be denied gain of good or prosperity.
kharaqa vb. (1)
perf. act. 6:100, 18:71, 18:71
impf. act. 17:37
LL, V2, p: 363, 364, 365, 366 ##
Kh-Ra-Ra = To sound murmured/rumbled or gurgled (water), run so as to make a noise [run/flow/trickle down so as to make a murmuring, or similar, sound], to be made to run [TA], sound rustled (wind), to snore or make a sound in breathing, to fall or fall down (making a sound to be heard at the same time) [sometimes used in the sense of falling absolutely], to surprise, come upon a place or person suddenly or unawares, to be lax or flabby, to pass along or away or by from one place to another.
kharra vb. (1)
perf. act. 7:143, 12:100, 16:26, 19:58, 22:31, 32:15, 34:14, 38:24
impf. act. 17:107, 17:109, 19:90, 25:73
LL, V2, p: 350, 351 ##
Kh-Ra-Sad = To compute a quantity by way of conjecture, opining or form an opinion of a thing of which one is not certain, to speak by opinion or conjecture, and thus, lie and speak falsely and say what is untrue, forge a lie or saying, to be hungry and cold.
kharasa vb. (1) impf. act. 6:116, 6:148, 10:66, 43:20, 51:10
LL, V2, p: 359 ##
Kh-Ra-Tay-Miim = To strike or twist the nose, elevate the nose, to be proud and angry, to raise one's head, to elongate.
khurtum n.m. 68:16
LL, V2, p: 360 ## http://ejtaal.n
Kh-Siin-Alif = To drive away (a dog), to be dazzled/confused and dim (said of the sight), to be driven away/repelled, throw stones at another.
khasa'a vb. (1)
impv. 23:108
pcple. act. 2:65, 7:166, 67:4
LL, V2, p: 372 ##
Kh-Siin-Fa = To sink or go away into the ground or earth (place or person), become depressed (such as the eye becoming depressed in the head), to lose sight/become blind, to lose light (like the sun or moon during an eclipse), become defective or deficient, become lean or emaciated, to recover (such as from disease or illness), to put out one's eye, make a hole in a thing, to abase or humble or make lowly, to disgrace, to be vile.
khasafa vb. (1)
perf. act. 28:81, 28:82, 29:40, 75:8
impf. act. 16:45, 17:68, 34:9, 67:16
LL, V2, p: 374, 375 ##
Kh-Siin-Ra = To suffer loss or diminution, to be deceived/cheated/beguiled/circumvented, to err/go astray/deviate from/miss the right way, to perish or die, make a thing defective or deficient, destroy or cause to perish, remove/alienate/estrange someone, to be treacherous/ignoble/mean, to be unfaithful, ungenerous, small/little/weak (among mankind), refuse invitation from another.
khasira vb. (1)
perf. act. 4:119, 6:12, 6:20, 6:31, 6:140, 7:9, 7:53, 10:45, 11:21, 22:11, 23:103, 39:15, 40:78, 40:85, 42:45
impf. act. 45:27
n.vb. (1) khusr 65:9, 103:2
n.vb. (2) khasar 17:82, 35:39, 71:21
n.vb. (3) khusran 4:119, 22:11, 39:15
pcple. act. (khasir, comp. adj. akhsar) 2:27, 2:64, 2:121, 3:85, 3:149, 5:5, 5:21, 5:30, 5:53, 7:23, 7:90, 7:92, 7:99, 7:149, 7:178, 8:37, 9:69, 10:95, 11:22, 11:47, 12:14, 16:109, 18:103, 21:70, 23:34, 27:5, 29:52, 39:15, 39:63, 39:65, 41:23, 41:25, 42:45, 46:18, 58:19, 63:9, 79:12
khassara vb. (2) n.vb. 11:63
akhsara vb. (4) impf. act. 55:9, 83:3
pcple. act. 26:181
LL, V2, p: 372, 373, 374 ##
Kh-Shiin-Ayn = Lowly/humble/submissive, still and low, to lower the eyes or voice, sink/nearly disappear in a setting place, be eclipsed/go away, become lean, whither/dry up, feign lowliness/humility in demeanour or voice or eyes, eject a thing, bow or bend down the head and body, be fearful.
