
Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Thal / Dhal = ذ

Thal / Dhal = ذ


= Thal-Alif-Ba = to collect/gather, expel, despise, urge, frighten.
Be as wicked/crafty as a wolf, wolf, dog of the dessert.
Loud howl/cry/sound, quicken in journey.
State of commotion/fluctuation.

dhi'b n.m. 12:13, 12:14, 14:17

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 114, 115, 116  ##

=Thal-Alif-Miim = to drive off, banish, blame, despise, disgrace, scorned, repay/requite, frighten/terrify, vice/fault/defect.
dha'ama vb. (1) - pcple. pass. 7:18
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 117   ##

Thal-Ayn-Nun = to obey/submit/acknowledge, humble/low, one who is submissive without delay and willingly.
adh'ana vb. (4) pcple. act. 24:49
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 132  ##

Thal-Ba-Ba = strove/labour/toil, to wander to and fro as a fly, waver (between this and that), become restless, much motion, fatigued, remove, repel, annoy, drive away flies, protect/defend, move about, fly/flies.
Become posessed/mad/insane.
Dry up.

dhubab (pl. of dhubabah) - 22:73 (x2)
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 117, 118, 119  ##

Thal-Ba-Ha = to split/rip, cut the throat, stay, sacrifice, rip open, trench, to slaughter/massacre, slay in large number, that which is sacrificed, victim, slaughtered one.
dhabaha vb. (I)
perf. act. 2:71
impf. act. 2:67, 27:21, 37:102
perf. pass. 5:3

dhibh n.m. 37:107
dhabbaha vb. (II) impf. act. 2:49, 14:6, 28:4
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 119, 120, 121  ##

= Thal-Ba-Thal-Ba = wavering, moving to and fro.
dhabdhaba vb. (quad. I) participle. passive. - 4:143  ##

Thal-ha-Ba = to go, go away, depart, take away or go away with, consume, receive, pass along, die, be ended.
Opinion, belief, way of action, rite. Hold an opinion, follow the opinion of, hold a belief, adapt an opinion.

dhahaba vb. (1) perf. act. 2:17, 2:20, 11:10, 11:74, 12:15, 12:17, 21:87, 23:91, 33:19, 60:11, 75:33
impf. act. 4:19, 8:46, 12:13, 13:17, 17:86, 20:63, 24:43, 24:62, 33:20, 35:8, 43:41, 81:26
impv. 5:24, 12:87, 12:93, 17:63, 20:24, 20:42, 20:43, 20:97, 25:36, 26:15, 27:28, 79:17
n. vb. 23:18
pcple. act. 37:99

dhahab - 3:14, 3:91, 9:34, 18:31, 22:23, 35:33, 43:53, 43:71
adhhaba vb. (4) perf. act. 35:34, 46:20
impf. act. 4:133, 6:133, 8:11, 9:15, 11:114, 14:19, 22:15, 33:33, 35:16

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 148, 149   ##

Thal-ha-Lam = to forget/neglect, be diverted from (with an)
dhahala vb. (1) impf. act. 22:2

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 149, 150  ##

= Thal-Kaf-Alif = to slay/slaughter, make fit for food, legal/clean slaughter.
Blasé, be sagacious, knowledgeable/skillful/sharp.
Be hot, kindle, burn/flame/blaze.
Old, advanced in age, big-bodied or corpulent, full-grown (when applied to a man).
on 5:3 - "
except that whereof ye shall attain/slaughter in the manner prescribed by the law while yet life remains in it."

plural - 5:3 "..except what you thakkaytum.."

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 137, 138 (Thal-Kaf-Waw)  ##

ذ ك ر
 = Thaal-Kaf-Ra = to remember/commemorate/recollect, study in order to remember, remind, bear in mind, mindful, mention/tell/relate, magnify/praise, admonish/warn (e.g. dhikra is the 2nd declenation and it is stronger than dhikr), preach, extol, give status.
nobility/eminence/honour, fame, good report, cause of good reputation, means of exaltation.
Male/man/masculine (
dhakar, dual - dhakarain, plural - dhukur).

