
Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

Friday, October 5, 2018

Ta = ت

Ta = ت

ت ع س = Ta-Ayn-Siin = he fell having stumbled, he fell upon his face, become lowered/degraded, perish, become far removed, render unhappy, destroy.

taAAs n.m. - 47:8 

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 344, 345  ##

ت ب ع = Ta-Ba-Ayn = follow/went or walked behind/after, overtook, pursue/investigate/examine/hunt, sought/reach/obtain it, prosecute/sue (for right/due or blood-revenge), succession of one to another, consecutive/successive, follower, imitator, continue the same course, aid/assist/help, come with, obey, desire/demand.
An appelation of each of the Kings of El-Yemen who posessed Himyer and Hadramowt, so called because they followed one another when one died, another took his place, followed him in his course of acting. It is said in a tradition to mean a particular King who was a believer, whose people were unbelievers. [44:37, 50:14]

tabi'a vb. (I)
perf. act. 2:38, 2:145, 3:73, 7:18, 14:36, 17:63, 38:85
impf. act. 2:263, 79:7
pcple. act. 2:145, 2:145, 24:31

taba n.m. 14:21, 40:47

tabi n.m. 17:69

tubba n.prop. 44:37, 50:145

atba'a vb. (IV)
perf. act. 7:175, 10:90, 15:18, 18:85, 18:89, 18:92, 20:78, 23:44, 26:60, 28:42, 37:10
impf. act. 2:262, 77:17,
perf. pass. 11:60, 11:99

tataba'a vb. (VI) - 4:92, 58:4

ittaba'a vb. (VIII)
perf. act. 2:102, 2:120, 2:145, 2:166, 2:167, 3:20, 3:53, 3:55, 3:68, 3:162, 3:167, 3:174, 4:83, 4:125, 5:16, 7:90, 7:157, 7:176, 8:64, 9:42, 9:100, 9:117, 11:27, 11:59, 11:97, 11:116, , 12:38, 12:108, 13:37, 15:42, 18:28, 18:70, 19:59, 20:16, 20:47, 20:123, 23:71, 26:111, 26:215, 28:35, 28:50, 30:29, 34:20, 36:11, 40:7, 47:3, 47:3, 47:14, 47:16, 47:28, 52:21, 54:3, 57:27, 71:21
impf. act. 2:120, 2:143, 2:168, 2:170, 2:208, 3:7, 4:27, 4:115, 4:135, 5:48, 5:49, 5:77, 6:50, 6:56, 6:116, 6:142, 6:148, 6:150, 6:153, 7:3, 7:142, 7:157, 7:193, 7:302, 10:15, 10:36, 10:66, 10:66, 10:89, 14:44, 17:47, 18:66, 20:93, 20:108, 20:134, 22:3, 24:21, 24:21, 25:8, 26:40, 26:224, 28:47, 28:49, 28:50, 28:57, 31:21, 38:26, 39:18, 42:15, 45:18, 46:9, 48:15, 48:15, 53:23, 53:28, 54:24
impv. 2:170, 3:31, 3:95, 6:106, 6:153, 6:155, 7:3, 7:158, 10:109, 15:65, 16:123, 19:43, 20:90, 29:12, 31:15, 31:21, 33:2, 36:20, 36:21, 39:55, 40:38, 43:61, 45:18, 75:18
perf. pass. 2:166
impf. pass. 10:35
n.vb. 2:178, 4:157
pcple. pass. 26:52, 44:23

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 330, 331, 332, 333  ##

= Ta-Ba-Ba = suffer loss, diminution, become beaten/trodden/lost, become old, perished, perdition, death, weakened/impaired, to cut-off, curtail, be doomed, destruction/loss/ruin.
tabba vb. (I) - perf. act. 111:1, 111:1
n.vb. 40:37

tabbaba vb. (II) - n.vb. 11:101

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 330  ##

= Ta-Ba-Ra = To break/destroy/ruin/perish/lose/smash/crumble, perdition/destruction.
tabar n.m. 71:28
tabbara vb. (2) perf. act. 25:39
impf. act. 17:7
n.vb. 17:7, 25:39
pcple. pass. 7:139
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 330  ##

= Ta-Ba-Ta = coffin, wooden case, chest, box, breast with what it contains, heart which is the storehouse of knowledge, wisdom and peace, Ark (of the Covenant).
tabut n.m. 2:248, 20:39
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 330  ##

= Ta-Fa-Tha = to leave off the care of one's body and comforts, self-neglect, unkemptness, uncleanness, altered, perform and complete the acts of worship in combat and imposed.
The state of self-denial, acts of worship, needful rituals regarding the cleansing and care of one's body and comfort.

tafath n.m. - 22:29
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 345  ##

= Ta-Ha-Ta (taht) = Particle: that which is below; the lower part; beneath; inferior, slop; declivity of a mountain; under. It is the opposite of fawq/above.
This particle has been used about 51 times in
al quran.