khasha'a vb. (1)
perf. act. 20:108
impf. act. 57:16
n.vb. 17:109
pcple. act. 2:45, 3:199, 21:90, 23:2, 33:35, 33:35, 41:39, 42:45, 54:7, 59:21, 68:43, 70:44, 79:9, 88:2
LL, V2, p: 378, 379 ##$e
Kh-Shiin-Ba = Mix a thing with another thing, pick/choose/select a thing, make/fashion or sharpen a sword (imperfectly or not thoroughly), polish, make/shape out a thing (such as a bow and arrow) in a rough manner (without perfecting it or making it smooth or even), speak and do something without affecting nicety or refinement and without study or labour (do a thing imperfectly, inelegantly or unthoroughly), to be tall and gross, rude or coarse (man or camel), to be thick or gross or coarse in all respects, endure a life of hardship or difficulty (in order to render oneself more able to bear it), be lean or meagre (such as cattle in consequence of their feeding upon dry herbage), dry or rigid or tough, strong and vigorous in body (man), have a displeasing and rigid/uneven forehead.
khushub n.m. (pl. of khashab) 63:4
LL, V2, p: 377, 378 ##$b
Kh-Shiin-Ya = To fear or dread, to fear with reverence/veneration/honour/awe, to hope, to know a thing, frighten or make to fear/dread, be cautious or wary.
khashiya vb. (1)
perf. act. 4:25, 18:80, 20:94, 36:11, 50:33, 98:8
impf. act. 2:150, 4:9, 4:77, 5:3, 5:44, 5:52, 9:13, 9:13, 9:18, 9:24, 13:21, 20:3, 20:44, 20:77, 21:49, 24:52, 33:37, 33:37, 33:39, 33:39, 35:18, 35:28, 39:23, 67:12, 79:19, 79:26, 79:45, 80:9, 87:10
impv. 2:150, 3:173, 5:3, 5:44, 31:33
n.vb. 2:74, 4:77, 4:77, 17:31, 17:100, 21:28, 23:57, 59:21
LL, V2, p: 381, 382 ##$y
Kh-Sad-Fa = Adjoin or put together, to men, make a thing double putting one piece upon another, cover with a thing, have two colors, to lie (as though to sew one saying upon another, and thus, embellish it).
khasafa vb. (1) impf. act. 7:22, 20:121
LL, V2, p: 385, 386 ##
Kh-Sad-Miim = Contend in an altercation, dispute/litigate in a sound or valid manner, to say a thing such as may cause the listener to refrain/desist from his assertion/plea/claim, overcome someone in an altercation, antagonize, put a thing on the edge/side or corner of something.
khasim n.m. (adj.) 43:58
khasim n.m. 4:105, 16:4, 36:77
khasm n.m. 22:19, 38:21, 38:22
khasama vb. (3) n.vb. 2:204, 43:18
takhasama vb. (6) n.vb. 38:64
ikhtasama vb. (8)
perf. act. 22:19
impf. act. 3:44, 26:96, 27:45, 36:49, 38:69, 39:31, 50:28
LL, V2, p: 387, 388 ##
Kh-Sad-Sad = Distinguish/particularize/specially characterize a person, appropriate/assign/make to belong to a particular person alone or exclusively of others, favour one in preference to another or others (i.e. to single one out), take/choose a person specifically to or for oneself, be alone (with none to share or participate with one in the affair).
khassa vb. (1) n.vb. 59:9
khassah n.f. 8:25
ikhtassa vb. (8) impf. act. 2:105, 3:74
LL, V2, p: 382, 383 ##
Kh-Ta-Miim = To seal/stamp/imprint/impress, to secure/protect oneself against a thing, produce an impression or effect upon a thing, reach the end of a thing, cover over a thing, turn away/avoid/shun someone or something, to not understand, prevent the heart from believing, feign heedlessness.