Dhakara (prf. 3rd. p.m. sing.): He remembered.
Dhakaruu (prf. 3rd. p.m. plu.): They remembered.
Dhakarta (prf. 2nd. p. m.  sing.): Thou remembered.
Yadhkuru (imp. 3rd. p. m. sing.): He remembers.
Tadhkuru (imp. 2nd. p.m. sing.): Thou remember.
Yadhkuruu/ Yadhkuruuna (acc./imp. 3rd. p.m. plu.): They remember.
Adhkuru (nom. imp. 1st. p. sing.): I remember.
'An Adhkura (acc. imp. 1st. plu. sing.): That I remember.
Nadhkuru (imp. 1st. p. plu.): We remember.
Udhkur (prt. 2nd. p. m. sing.): Thou remember.
Udhkuruu (prt. 2nd. p. m. plu.): Remember! You people.
Udhkurna (prt. 2nd. p. f. plu.): Remember! O you.
Dhukira (pp. 3rd. p. m. sing.): Is mentioned.
Yudhakru (pip. 3rd. p. m. sing.): Is mentioned.
Dhukkira (pp. 3rd. p. m. sing. II.): Is mentioned; reminded; admonished.
Dhukkirtum (pp. 2nd. p. m. plu. II.): You are admonished, reminded.
Dhakkir (prt. 2nd. p. m. sing. II.): Admonish!
Tadhakkara (prf. 3rd. p. m. sing. V.): Take heed, receive admonition.
Yatadhakkaru (imp. 3rd. p. m. plu.): They receive admonition, take heed.
Tadhakkaruuna/Tatadhakkaruuna (imp. 2nd. p. m. plu. V.): You receive admonition.
Idhdhakara (prf. 3rd. p. m. sing. VIII.): He recalled to his mind, remembered.
Yadhdhakkaru (imp. 3rd. p. m. sing. VIII.): He receives admonition, take heed.
Yadhdhakkaruun (imp. 3rd. p. m. plu. VIII.): They take heed.
Yadhdhakkaruu (acc. imp. 3rd. p.m. plu. final nuun dropped, VIII.): (That) they (may) take heed:
Dhikraa (n.f.): Admonition, recollection.
Dhikrun/Dhikran (nom./acc.): Mention; account; remembrance; reminder.
Tadhkiratun (n.): Admonisher; means to rise to eminence.
Tadhkiir (v.n. II.): Admonishment; reminding.
Dhaakiriin (act. pic. m. plu. acc.): Mindful men; those who remember.
Dhaakiraat (act. pic. f. plu.): Mindful women.
Muddakir (ap-der. VIII. dzaal changed to daal.): One who will mind, take heed.
Mudhakkir (ap-der. II.): Admonisher.
Madhkuur (pact. pic. m. sing.): Mentionable; worth mentioning.
Dhakarun (n.): Male; man; masculine.
Dhakarain (n. dual. acc.): Two males.
Dhukraan (n. plu.): Males.
dhakara vb. (1)
perf. act. 3:135, 17:46, 26:227, 33:21, 74:55, 80:12, 87:15
impf. act. 2:152, 2:235, 3:191, 4:142, 6:138, 12:85, 18:63, 19:67, 20:34, 21:36, 21:60, 22:28, 22:34, 37:13, 40:44, 43:13, 74:56
impv. 2:40, 2:47, 2:63, 2:122, 2:152, 2:198, 2:198, 2:200, 2:203, 2:231, 2:239, 3:41, 3:103, 4:103, 5:4, 5:7, 5:11, 5:20, 5:110, 7:69, 7:69, 7:74, 7:74, 7:86, 7:171, 7:205, 8:26, 8:45, 12:42, 14:6, 18:24, 19:16, 19:41, 19:51, 19:54, 19:56, 22:36, 33:9, 33:34, 33:41, 35:3, 38:17, 38:41, 38:45, 38:48, 46:21, 62:10, 73:8, 76:25
perf. pass. 6:118, 6:119, 8:2, 22:35, 39:45, 39:45, 47:20
impf. pass. 2:114, 6:121, 22:40, 24:36
noun verb 2:200, 2:200, 3:58, 5:91, 7:63, 7:69, 12:42, 12:104, 13:28, 13:28, 15:6, 15:9, 16:43, 16:44, 18:28, 18:70, 18:83, 18:101, 19:2, 20:14, 20:42, 20:99, 20:113, 20:124, 21:2, 21:7, 21:10, 21:24, 21:24, 21:36, 21:42, 21:48, 21:50, 21:105, 23:71, 23:110, 24:37, 25:18, 25:29, 26:5, 29:45, 33:41, 36:11, 36:69, 37:3, 37:168, 38:1, 38:8, 38:8, 38:32, 38:49, 38:87, 39:22, 39:23, 41:41, 43:5, 43:36, 43:44, 53:29, 54:17, 54:22, 54:25, 54:32, 54:40, 57:16, 58:19, 62:9, 63:9, 65:10, 68:51, 68:52, 72:17, 77:5, 81:27, 94:4
pcple. act. 11:114, 33:35, 33:35
pcple. pass. 76:1