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 335  ##

ت ج ر = Ta-Jiim-Ra = to traffic/trade, be in business, commerce, merchandise, dealt, sold & bought, employed property for the purpose of gain.

tijarah n.f. 2:16, 2:282, 4:29, 9:24, 24:37, 35:29, 61:10, 62:11, 62:11

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 334, 335  ##

ت خ ذ = Ta-Kha-Thaal  = took, receive, took hold, act of taking, aid/assist, prevent/restrain/witheld/captivate/fascinate, gain/earn/accept/acquire, retain/detain, overcame/overpowered/subdued, seize, affect/influence, gain mastery over / slay / kill, destroy/punish/exterminate, took to / commenced / began, a benefit/favour, he made/constituted/appointed, a way or manner of life, a thing taken.
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 335  ##

= Ta-Lam-Kaf (tilka) = This; that.
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 350, refers to 328 & 329  ##

= Ta-Lam-Lam  = To lay down, let down, threw down, drop, lay prostrate, lay one down upon one's kin, neck, cheek, or breast.
Shake, move, agitate, put in state of motion or commotion, rough/severe/vehement.
Sluggish, laziness.
Charge, upbraid, deliver.

talla vb. (I) perf. act. 37:103
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 347, 348  ##

= Ta-Lam-Waw = To follow, walk behind, imitate, pursue, consecutive. To read, recite, peruse, rehearse, declare, meditate.
Sought repeatedly, collect.
Bond or obligation.
One who relieves or aids another in singing.

tala vb. (I)
perf. act. 10:16, 91:2
impf. act. 2:44, 2:102, 2:113, 2:121, 2:129, 2:151, 2:252, 3:58, 3:108, 3:113, 3:164, 6:151, 10:61, 11:17, 13:30, 18:83, 22:72, 27:92, 28:3, 28:45, 28:59, 29:48, 35:29, 39:71, 45:6, 62:2, 65:11, 98:2
impv. 3:93, 5:27, 7:175, 10:71, 18:27, 26:69, 29:45
perf. pass. 8:2
impf. pass. 3:101, 4:127, 5:1, 8:31, 10:15, 17:107, 19:58, 19:73, 22:30, 22:72, 23:66, 23:105, 28:53, 29:51, 31:7, 33:34, 34:43, 45:8, 45:25, 45:31, 46:7, 68:15, 83:13
n.vb. 2:121
pcple. act. f. (taliyat pl. of taliyah) 37:3
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 350, 351, 352  ##

= Ta-Miim-Miim = To be entire/full/whole, blossom, full-grown, complete, perfect, fulfilled, accomplish.
Strong, firm, hard.

tamma vb. (I)
perf. act. 6:115, 7:137, 7:142, 11:119
n.vb. 6:154
atamma vb. (IV)
perf. act. 2:124, 5:3, 7:142, 12:6, 28:27
impf. act. 2:150, 2:233, 5:6, 9:32, 12:6, 16:81, 48:2
impv. 2:187, 2:196, 9:4, 66:8
pcple. act. 61:8
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 352, 353, 354  ##

= Ta-Nun-Ra (tannur) = Spring; ground; face of the earth. Highest part of the earth; place where the water of a valley collects; a circular earthen oven, furnace, fire-place. Shining of dawn.
tannur n.m. 11:40, 23:27
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 355, 356  ##

ت ق ن = Ta-Qaf-Nun = To fatten (a land by watering it with muddy water).
Nature, in born disposition, mud.
To improve a thing, set a thing in good order, do a thing skillfully and thoroughly, fasten a thing, bring to perfection, make a thing in perfect consonance with the purpose to which it has been created.

atqana vb. (IV) - perf. act. 27:88
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 346  ##

ت ق ي = Ta-Qaf-Ya = to fear, be cautious, guarded, prepared, preserve, forethoughtful, reverential & pious fear (of God), righteous/virtuous/just/honest.
see Waw-Qaf-Ya
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 346, 347  ##

= Ta-Ra-Ba = To have much earth, have dust in the hands, dusty, be destitute, poverty, neediness, misery, suffering loss. Poor man intimately acquainted with his mother earth. He sank from the wealth.
Cemetery, burial-place, grave.
Contemporary friend, companion, match/fellow/equal, suiting the age and matching in all other aspects, peer, one having similar tastes/habits/views.
Breast, breast bones, chest, ribs.

atrab n.m. (pl. of tirb) - 38:52, 56:37, 78:33
matrabah n.f. - 90:16
tara'ib n.f. (pl. of taribah) - 86:7, turab n.m. - 2:264, 3:59, 22:5, 30:20, 50:3, 78:40]
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 337, 338  ##