khatama vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:7, 6:46, 45:23
impf. act. 36:65, 42:24
pcple. pass. 83:25
khatam n.m. 33:40
khitam n.m. 83:26
LL, V2, p: 338, 339 ##
Kh-Ta-Ra = Be agitated by a tendency to vomit (the soul or stomach) and thus be in a corrupt or disordered state, act or behave towards another with treachery/perfidy/unfaithfulness (or with deceit, guile or circumvention), behave towards one in a bad or corrupt manner, corrupt or disorder one's soul or stomach and render him relaxed (said of wine or beverage), to be languid and relaxed/heavy/sluggish/fevered, languid in body in consequence of disease.
khattar n.m. 31:32
LL, V2, p: 337 ##
Kh-Tay-Alif = To do wrong, commit a mistake or error, commit a sin or crime or act of disobedience for which one deserves punishment, commit a fault or offense (intentionally or unintentionally), pursue a wrong way (intentionally or otherwise), cause to miss or pass over, miss a thing (or fail of hitting it), miss or deviate from, far or out of reach, cause one to make a mistake, feign a wrong action/mistake/error.
khataa vb. (1)
n.vb. 17:31
pcple. act. 12:29, 12:91, 12:97, 28:8, 69:9, 69:37, 96:16
khata n.m. 4:92, 4:92
khati'ah n.f. (pl. khati'at, and khataya) 2:58, 2:81, 4:112, 7:161, 20:73, 26:51, 26:82, 29:12, 29:12, 71:25
akhta'a vb. (4) perf. act. 2:286, 33:5
LL, V2, p: 397, 398 ##
Kh-Tay-Ba = To recite/deliver an exhortation or admonition to the people, ask or demand a woman in marriage, talk/speak/converse or discourse with one, address one face-to-face, accost one with speech or words, consult with one, decide a case/pass sentence/judge with evident demonstration or proof or testimony confirmed by oath, have something within one's reach or power, hold a dialogue, seek or desire to do a thing, give a sermon/speech/oration.
khataba vb. (1)
n.vb. 12:51, 15:57, 20:95, 28:23, 51:31
khutbah n.f. 2:235
khatabah vb. (3)
perf. act. 25:63
impf. act. 11:37, 23:27
n.vb. 38:20, 38:23, 78:37
LL, V2, p: 398, 399 ##
Kh-Tay-Fa = To seize/take/carry off a thing by force, take or seize a thing quickly (snatch it away), suddenly take away, move along quickly (quickness in pace or going), cut a thing short (such as a discourse or narrative), barely miss a thing (and also to nearly hit a thing), be lean or lank in the belly (lightness of the flesh of the sides), to be mad or diabolically possessed.
khatifa vb. (1)
perf. act. 37:10
impf. act. 2:20, 22:31
khatfah n.f. 37:10
takhattafa vb. (5)
impf. act. 8:26
impf. pass. 28:57, 29:67
LL, V2, p: 401, 402, 403 ##
Kh-Tay-Tay = Make a line (or a mark) upon the ground, write or register (such as one's sins being written or registered against him), prohibit a thing or take it for oneself, to cut or cleave a thing, make a slight track/path/road in plain or smooth or soft ground, be in a state/condition of abasement or ignominy.
khatta vb. (1) impf. act. 29:48
LL, V2, p: 395, 396, 397 ##
Kh-Tay-Waw = To step/walk or pace, pass over, beremoved or repelled from a thing, go far from, step wide.
khutwah n.f. 2:168, 2:208, 6:142, 24:21, 24:21
LL, V2, p: 404, 405 ##
Kh-Thal-Lam = Neglect/abstain from aiding or assisting someone, hold back from another, leave/forsake/desert someone, to fail in helping/aiding someone, hold back from going with someone, hinder/prevent one from aiding another.