dhakar (pl. dhukur) - 3:36, 3:195, 4:11, 4:124, 4:176, 6:139, 6:143, 6:144, 16:97, 26:165, 40:40, 42:49, 42:50, 49:13, 53:21, 53:45, 75:39, 92:3
dhikra n.f. - 6:68, 6:69, 6:90, 7:2, 11:114, 11:120, 21:84, 26:209, 29:51, 38:43, 38:46, 39:21, 40:54, 44:13, 47:18, 50:8, 50:37, 51:55, 74:31, 79:43, 80:4, 87:9, 89:23
tadhkirah n.f. - 20:3, 56:73, 69:12, 69:48, 73:19, 74:49, 74:54, 76:29, 80:11
dhakkara vb. (2)
impf. act. 2:282
impv. 6:70, 14:5, 50:45, 51:55, 52:29, 87:9, 88:21
perf. pass. 5:13, 5:14, 6:44, 7:165, 18:57, 25:73, 32:15, 32:22, 36:19, 37:13
n.vb. 10:71
pcple. act. 88:21

tadhakkara vb. (5)
perf. act. 7:201, 33:37
impf. act. 2:221, 2:269, 3:7, 6:80, 6:126, 6:152, 7:3, 7:26, 7:57, 7:130, 8:57, 9:126, 10:3, 11:24, 11:30, 13:19, 14:25, 14:52, 16:13, 16:17, 16:90, 17:41, 20:44, 23:85, 24:1, 24:27, 25:50, 25:62, 27:62, 28:43, 28:46, 28:51, 32:4, 35:37, 37:155, 38:29, 39:9, 39:27, 40:13, 40:58, 44:58, 45:23, 51:49, 56:62, 69:42, 79:35, 80:4, 87:10, 89:23

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 134, 135, 136, 137  ##

Thal-Kha-Ra = to save/store/treasure/hoard, make provision for, prepare/provide, reserve, preserve, select/choose. Fat.
idhdhakhara vb. (8)
impf. act. yadhdhakhiru 3:49

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 122, 123  ##

Thal-Lam-Lam = to be low, hang low, low/lowest part of something, subdued, gentle, abase, easy, submissive, meek, subject, humble, humility, paltry, wings of submissiveness out of tenderness, treating with compassion.
Vileness, ignominy, weakness, despicable, meakness, abjectness, abasement.
Well-trained, tractable, manageable, commodious, broken.

dhalla vb. (I)
impf. act. 20:134
n.vb. 17:24, 17:111, 42:45

dhillah n.f. 2:61, 3:112, 7:152, 10:26, 10:27, 68:43, 70:44
dhalil n.m. (adj. pl. adhilah) 3:123, 5:54, 27:34, 27:37, 58:20, 63:8,
dhalul n. com. (adj. pl. dhulul) 2:71, 16:69, 67:15
dhallala vb. (II) - perf. act. 36:72, perf. pass. 76:14, n.vb. 76:14
adhalla vb. (IV) - impf. act. 3:26

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 138, 139, 140  ##

Thal-Miim-Miim = to revile/blame/reprove/condemn/censure/reprehend, blameworthy, blamed one, disgraced, abused, shun/avoid.
Treaty, good faith, agreement, covenant, protection, grant protection/security, engagement, obligation, compact, responsibility.

dhamma vb. (1)
pcple. pass. 17:18, 17:22, 68:49

dhimmah n.f. - 9:8, 9:10

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 141, 142, 143  ##

Thal-Nun-Ba = to track, make a tale, add apendix, follow closely, become spotted.
Commit offence, fault, sin, wrong, act of disobedience, transgression.