= Ta-Ra-Fa = soft, ease, to lead a delicate life, enjoy good things of life, to bestow the good things of life.
Corrupted, well to do, ungrateful, proud, one whom a life of softness and ease has caused to behave insolently, one whom the exclusive pursuit of pleasures of life has corrupted.

atrafa vb. (IV)
perf. act. 23:33
perf. pass. 11:116, 21:13
pcple. pass. 17:16, 23:64, 34:34, 43:23, 56:45
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 340, 341  ##

ت ر ك = Ta-Ra-Kaf = To leave off, leave alone, abandon/desert/relinquish/quit, forsake, give up anything, neglect, omit, bequeath anything to anyone.
A certain nation, Turks, Turkish.

taraka vb. (I)
perf. act. 2:17, 2:180, 2:248, 2:264, 4:7, 4:7, 4:9, 4:11, 4:11, 4:12, 4:12, 4:12, 4:12, 4:33, 4:176, 4:176, 6:94, 12:17, 12:37, 16:61, 18:99, 23:100, 29:35, 35:45, 37:78, 37:108, 37:119, 37:129, 44:25, 51:37, 54:15, 59:5, 62:11
impf. act. 7:176, 11:87
impv. 44:24
impf. pass. 9:16, 26:146, 29:2, 75:36
pcple. act. 11:12, 11:53, 37:36

Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 341, 342  ##

= Ta-Siin-Ayn (tasa'a) = To be the ninth, nine.
tis'ah n.num. 17:101, 18:25, 27:12, 27:48, 38:23
tis'ata-ashara n.num. 74:30
tisAAun wa tisAAoona / ninety-nine - 38:23
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, pages: 343, 344  ##

= Ta-Waw-Ba = To return; repent; turn one's self in a repentant manner (with ila or without it), turn with mercy (with ala), adapt.
taba vb. (1)
perfect active state: [2:37, 2:54, 2:160, 2:187, 2:279, 3:89, 4:16, 4:18, 4:146, 5:34, 5:39, 5:71, 6:54, 7:143, 7:153, 9:3, 9:5, 9:11, 9:117 (x2), 9:118, 11:112, 16:119, 19:60, 20:82, 20:122, 24:5, 25:70, 25:71, 28:67, 40:7, 46:15, 58:13, 73:20]

imperfect active state - [2:160, 3:128, 4:17 (x2), 4:26, 4:27, 5:39, 5:74, 9:15, 9:27, 9:74, 9:102, 9:106, 9:118, 9:126, 25:71, 33:24, 33:73, 49:11, 66:4, 85:10]
imperative state - [2:54, 2:128, 11:3, 11:52, 11:61, 11:90, 24:31, 66:8, noun verb - 3:90, 4:17, 4:18, 4:92, 9:104, 40:3, 42:25, 66:8, participle active - 9:112, 66:5]
matab, noun masculine - [13:30, 25:71]
tawwab, noun masculine - [2:37, 2:54, 2:128, 2:160, 2:222, 4:16, 4:64, 9:104, 9:118, 24:10, 49:12, 110:3]
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 358  ##

= Ta-Waw-Ra = For dara, with the change of ta with dal: To go round, flow, ran, repeat (an action).
According to Azhari the word is actually Ta'ara, where Hamza is omitted meaning space of time, a time, one time. Return/repeat time after time.
Messenger between people or that goes about between lovers.
Apply constantly.

tarah n.f. 17:69, 20:55
The root of "torah" is disputed, apparently, hence the root below.
Waw-Ra-Ya = made/produce fire, allude to equivocally, ambiguously, meant such a thing pretended another, hide/conceal/cover, behind a thing covering/concealing, aider/follower, The Book of The Law (revealed to Moses).
Tawrat = It is the name given to the Book of Moses. It's correct rendering is the Hebrew word Torah which is derived from wara meaning he concealed. Is so called because in its pristine purity, reading it and acting upon its teachings kindled in the heart the fire of Divine Love.
Also known as the Pentatauch, The Old Testament.

[3:3, 3:48, 3:50, 3:65, 3:93, 5:43, 5:44, 5:46, 5:66, 5:68, 5:110, 7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 61:6, 62:5]
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 359  ##

= Ta-Ya-ha = to wander about distractingly, wander bewildered, deviate, go astray, be perplexed, miss the right way, lost, neglect, become confounded/disordered and confused intellect or mind, magnify oneself, behave proudly or insolently.
taha vb. (1)
yateehoona impf. act. 5:26
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 363  ##

= Ta-Ya-Nun = fig, fig tree; name of a hillock. The fig is a symbol of the era of Adam, of Mosaic day and that of Jesus.
tteeni n.m. 95:1
Lane's Lexicon, Volume 1, page: 362  ##

Next Letter: Tay = ط

Previous Letter: Siin = س

Index (Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an)

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