khathala vb. (1)
impf. act. 3:160
pcple. pass. 17:22
khathul n.m. 25:29
LL, V2, p: 349, 350 ##*l
Kh-Waw-Dad = To wade/walk/pass through/enter, to bring one thing to another, to penetrate or force one's way to or through a thing, plunge into a thing, follow erring, enter into false/vain discourse or speech, mix and stir about (beverage or wine), act wrongly or in an improper manner concerning an affair.
khada vb. (1)
perf. act. 9:69, 9:69
impf. act. 4:140, 6:68, 6:68, 9:65, 43:83, 70:42, 74:45
n.vb. 6:91, 52:12
pcple. act. 74:45
LL, V2, p: 458, 459 ##
Kh-Waw-Fa = To fear, to be afraid/frightened/terrified, to put fear into another, diminish or lessen or take from, to take little by little from a thing, take from the sides of a thing, slaughter or fight.
khafa vb. (1)
perf. act. 2:182, 2:229, 2:239, 4:3, 4:3, 4:9, 4:35, 4:101, 4:128, 9:28, 11:103, 14:14, 14:14, 19:5, 26:21, 28:7, 55:46, 79:40
impf. act. 2:229, 3:175, 4:34, 5:23, 5:28, 5:54, 5:94, 5:108, 6:15, 6:51, 6:80, 6:81, 6:81, 7:59, 8:26, 8:48, 8:58, 10:15, 11:3, 11:26, 11:70, 11:84, 12:13, 13:21, 16:50, 17:57, 19:45, 20:21, 20:45, 20:46, 20:68, 20:77, 20:112, 24:37, 24:50, 26:12, 26:14, 26:135, 27:10, 27:10, 28:7, 28:25, 28:31, 28:33, 28:34, 29:33, 30:28, 38:22, 39:13, 40:26, 40:30, 40:32, 41:30, 46:21, 48:27, 50:45, 51:28, 51:37, 59:16, 72:13, 74:53, 76:7, 76:10, 91:15
impv. 3:175
n.vb. 2:38, 2:62, 2:112, 2:155, 2:262, 2:274, 2:277, 3:170, 4:83, 5:69, 6:48, 7:35, 7:49, 7:56, 10:62, 10:83, 13:12, 16:112, 24:55, 30:24, 32:16, 33:19, 43:68, 46:13, 106:4
pcple. act. 2:114, 28:18, 28:21
khifah n.f. 7:205, 11:70, 13:13, 20:67, 30:28, 51:28
khawwafa vb. (2)
impf. act. 3:175, 17:60, 39:16, 39:36
n.vb. 17:59
takhawwafa vb. (5) n.vb. 16:47
LL, V2, p: 459, 460 ##
Kh-Waw-Lam = To manage/govern/sustain/tend to one's dependants, to be in possession (owner) of a property or other thing (such as slaves or servants or dependants), having many maternal uncles, perceive or discover, pay frequent attention to or return to time after time, lend a thing to someone, be a keeper or guardian of a thing, a sign or mark or token of good, bestow a gift or confer upon someone, to be or do or produce what is good.
khal n.m. (pl. akhwal) 24:61, 33:50
khalat n.f. (pl. of khalah) 4:23, 24:61, 33:50
khawwala vb. (2) perf. act. 6:94, 39:8, 39:49
LL, V2, p: 461, 462 ##
Kh-Waw-Nun = To be unfaithful or act unfaithfully to the confidence or trust reposed in a person, act treacherously or unfaithfully, neglect or fail in trustworthiness or faithfulness/loyalty, act contrary to what is right by breaking a pact or covenant, make to suffer loss or diminution, break off/become severed, alter the state or condition of a thing or person for the worse, diminish/waste/impair/take from a thing little by little, languid or weak, intentionally look at a thing which it is not allowable to look, make a look that induces suspicion or evil opinion.