dhanb n.m. (pl. dhunub) 3:11, 3:193, 8:54, 39:53, 40:55, 48:2, 71:4, 91:14

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 145, 146, 147, 148  ##

Thal-Qaf-Nun = to strike on the chin, lean the chin upon (with ala), chin, although its primary meaning is chin it may be rendered as face.
To straighten.
A decrepit/old/weak man.

adhqan n.f. (pl. of dhaqn) - 17:107, 17:109, 36:8

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 133, 134  ##

Thal-Ra-Alif = to produce/create/scatter/multiply/broadcast/sow, numerous, children/offspring.
Become grey on the forehead (hair).

dhara'a vb. (1)
perf. act. 6:136, 7:179, 16:13, 23:79, 67:24
impf. act. 42:11

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 123, 124  ##

Thal-Ra-Ayn = to measure by the cubit, stretch the forefeet in walk, lower (a camel) for riding, overcome, strangle from behind, raise and stretch forth the arm (in swimming), stretching forth of the hand, spread widely, strength/power, measure, length, forearm, forefoot, cubit, rod of cubit of 22 3/4 inches, length of the arm to the elbow to the extremity of the middle finger.
Fall short of the affair, prevent, withold, felt helpless, means, ability, limit.
Talk/walk much, long stride.

dhar n.m. 11:77, 29:33, 69:32
dhira 18:18, 69:32

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 126, 127, 128, 129  ##

Thal-Ra-Ra = to scatter, strew, sprinkle, rise.
Least degree.
Atom, small ant, smallest kind of an ant resembling in weight and shape to an atom, smallest seed of grain, grub, small particle thats sprinkled.
Progeny, offspring, children, race, raising children.

dharrah n.f. 4:40, 10:61, 34:3, 34:22, 99:7, 99:8
dhurriyah n.f. 2:124, 2:128, 2:266, 3:34, 3:36, 3:38, 4:9, 6:84, 6:87, 6:133, 7:172, 7:173, 10:83, 13:23, 13:38, 14:37, 14:40, 17:3, 17:62, 18:50, 19:58, 19:58, 25:74, 29:27, 36:41, 37:77, 37:113, 40:8, 46:15, 52:21, 52:21, 57:26

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 123  ##

Thal-Ra-Waw = to scatter (seeds), disperse, uproot, fall, snatch/carry away, raise it or make it fly, raise (dust) wind, eliminate or select by sifting, blow the chaff (from grain), sift, sort out, to hasten.
Praise (one down, ascend on the top of), apex, top.

dhara vb. (1) impf. act. 18:45, n.vb. 51:1, pcple. act. 51:1

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 130, 131  ##

Thal-Waw-Dal = hold/keep back, drive away, dispel, repel, prevent.
dhada vb. (1) impf. act. 28:23

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 153, 154  ##

Thal-Waw-Qaf - to taste/experience/try/perceive. One who tastes, cause to taste.
dhaqa vb. (I)
perf. act. 6:148, 7:22, 59:15, 64:5, 65:9
impf. act. 4:56, 5:95, 16:94, 38:8, 38:57, 44:56, 78:24
impv. 3:106, 3:181, 6:30, 7:39, 8:14, 8:35, 8:50, 9:35, 10:52, 22:22, 29:55, 32:14, 32:20, 34:42, 35:37, 39:24, 44:49, 46:34, 51:14, 54:37, 54:39, 54:48, 78:30
pcple. act. 3:185, 21:35, 29:57, 37:31, 37:38

adhaqa vb. (IV)
perf. act. 10:21, 11:9, 11:10, 16:112, 17:75, 30:33, 30:36, 39:26, 41:50, 42:48
impf. act. 6:65, 10:70, 22:9, 22:25, 25:19, 30:41, 30:46, 32:21, 34:12, 41:16, 41:27, 41:50

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 154, 155  ##

Thal-Ya-Ayn = to broadcast/publish/divulge, to noise abroad, to spread/reveal/manifest, become known.
adha'a vb. (4) perf. act. 4:83

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 3, page: 156  ##

Next Letter: Waw = و

Previous Letter: Tha = ث

Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

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