khana vb. (1)
perf. act. 8:71, 66:10
impf. act. 8:27, 8:27, 12:52
n.vb. 8:58, 8:71
pcple. act. 4:105, 5:13, 8:58, 12:52, 40:19
khawwan n.m. 4:107, 22:38
ikhtana vb. (8) impf. act. 2:187, 4:107
LL, V2, p: 462, 463 ##
Kh-Waw-Ra = Utter a cry/low or bellow (primarily a bull or cattle), to bend/turn/incline towards someone, become weak/feeble/languid, soft or fragile, become faint/remit or abate, - [in a camel that is drinking, khawar denotes or implies a quality that is praised; i.e. Patient enduring of thirst and fatigue: and a quality dispraised as well; i.e. The Lacking patience to endure thirst and fatigue. (TA)] - interrogate, unable to endure difficulty or distress, act cowardly.
khara vb. (1) n.vb. 7:148, 20:88
LL, V2, p: 456, 457 ##
Kh-Waw-Ya = Become empty/vacant/unoccupied, become devoid or destitute of it's occupants ( a place), fall down or become demolished, become empty of food (hunger in the belly), call or cry out, seize/take/carry off by force, make a space between one's upper arms and sides in prostration, lower the eyes or look towards the ground and desiring to be silent, dig a hole or hollow in the ground, abstain from food, lose reason or intellect, take away another person's possession.
khawa vb. (1) pcple. act. f. 2:259, 18:42, 22:45, 27:52, 69:7
LL, V2, p: 463, 464 ##
Kh-Ya-Ba = Fail of attaining a desire or what is sought, to be denied/prohibted/debarred from what one desires or seeks, disappointed or frustrated, suffer loss, habitually unsuccessful.
khaba vb. (1)
perf. act. 14:15, 20:61, 20:111, 91:10
pcple. act. 3:127
LL, V2, p: 464 ##
Kh-Ya-Lam = To think or have an opinion of a thing, surmise or fancy a thing, limp or halt, slightly lame, image a thing (form an image) in the mind, perceive or discover, convey doubt or suspicion, to be cowardly or weak-hearted on the occassion of a fight [and thus do not act/proceed firmly or steadily], hold back from people or a party through cowardice, vie with/rival/imitate someone (do as he does) in pride and self-conceit, dubious/confused/vague, become abundant in plants or herbage (land), go on or away, act with a penetrative energy (being quick), behave proudly or haughtily, walk with pride or self-conceit, weak in heart and body, free from an attachment of love (having no spouse).
khayl n.f. (coll) 3:14, 8:60, 16:8, 17:64, 59:6
mukhtal n.m. 4:36, 31:18, 57:23
khayyala vb. (1) impf. pass. 20:66
LL, V2, p: 469, 470, 471, 472 ##
Kh-Ya-Miim = Hold back or refrain from someone through cowardice and fear, raise one's leg or foot, pitch one's tent, remain/stay/dwell in a place, unable to place one's leg or foot firmly on the ground.
khiyam n.f. (pl. of khaymah) 55:72
LL, V2, p: 472, 473 ##
Kh-Ya-Ra = Be possessed of good, to do good, give one a choice or option (and also be given a choice or option), prefer one thing or person over another thing or person, preferred/pronounced/chosen, strive to surpass one in goodness, excellent in beauty and disposition, to be ideal (show actual or potential usefulness or benefit), be desired in all circumstances and by every person, exalted in rank or quality or reputation, to be better than another person or thing, be the best of things or people, to be generous (possess and show generosity), possess nobility or eminence, be elevated in state or condition.
khayr n.m. 2:54, 2:61, 2:103, 2:105, 2:106, 2:110, 2:158, 2:180, 2:184, 2:184, 2:184, 2:197, 2:197, 2:215, 2:215, 2:216, 2:220, 2:221, 2:221, 2:263, 2:269, 2:271, 2:272, 2:272, 2:273, 2:280, 3:15, 3:26, 3:30, 3:54, 3:104, 3:110, 3:110, 3:115, 3:150, 3:157, 3:178, 3:180, 3:198, 4:19, 4:25, 4:46, 4:59, 4:66, 4:77, 4:114, 4:127, 4:128, 4:149, 4:170, 4:171, 5:114, 6:17, 6:32, 6:57, 6:158, 7:12, 7:26, 7:85, 7:87, 7:89, 7:155, 7;169, 7:188, 8:19, 8:23, 8:30, 8:70, 9:3, 9:41, 9:61, 9:74, 9:109, 10:11, 10:58, 10:107, 10:109, 11:31, 11:84, 11:86, 12:39, 12:57, 12:59, 12:64, 12:80, 12;109, 16:30, 16:30, 16:76, 16:95, 16:126, 17:11, 17:35, 18:36, 18:40, 18:44, 18:44, 18:46, 18:46, 18:81, 18:95, 19:73, 19:76, 19:76, 20:73, 20:131, 21:35, 21:89, 22:11, 22:30, 22:36, 22:58, 22:77, 23:29, 23:72, 23:72, 23:109, 23:118, 24:11, 24:12, 24:27, 24:33, 24:60, 25:10, 25:15, 25:24, 27:36, 27:59, 27:89, 28:24, 28:26, 28:60, 28:80, 28:84, 29:16, 30:38, 33:19, 33:25, 34:39, 37:62, 38:32, 38:47, 38:48, 38:76, 41:40, 41:49, 42:36, 43:32, 43:52, 43:58, 44:37, 46:11, 47:21, 49:5, 49:11, 49:11, 50:25, 54:43, 58:12, 61:11, 62:9, 62:11, 62:11, 64:16, 66:5, 68:12, 68:32, 70:21, 70:41, 73:20, 73:20, 87:17, 93:4, 97:3, 98:7, 99:7, 100:8
khayrat n.f. pl. 2:148, 3:114, 5:48, 9:88, 21:73, 21:90, 23:56, 23:61, 35:32, 55:70
khirah n.f. 28:68, 33:36
takhayyara vb. (5) impf. act. 56:20, 68:38
ikhtara vb. (8)
perf. act. 7:155, 20:13, 44:32
impf. act. 28:68
LL, V2, p: 464, 465, 466, 467 ##
Kh-Ya-Tay = To thread, sew/sew together/sew up, couple one thing with another, pass by or to or towards a person or thing, run/pass along quickly, journey without interruption (not pausing for anything), to be streaked with whiteness of the hair or beard, sew with a thread or string, to be scattered or in an abject state.
khayt n.m. 2:187, 2:187
khiyat n.m. 7:40
LL, V2, p: 467, 468 ##
Kh-Zay-Nun = Reposit/store/preserve/guard something in a thing or property, conceal or withhold a thing from someone, become rich/suffcient after poverty, take the nearest of a thing.
khazana vb. (1)
pcple. act. 15:22, 39:71, 39:73, 40:49, 67:8
khaza'in n.f. (pl. of khazanah) 6:50, 11:31, 12:55, 15:21, 17:100, 38:9, 52:37, 63:7
LL, V2, p: 370, 371 ##
Kh-Zay-Ya = To be or become abased/vile/despicable/abject, fall into trial or affliction and evil, manifest foul actions or qualities, to be confounded or perplexed by reason of disgrace, moved or affected with shame.
khaziya vb. (1)
impf. act. 20:134
n.vb. 2:85, 2:114, 5:33, 5:41, 9:63, 10:98, 11:66, 16:27, 22:9, 39:26, 41:16
akhza n.m. (comp. adj.) 41:16
akhza vb. (4)
perf. act. 3:192
impf. act. 3:194, 9:14, 11:39, 11:78, 11:93, 15:69, 16:27, 26:87, 39:40, 59:5, 66:8
pcple. act. 9:2
LL, V2, p: 371 ##
Letter: Lam = ل
Letter: Kaf = ك
(Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)
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